Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 451 Something went wrong, something big happened!

Beijing Green Arrow headquarters.

After tidying up the things on the desk, Jed said to the female secretary with a gentle smile, "I won't go home tonight, you will accompany me to the hot spring I visited last time."

"Really?" The female secretary Wendy's eyes lit up, her face full of surprise.

"of course it's true."

Jed raised his hand to touch Wendy's chin, and just when he was about to go deeper, the phone on the table suddenly rang harshly.The voice startled him, and he glared fiercely, so upset that he didn't intend to answer it.

But the phone kept ringing.

"Let's pick it up."

Wendy walked over and picked up the phone.


Unexpectedly, as soon as she yelled a word of hello, Karen's eager voice came from the other side.

"Wendy, is Mr. Jed here?"


Wendy handed over the phone meekly: "It's Karen."

"Hey, Karen, what's the matter?" Jed couldn't hide his dissatisfaction and asked angrily.

"Mr. Jed, something has happened, something big has happened!" Karen, who had a strong sense of words and emotions, would definitely be able to hear that there was something wrong in Jed's tone.

But now he doesn't care about it at all.

"What's the big deal? There's such a fuss!" Jed said coldly with a livid face.

"Mr. Jed, we all thought wrong before. The six propaganda groups of Zhao Shanhe didn't mean the six cities they happened to go to. He went there on purpose. His purpose was not to promote Xiang Piao Piao Milk Tea, he It's just to capture our chewing gum market." Karen shouted in a hurry.


Jed couldn't keep calm anymore, and all the anger on his face disappeared, and he asked anxiously, "Karen, do you know what you're talking about? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, I'm sure Zhao Shanhe has declared war on us Green Arrow! He didn't mean to promote milk tea at all, but to deal with us."

"Mr. Jed, what I said is true, because just now, Zhao Shanhe signed a contract with Jian Zhengkang of Baqiu Company, and they have reached a comprehensive cooperation." Karen said heavily, panting heavily.


Jed's mind suddenly felt like a thunderbolt, and his scalp was numb.

What?Zhao Shanhe didn't happen to go to the six main markets, did he go there on purpose?He's there to take over our Green Arrow's chewing gum market!

"Well, Zhao Shanhe, you actually used such a despicable method!"

Jed growled angrily.

"Mr. Jed, here in Shencheng, I will immediately try to find a way to save it, and see if I can persuade Jian Zhengkang not to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe. I will also find other dealers and have a good talk with them."

"But for the rest of the cities, I have nothing to do. Please hurry up and let our people withdraw. Don't open up any new markets. It's important to keep the six major markets first." Karen said while suppressing the panic in his heart. .

"You're right, I'll give the order."

Just as Jed was about to hang up the phone, he held his hand and said in a cold voice: "Karen, listen to me, no matter what, the Shencheng Market must not be lost! It is our first stop in Huaxia, and it is our base camp. If it is lost, the consequences will be disastrous. So you must do your best to keep the Shencheng market for me, understand?"

"Yes! I will do my best."

Karen said loudly, but after hanging up the phone, his whole face suddenly looked as ugly as a bitter melon.

Desperate to do it?How to do it?

Jian Zhengkang has already signed a contract with Zhao Shanhe, and I definitely can't persuade him.And I am also very familiar with people like Jian Zhengkang. He would do this because there must be a lot of profit involved. Under such circumstances, is it possible for you to let him continue to cooperate with Green Arrow?

You only have Green Arrow, but Zhao Shanhe brought out a lot of products.

These products alone can kill you in seconds.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Smith asked cautiously.

"Go find all those dealers for me, and I will talk to them one by one."



Karen was devastated, and Jed was also distraught.

"How could this be?"

Jed walked anxiously up and down the office.

"Could it be that Karen made a big fuss? Maybe Zhao Shanhe just came into contact with Baqiu Company unintentionally, maybe their cooperation didn't include chewing gum, maybe this thing only happened in Shencheng, maybe..."

"To shut up!"

Hearing Wendy's list of possibilities, Jed became more and more angry, and finally roared irritably, grabbed the documents on the table and threw them at Wendy, scaring Wendy's face pale.

"Are you stupid or Zhao Shanhe? Do you think that since he did this, he would only do it in Shencheng? If he only focused on Shencheng, how could he arrange six groups to act together?"


Wendy hesitated to speak.


Jed snorted coldly, picked up the phone and dialed a number. After answering, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he dialed again without a pause. When the other party connected, all his anger was instantly controlled. There was even a gentle smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Liang."

"Hi Mr. Jed."

Liang Junning was not surprised by Jed's call at all, and dealt with it formulaically.

"Mr. Liang, I want to ask you something, and please answer it truthfully." Jed didn't waste time talking, but went straight to the point.

"what's up?"

"You know Zhao Shanhe, right?"


Liang Junning said as a matter of course: "Isn't Yile chewing gum produced by Zhao Shanhe's Shanqiu Foods? This kind of chewing gum is also sold in our capital. Mr. Jed, why do you suddenly think of asking Zhao Shanhe when you are so good-looking. "

"Mr. Liang, I want to ask, you don't mean to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe, do you? You will continue to cooperate with our Green Arrow, right?" Jed asked calmly.

"Mr. Jed, what do you mean by that?"

Liang Junning raised his eyelids slightly, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said unhurriedly, "Haven't we always cooperated well? Why did you suddenly mention this? What? Does Mr. Jed still doubt me?"

"Of course I don't doubt it. There is no such thing. Let me just say that Mr. Liang is definitely the best partner of our Green Arrow. So, Mr. Liang, we haven't sat together for a long time. Let me treat you tonight and come out for a drink? "Jed sent out the invitation deftly.

"Tonight? What a coincidence, I have something to do tonight, how about another day?" Liang Junning refused with a smile.

"Then another day!"

Jed hung up the phone as he said that, and the moment he hung up, his face became angry, and he shouted angrily: "Liang Junning, you bastard, how dare you lie to me!"

"You have already met Zhao Shanhe, but you are still lying to me. What are you trying to do?"

"What should we do now?" Wendy asked cautiously.

"What do you propose?"

Jed glared at Wendy, and started making phone calls after speaking.

After hearing the content of these calls, Wendy's face changed drastically.

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