"Luo Fei, do you know that the publicity team of Shanqiu Foods has come to your magic capital? ... What, you actually said you didn't know? You don't know about such a big thing, what are you doing? Hurry up and tell me I'm keeping an eye on them, they're going to make trouble."

"Nio, what are you talking about? You're not in Wucheng? You're not in Wucheng, what are you doing?... Get the hell out of here and do something!"

"Roland, I want you to contact the dealer in Haicheng immediately... What? You asked me what happened? You said what happened? Our market is going to be taken over by Shanqiu Food..."


Jed kept calling like crazy.

After all the notifications were over, he slumped on the chair and stared blankly ahead, his eyes a little absent-minded.

"Hopefully it's still too late."


Liang's department store headquarters.

Liang Junning who hung up the phone looked at Huang Rumeng and said, "Jed is suspicious of us now."

"Jed has been operating in the capital for these years anyway, and he must have his own connections. It's not too difficult to know what's going on between us and Shanqiu Food."

Huang Rumeng said casually: "Besides, we didn't intend to hide this matter, but I think something must have happened here, otherwise Jed would not suddenly test you for no reason."

"Yeah, something must have happened, otherwise how could Jed be so anxious? Just what is it?"

Liang Junning frowned slightly.

"Dong dong."

At this moment, the door of the office was knocked from the outside, and the secretary walked in, glanced at Huang Rumeng and said respectfully: "Mr. Liang, I just received the news that Zhao Shanhe from Shanqiu Foods immediately contacted eight people after arriving in Shencheng. Jian Zhengkang, the boss of Qiu Company, had a brief meeting, and then the two signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement."


When Liang Junning heard the news, he stood up abruptly and asked in disbelief, "You mean, Zhao Shanhe signed a contract with Jian Zhengkang just after passing by today?"


The secretary said in a deep voice: "You asked me to keep an eye on Zhao Shanhe's whereabouts, so I contacted our people in Shencheng. He told me this news, and this matter has been announced to the public, so I said no." What a secret."

"I see."

Huang Rumeng suddenly realized, and waved at the secretary, who nodded and backed out.

"Let me just say, Jade can't test you for no reason. So this happened. I know about Jian Zhengkang, who is the largest distributor of Green Arrow in Shencheng, and our Liang's Department Store. The status is the same."

"Unexpectedly, Jian Zhengkang was taken down by Zhao Shanhe in this way, and the two reached a comprehensive cooperation agreement. Jian Zhengkang is quite courageous."

"What courage!"

Liang Junning waved his hand disapprovingly, stood in front of the window and said calmly: "He is doing it for profit, as you have heard, what he signed with Zhao Shanhe is a comprehensive cooperation agreement, what is comprehensive? Not only Yile is involved here Chewing gum, as well as Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, non-ferrous metal solder and the recently popular whale swallowing pump.”

"Anyone who does this kind of thing will know how to choose."

"Rumeng, I really regret it now! You said that since I have decided to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe, why should I play a big role? We are businessmen, and businessmen should focus on profits. Such a good cooperation I still want to be a target, but this is good, Zhao Shanhe patted his ass and left, leaving us alone."

After realizing Liang Junning's regret, Huang Rumeng hurriedly comforted him and said, "Mr. Liang, the matter has not reached the point you said. I believe we are still Zhao Shanhe's first partner."

"I hope so."

Liang Junning sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Keep in touch with Shanqiu Food at any time, and I will call Zhao Shanhe to talk about it."

"it is good."

This time it wasn't like last time that no one answered, but got through quickly.

"Director Zhao, it's me!" Liang Junning said excitedly immediately.

"Hello, Mr. Liang." Zhao Shanhe's tone was flat.

"Congratulations, Director Zhao, congratulations on winning the big market in Shencheng." Liang Junning said with a smile.

After saying this, Zhao Shanhe in the hotel suite slowly stood up, walked to the window, looked at the busy street outside, and smiled slightly.

"Mr. Liang, you're welcome. What's your business? I'm a little busy here, so if you have nothing to do, let's do it first."

"I have nothing else to do. I just want to tell you that I have thought about what we said yesterday. Liang's Department Store has decided to sign a comprehensive cooperation agreement with your factory. When you come back, we will sign it immediately." Liang Junning said .

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth grew stronger.

"Mr. Liang really thinks it through?"

"Think clearly."

"No regrets?"

"What do you regret? It is an honor for Liang's Department Store to have the opportunity to cooperate with Director Zhao."

"Okay, let's sign the contract when I go back."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your return."

"That's it, go back and get in touch."

"it is good!"

The call ends here.

After hanging up the phone, Liang Junning seemed to have taken a reassurance, and finally he was able to let out a sigh of relief.

Huang Rumeng was also relieved.

"Liang Junning is in a hurry."

Cai Qian said while listening to the phone call just now.

"If you're in a hurry, just be in a hurry. He's in a hurry and we don't need to be in a hurry."

Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly.

It's not that I didn't give you Liang Junning a chance, it's because you weren't sure.That being the case, then you wait slowly.

Of course, it would be impossible for Zhao Shanhe not to cooperate with Liang Junning directly if he lost his temper.

Not to mention that Liang Junning has stated that he is willing to cooperate, even if he is not willing, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Zhao Shanhe will fight to the end.

Doing business cannot be willful.

"That's right. We have the products in our hands now. As long as we have the products, we don't have to worry about the lack of sales channels. Liang's Department Store is not the only one selling things in the capital. If we don't cooperate with us, it will be his loss."

"However, I guess he should be very anxious now, because Jian Zhengkang has signed a contract after all." Cai Qian said with a smile.

"It's not just him who is anxious."

Zhao Shanhe put the big brother down and said calmly: "With Jian Zhengkang signing the contract, I believe that the negotiations in the remaining cities will also speed up."

"They're not stupid, can't they see how superior the conditions we offer are? Should they choose to hang themselves from the Green Arrow tree, or choose to have a wider forest? This is simply a question for free .”


Cai Qian thought so.

The whole plan to destroy the Green Arrow is actually a set of dominoes, as long as one is knocked down, the rest will fall one after another.Because no one wants to be left behind by others in the pursuit of profit, and they all want to catch up with this wave of opportunities head-on.

A factory that can produce so many hot products, do you dare to say that it will not be able to produce more in the future?

After all, those who sell goods must rely on those who make goods.

"The factory manager..."

Just when Cai Qian was about to speak, Zhao Shanhe's elder brother rang loudly.

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