"Director Zhao, I heard that you are in Shencheng now?"

The call was from Bao Tianhua.


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and said calmly: "I am indeed in Shencheng, Mr. Bao, and you are well-informed about the news."

"What's the matter, of course I know you made such a big commotion this time." Bao Tianhua said.

"What movement?" Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

"Didn't you just sign the contract with Baqiu Company? This matter has been announced to the public, you will never tell me that you don't know about it?" Bao Tianhua laughed.

"I see."

Zhao Shanhe soon felt relieved.

Let me just say, how did Bao Tianhua know that I was in Shencheng so quickly? It's because of this.But it doesn't matter, anyway, it has been decided to be high-profile, so it will be high-profile to the end.

"That's right, I just signed a contract with Baqiu Company."

"I guess Green Arrow is going to cry now, how about it? It's almost time for dinner, how about having dinner together tonight? I happen to have something to tell you." Bao Tianhua said with a smile.

"Tonight, Jane always said that he wants to treat guests. Do you think they are together? Or can we talk about it another day?"

"Then let's go together. Anyway, Jian Zhengkang and I are old friends."

"Okay, let's go together."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe looked at Cai Qian.

"You come with me tonight."


Cai Qian knew that this was Zhao Shanhe's intention to promote himself, otherwise, not everyone could casually attend such an important occasion.Thinking of this, he felt more and more that it was the wisest decision for him to follow Zhao Shanhe.

Because such a thing was impossible in the previous pharmaceutical factory. The pharmaceutical factory was too late to guard against itself, so how could it support it?

There is really no way to compare the pattern of this person and person.

"The factory manager, it's me."

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe received another call, and Yang E's voice came from the big brother.

"Of course I know it's you, why? Yang E, do you have any good news to tell me?" Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"of course."

Yang E's emotions, which she had tried her best to restrain all the time, suddenly burst out, and her voice was trembling with excitement: "Director, I've finished the business here in Shanghai, and Lu's Group, the largest distributor of Green Arrow, has been taken care of by me. I won it, when do you think you can come here to sign the contract?"

"So fast?" Zhao Shanhe said in surprise.

"Yes, it's that fast."

Yang E raised her eyebrows and said excitedly: "Actually, I am still negotiating with the Lu Group, and I also wondered if this matter will be delayed for a while, but what I didn't expect was that just now, they suddenly Tell me you agree to cooperate."

"And not only Yile Chewing Gum, but also Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea and Whale Pump. They all want to cooperate with us."

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed heartily.

"It seems that the signing of Shencheng has shocked the rest of Green Arrow's market. This is a good thing, a great thing. In this way, I will leave for Shanghai tomorrow, and you will pick me up at the Shanghai Airport. "


After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe just wanted to talk to Cai Qian, who would have thought that the phone would ring again.

After the ringing this time, Zhao Shanhe answered three calls at once.

Three phone calls that made him want to sing aloud.

Wucheng, which Li Xiangyang is in charge of.

The city of Hangzhou that Chen Duo is in charge of.

Guo Kaiduan is responsible for Haicheng.

The three major distributors in the three cities were successfully conquered by them respectively, and they all agreed to carry out in-depth and comprehensive cooperation with Shanqiu Food.

"Director, you're going to be busy now." Cai Qian also said happily.

"Yeah, I'm going to be busy. But I like this kind of busyness very much."

Zhao Shanhe took the teacup from Cai Qian's hand, and said playfully, "What I said at the time, I said that as long as we present these advantages, those big dealers will definitely agree to cooperate. Do you see what I said? wrong?"

"Yes, after all, no one will have trouble with money." Cai Qian said.

"This also means the end of Green Arrow!"

Zhao Shanhe drank the tea in the cup slowly.

"Let's just wait and see, the end of Green Arrow is coming."

Cai Qian was in high spirits.


Beijing Green Arrow headquarters.

Jed was really going crazy.

He never dreamed that among the six main markets he had created, except for Liang Junning on the capital side who had an ambiguous attitude, the other five would cooperate with Zhao Shanhe.

He froze in disbelief.

"Mr. Jed, are you listening?"

On the other side of the phone was Luo Fei who was also anxious.

"Luo Fei, listen to me, no matter what you say, you haven't signed a contract with Shanqiu Food. I don't care what method you use, you must stop it. You must not let Shanqiu Food sign a contract with Lu's Group! "Jed gave the order sternly.

"Mr. Jed, this... I'm afraid it will be difficult." Luo Fei's face was full of embarrassment.


Jed tried his best to control his anger, but he couldn't control it any more. He burst out, his face flushed, and he shouted angrily: "I don't want to hear you complaining here, all you have to do is continue to hold Lu Shi down for me." group."

"If you can do it, then you will still be the person in charge of Shanghai. If you can't, before I am taken down by the head office, I guarantee that you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"Yes, I'll go to work right away." Luo Fei hurriedly accepted the order.


Jed yelled crazily for a while, then yelled at Wendy: "What are you doing so stupidly, hurry up and book me a plane ticket to Shencheng, I'm going to Shencheng."


Wendy turned around and hurriedly left.

"Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, it's time for us to have a good talk."

Jed muttered to himself with his lips twitching.


Almost at the same time Jed received the news, Liang Junning also knew about it.And the moment he knew it, even though there were delicious food in front of him, he still lost his appetite all of a sudden.

"Eat, I'm going to do something."

After Liang Junning walked into the study, he called Huang Rumeng's home.

"Did you get the message?"

"Just received it."

Huang Rumeng said with emotion: "Mr. Liang, this Zhao Shanhe is simply too powerful. Just like what he said, he actually knocked down the Green Arrow in one fell swoop."

"Modu, Shencheng, Wucheng, Haicheng, Hangcheng, if you count us in Beijing, Green Arrow is really going to cry now, their territory has been completely captured by Zhao Shanhe."

"Who said no?"

Liang Junning picked up a cigarette and lit it.

"Well, you arrange it, and we will go to Shencheng tomorrow."

"Go to Shencheng? What are you doing there?" Huang Rumeng asked puzzled.

"Of course I went to Zhao Shanhe to sign the contract."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Liang Junning's mouth, and he said helplessly: "If I guess correctly, Zhao Shanhe will definitely go to other cities to sign contracts in the next few days, and our capital city should be arranged by him as the last stop."

"I'm not afraid of the last stop, the scary thing is..."

Thinking of the news he just received, Liang Junning couldn't help but become very dignified.

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