"Ruoqing, why are you here?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help asking.

"Oh, I came here with my dad."

Du Ruoqing let the middle-aged man out sideways, and said with a smile: "Let me introduce you, Dad, this is Zhao Shanhe, the founder of Zhao Ji Shaved Ice, as I told you before."

"Brother Shanhe, this is my father."

"Hello, Uncle Du!" Zhao Shanhe said politely.

"Hi, young man, I'm Du Jingming." The middle-aged man nodded in response.


The moment Zhao Shanhe heard the name, he couldn't help being stunned, and when he looked at Du Jingming again, his expression was surprised.

"You are County Magistrate Du?"

"Why, you don't know me?"

Du Jingming was also a little surprised.

In his opinion, like Chen Haiquan, Zhao Shanhe knew his identity, so he deliberately approached Du Ruoqing.The purpose is also very simple, just want to take a shortcut.

But seeing Zhao Shanhe's appearance now, it's clear that he really doesn't know him.

Could it be that I guessed wrong?

Zhao Shanhe didn't even know his relationship with Du Ruoqing?He knew Du Ruoqing for no other reason at all, and he didn't say that he wanted to use Du Ruoqing to climb up to him?

"Magistrate Du, I've heard of your name, but I've never seen it before. Today is the first time we meet."

"I really don't know the relationship between you and Ruoqing, I just treat Ruoqing as a younger sister. My wife also likes Ruoqing very much, and they have a good relationship." Zhao Shanhe explained frankly.


Zhao Shanhe actually got married.

Hearing this, Du Jingming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and when he looked at Zhao Shanhe again, his eyes became much gentler.

Speaking of which, Du Jingming is no stranger to Zhao Shanhe, because Du Ruoqing has talked about Zhao Shanhe several times at home, saying that the shaved ice he made is very delicious, and it has already caused a stir in Zhenghe County.

Because of this matter, Du Jingming really had someone investigate, and when he knew that the shaved ice had really swept the entire county, he was also very interested in Zhao Shanhe.

It's just that I haven't had a chance to meet each other all this time, and I didn't expect to meet here.

"That's right, Dad, sister Qiuya is very nice." Du Ruoqing said with a smile as she put her arms around her father's arm.

"it is good!"

Du Jingming didn't intend to continue talking about this topic, but asked: "Zhao Shanhe, what are you doing here?"

"County Du, it's like this. I don't do shaved ice business anymore. You can guess the reason. It's just that shaved ice is everywhere, and I don't make any money anymore."

"Then I bought the ice factory in our county. I don't want to take advantage of this special product promotion meeting to try my luck and see if I can sell the new products produced by our factory." Zhao Shanhe Said succinctly.

"Did you buy that ice factory?"

Du Jingming was a little surprised.

He knew the situation of the ice factory. It was okay in the early years, but in recent years, it was not well managed and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

No one wanted such an ice factory at all, but who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would actually buy it.

That's kind of interesting.

Should I say that Zhao Shanhe is brave enough, or should I say that he is too arrogant?

"Yes, I bought it, and now it's called Shanqiu Beverage Factory." Zhao Shanhe nodded and said.

"Brother Shanhe, what products does your factory produce?" Du Ruoqing asked curiously.

"This is it!"

As Zhao Shanhe said, he took out a pack of popsicles from his purse and handed them over, "Ruoqing, what we produce are Shanqiu popsicles, you just take them home and try them."

"Ice Popsicle?"

Du Ruoqing took it curiously, "Since it was produced by Brother Shanhe, I'll try it when I get back."

"Our county doesn't seem to have given you Shanqiu beverage exhibition quota?" Du Jingming asked with a frown.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said with a self-deprecating smile: "After all, Shanqiu Beverage has just been established, and the products have not been produced for a long time, so we are not qualified to participate in the exhibition."

"I also went to the Commerce and Trade Bureau to ask about it, and they said it was useless. I just thought, don't bother the comrades of our County Commerce and Trade Bureau, just come here and try your luck."

It turned out to be the case.

Du Jingming suddenly realized.

"If there is no quota, you can't get in." Du Jingming said.

"Yes, I know this too. Isn't this just to try my luck? It seems that my luck is not good. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I can't get in. I'll think of another way."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"In this case!"

Just when Du Jingming was hesitating, Du Ruoqing said, "Dad, why don't we help brother Shanhe, anyway, the one he sells won't take up much space."

"If he can succeed, isn't that also the result of our Zhenghe County? Don't you think so?"

These last words moved Du Jingming.

To be honest, although he said that he brought four companies to participate in the exhibition, it is not clear whether these four companies can sign orders.

Zhao Shanhena in front of him, since he can tinker with shaving ice, a business that occupies the entire county, I believe he has some skills.

Consider it an investment!

Zhao Shanhe can do the best, it doesn't matter if he can't.

"Zhao Shanhe, you don't have to wait here. I'll make a call later. When the time comes, come to the office and find someone named Song Siming. He will let you in." Du Jingming said flatly.

"Thank you so much, County Magistrate Du!" Zhao Shanhe said overjoyed.

"I hope you don't let me down, Xiaoqing, let's go!" Du Jingming said.

"it is good!"

After Du Ruoqing made a cheering gesture to Zhao Shanhe, she followed Du Jingming and left.

This is really a good job for someone in the court.

"It seems that the county magistrate Du is also a secretive person, otherwise how could he solve this matter with one phone call."

"Factory Manager!"

While Zhao Shanhe was pondering, Wu Jianjun came out from the inside, sweating profusely and said, "Director, I got something."

"Then get ready, let's enter the arena later."

Zhao Shanhe took the list, turned around and walked out.


Wu Jianjun was stunned, what's going on?

Half an hour later, Zhao Shanhe got the pass from the office Song Siming.

It's just that although he said he had obtained the pass, Song Siming said it very bluntly. He said that because Zhao Shanhe was temporarily added, there would be no special booth in the stadium.

What Zhao Shanhe can do is to see if there is any space available, and set up a stall there.

Zhao Shanhe understands this.

After all, I'm a queue jumper, so it's not bad to be able to come in, but I still want the best position, is it possible?

And this already surprised Wu Jianjun. He originally thought that this time it would be completely useless, so he could only hang around outside the stadium to try his luck.

As far as this is concerned, Zhao Shanhe is much better than Wang Changyun, the former director of the ice factory.

He secretly murmured in his heart: Maybe following such a factory manager, we might be able to create miracles.

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