Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 438 Ming Xiu Plank Road Darkness Chen Cang

"What's the problem?" Zhao Shanhe looked over and asked.

"How do we declare war?"

Cai Qian sat up straight and asked emotionally: "I mean, are we declaring war with great fanfare, or are we planning it secretly, and then suddenly strike and seal the throat with a sword?"

"That's a good question."

Zhao Shanhe nodded appreciatively, and said unhurriedly: "Since we are going to destroy the Green Arrow, we naturally want to obtain the greatest results at the least cost, and all of our efforts will be accomplished in one battle."

"As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of deceit, and if you make a big fanfare, you will definitely scare the snake. Then Green Arrow will definitely take precautions and increase the difficulty of our mission for no reason, don't you think?"

"Then make arrangements secretly." Cai Qian said decisively.

"I mean Mingxiu plank road and dark Chencang."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips.

"Ming repairing the plank road and secretly keeping Chencang?"

Cai Qian couldn't help being stunned.

Li Xiangyang and the others raised their eyebrows one after another.

But soon they all woke up from their daze, and then looked at Zhao Shanhe with eyes full of admiration, Cai Qian made no secret of his admiration, gave Zhao Shanhe a thumbs up, nodded his head and said emotionally : "Director, you are amazing."

"Think of it?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"I thought of it, the Mingxiu plank road you mentioned should refer to the promotion of our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, and the dark Chencang refers to the article of using milk tea to destroy the green arrow, right?" Cai Qian laughed.

"Yes, that's what it means. Now everyone knows that Shanqiu Food's main product is Xiangpiaopiao milk tea. Our milk tea shines at the exchange meeting, and we even put advertisements on CCTV. So even if we make a big splash in six cities Green Arrow won't think too much about the layout, it will only think that we are promoting milk tea."

"Actually, we are indeed promoting milk tea."

Zhao Shanhe paced back and forth in the office, and said energetically: "Listen all of you, although we say we want to make a fuss by promoting Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, but this promotion is not perfunctory, it is to It is in place. After all, our milk tea really needs to increase its popularity and open up a market."

"In this way, even if Green Arrow knows about our layout, he won't think too much about it."

"Only in this way can our plan of repairing the plank road and hiding the warehouse in the dark be successful."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe suddenly stopped in front of the desk, and suddenly turned his head to look at everyone, his eyes were shining brightly.

"In this way, I suddenly thought that since we want to promote Xiang Piaopiao milk tea, when you negotiate with those sellers, you can also offer them milk tea as a condition."

"Just say that as long as they are willing to sign a contract with Yile, they will be allowed to represent Xiang Piaopiao first."


Li Xiangyang stood up from the sofa in a jerk, and said happily: "Those sellers are local figures with all-hands-on-hands and eyes. Let's take Xiang Piao Piao to them as an agent, and they will definitely be able to sell them in the shortest time. So First, they and we can both benefit, kill two birds with one stone, a safe win-win situation."

"That's right, with Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea's assist, I believe it's even better." Cai Qian laughed.

"Then it's settled."

Zhao Shanhe made a decision on the spot.

"Director, who will be in charge of this operation?" Yang E asked.

"One city, one person."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Cai Qian and you are in charge of Shencheng."


Cai Qian stood up and took orders loudly.

"Yang E, you are in charge of Shanghai."


"Xiangyang, you are in charge of Wucheng."


"For the rest of Haicheng and Hangcheng, I plan to let Lao Guo be in charge of Haicheng, and Chen Duo will be in charge of Hangcheng."

"What about the capital?" Li Xiangyang asked.


Zhao Shanhe pointed to his nose and said with a smile, "I will personally go to the capital to sit in charge."

"In this way, we will go to war in six cities at the same time, and we must drive Green Arrow out of our Chinese market in one fell swoop."

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang and the others nodded and each took orders.

"What about me?"

After Li Qiuya saw that there was nothing of her own in the whole plan, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Qiuya, we can't all go out to do this. Someone has to be in charge at home. Otherwise, the few of us were fighting outside, but our hometown was taken over by the Green Arrow. Wouldn't it be a big deal? joke?"

Zhao Shanhe said in a soothing tone: "So you stay at home and watch over the house for us."

"What I'm saying is, Manager Li, chaos can happen anywhere, but not at home. To know whether our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea can be successfully promoted, in the final analysis, it depends on whether our production can be guaranteed."

"Don't let us advertise well outside and come back with a bunch of orders, but the production progress at home can't keep up, then it should be a bad thing." Cai Qian said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll take command at home and watch over this house for you."

Li Qiuya also understood the stakes, she didn't want to be pretentious anymore, she agreed without hesitation.

"Let's talk about the plan in detail."

"it is good!"

After another half an hour, the meeting was considered over.

When Zhao Shanhe put down the plan in his hand, he said in a deep voice: "As the saying goes, knowing yourself and your enemy is invincible. Now we all know the situation of Green Arrow. Then the next thing to do is to know your friends. You have a week Time to form a team."

"After a week, each will lead the team to their respective cities."

"Remember, keep in touch at any time, and communicate with me in time for any situation. The last thing I want to say is, believe that victory will always belong to us!"

"Victory is always ours."

Li Xiangyang and the others raised their fists and shouted excitedly, then they all took their leave and left to prepare.

When there were only two people left here, Zhao Shanhe smiled at Li Qiuya and said, "Qiuya, I will work hard for you in the next period of time. If you have any problems at work, you can communicate with Xiao Mingyu and Gao Shaoyuan at any time." , with the two of them here, I believe that even if there is a problem, it can be resolved."

"I know."

Li Qiuya nodded.

"Then go to work." Zhao Shanhe said softly.

"it is good!"

In the next two days, Zhao Shanhe started to work step by step.

Shanqiu Foods is working overtime to produce Xiangpiaopiao milk tea.

Yile chewing gum and popsicles are also being carried out simultaneously in the headquarters and the new Nanjue factory.

Hetu Manufacturing is no exception.

Non-ferrous metal solder is being produced in an orderly manner at Jiuquan Manufacturing Branch.

The main focus of Hetu Manufacturing is the Whale Pump.

With the OEMs of two machinery factories, Hongxing and Changzheng, the production progress of the Whale Pump has not been delayed, but has been sprinting faster than before.

Everything is moving forward in order.

It wasn't until the end of the day that a person walked into Zhao Shanhe's office, which woke up Zhao Shanhe who was busy at work. He looked up and looked a little surprised.

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