He is Lin Chaoyang.

"Shanhe, won't you delay your work?" Lin Chaoyang asked with a somewhat embarrassed expression after walking in.

"Brother Chaoyang, why are you here? Come on, sit down quickly."

Zhao Shanhe quickly stood up from his chair and greeted him.

The reason why he was so enthusiastic was because he knew about Lin Chaoyang's changes, and knew that after his cousin came out of prison, he had really changed his mind and started a new life, and he no longer only knew about eating, drinking and having fun like before.

Zhao Shanhe is satisfied with such Lin Chaoyang and is willing to respect him.

People are not sages and sages, so there is nothing wrong with it, and there is nothing good in it that can be corrected.

As long as he made a mistake and is willing to correct it, Zhao Shanhe will of course give him a chance.After all, Lin Chaoyang is his cousin, his mother's natal family, so he can kill him with a stick.

"Don't worry about it, I'm here to see you, and I want to say thank you by the way." Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

"Why are you being polite to me, and why don't you say thank you."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, poured a glass of water, and asked, "How is it? You've been doing well these days, right? Can all the things I gave you be sold?"

"Of course!"

When Lin Chaoyang said this, he immediately became excited, and said excitedly: "Let me tell you, the products produced by your Shanqiu Foods are not worried about selling at all. I have been selling very well these days, so you see, I’m here to buy some more goods today, and by the way, I’ll settle the payment I owed earlier. Of course, the most important thing is to come and see you.”

"It's fine if you can sell it, but I heard that your business is to drive a truck to deliver goods to those small shops, and sell everything to them to make a difference, right?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Yes." Lin Chaoyang nodded.

"In this case, although you can make money, the technical content is too low and there is no great future. It is no problem to use it for practice at the beginning. If it goes on like this, I don't recommend you to do this."

Zhao Shanhe turned the teacup in his hand and said slowly.

"But if I don't do this, what else can I do? You know me too. As a person who has been in prison, it would be nice to have a job." Lin Chaoyang's tone suddenly became bitter when he said this.

"What's wrong with being in prison? You did something wrong, but you also paid the price. Now that the prison is over, the previous things are over, and we have to see what happens in the future."

After saying that, Zhao Shanhe stood up and walked to the desk.

"Brother Chaoyang, are you okay tonight?"

"No." Lin Chaoyang shook his head.

"Okay then, I'll arrange it."

Zhao Shanhe dialed Luo Quanjing's phone as he spoke, and when the phone was connected there, the two talked a few words, then Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone and said directly: "Let's go, let's go to the city, I'll take You go see someone."

"Go to the city to meet someone? Who?" Lin Chaoyang was stunned.

"A very interesting investor."

Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly, raised his hand and said, "His name is Luo Quanjing."


A restaurant near Heping Road Market in Handong City.

Zhao Shanhe looked at the table of dishes in front of him, and said with a smile: "Boss Luo, why are you so absent-minded? Let's make an agreement, I'll treat you tonight."

"Director Zhao, what you said is so eloquent, isn't it just a meal? What are you robbing me of? Let me tell you, I have wanted to treat you to this meal for a long time, but you I'm so busy that my heels don't touch the ground, I can't get in line."

"Since it's hard for me to be ranked today, you have to give me this opportunity for whatever you say, and let me express my gratitude."

Luo Quanjing's scene is beautifully spoken, which makes you feel very comfortable listening to it.

"Thank you? Boss Luo, you are too polite. How can I thank you?" Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Of course, for more than a year, if I hadn't relied on your support, would I have been able to do so smoothly?" Luo Quanjing said, and got up to pour tea for Zhao Shanhe respectfully.

"Let me do it!" Lin Chaoyang stood up and wanted to snatch the teapot from Luo Quanjing's hand.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Facing Lin Chaoyang's fight, Luo Quanjing smiled slightly, asked him to sit down and said, "Mr. Lin, since you are the cousin of Director Zhao, then everyone is not an outsider, so there is no need to be polite to me."

"Boss Luo, don't call me Mr. What, just call me by my name." Lin Chaoyang said hurriedly, waving his hands.

"all the same."

Luo Quanjing poured tea, sat down, pointed to the dishes in front of him and said with a smile: "Director Zhao, Chaoyang, take a look, these are the signature dishes of this restaurant, especially this little fried chicken. We all use them Local chickens are raised locally to ensure fresh and tender meat.”

"Oh? Then I have to taste it." Zhao Shanhe picked up the chopsticks with a smile.

"Okay, try them all."

After a few glasses of wine, Zhao Shanhe directly told about Lin Chaoyang, the meaning was very simple, just like what he said at the exchange meeting before, he wanted Luo Quanjing to help guide him.

"no problem."

Luo Quanjing waved his hand without hesitation, and said with a big smile, "Isn't it just to help take care of it? What a big deal. Director Zhao, don't worry about this matter, I will definitely take care of it for you."

"Then please."

Zhao Shanhe raised his glass and stood up.

"It should." Luo Quanjing also stood up quickly, and after clinking glasses with Zhao Shanhe, the two drank the wine in the glass together.

In a few words, the matter was finalized.

After drinking, Zhao Shanhe took Lin Chaoyang back, and said to him in the car: "Luo Quanjing is the smartest businessman I have ever seen in this kind of investment business, you follow him, you have to study hard. You must learn his routines, his sales philosophy, investment vision, and his ability to deal with people."

"In this way, it is much more promising than if you only know about delivery."

"I know."

Lin Chaoyang nodded and said gratefully: "Shanhe, thank you so much for this matter. If it weren't for you, Luo Quanjing would definitely not agree to take me. It's all about your face."

"Ha ha."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly and didn't say much.

There are some words, it is best to point them to the end, there is no need to say them thoroughly.Luo Quanjing did agree to take Lin Chaoyang because of his own face, but did he really care about face?


What he cared about was Zhao Shanhe's identity, and what he cared about was being able to get closer to Zhao Shanhe by relying on Lin Chaoyang. Among other things, at least it would be easier to get goods in the future.

Of course, this is how the network is accumulated, and only in this way can the road be wider and wider.

And do you think Lin Chaoyang doesn't know about this?He is also very clear, he knows what Luo Quanjing wants better than anyone else, but this is also normal.It is only right that Luo Quanjing has plans, if he says that he has no desires and desires, there will be problems.

"Shanhe, I will do well."

Looking at Zhao Shanhe's profile and listening to what Zhao Shanhe said, Lin Chaoyang said secretly in his heart.


at the same time.

Suddenly, a jeep drove into Zhenghe County at high speed in the night, stopped in front of a guest house, and then got out of the car, a woman dressed in fashion and with an elegant demeanor.

She glanced at the guest house in front of her, frowned, carried her purse, and walked in with her head held high.

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