Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 41 I Can't Forget It

"Hehe, isn't this Zhao Shanhe? Why are you here?"

After Huang Hu was slightly stunned, he walked over with a playful smile, showing an expression of undisguised contempt.

"Why, do I still need to report to you if I'm here?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his head and glanced at the other party, and said calmly.

"Tsk tsk, you are also a factory manager anyway, why did you report to me, I said, you should be here for the promotion of special products, right? You want to sell some cold drinks you have been messing around with?" Huang Hu said with a roll of his eyes. .

It's not hard to guess.

After all, Huang Hu has been staring at the ice factory all the time, so he can naturally think that Zhao Shanhe came all the way here just to try his luck.

Although he still doesn't know what products Zhao Shanhe wants to promote, but those are not important.

The important thing is that it is impossible for Zhao Shanhe to succeed at all.

A person who doesn't even have an entry ticket and wants to promote his own products is not a dream.

Zhao Shanhe didn't answer.

"I would like to advise you, don't waste your time here. If you have the time, you might as well go back quickly and find a way to sell some in the streets, so that you can at least get back some of your money."

Huang Hu said with contempt.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs." Zhao Shanhe said indifferently.

"Worrying about you? Are you worthy of me worrying?"

Huang Hu said proudly, then leaned over to stare at Zhao Shanhe, and said in a low voice: "Zhao Shanhe, show you a clear way, if you really can't do it, sell your factory to me, I will see In the face of our classmates, I will give you more money."

"No need." Zhao Shanhe said noncommittally.

"Hehe, so confident, let's wait and see!"

After Huang Hu finished speaking, he walked proudly to the second floor.

Several people around him also followed, and they also looked at Zhao Shanhe rather unkindly.

"Director, are you classmates with this Huang Hu?" Wu Jianjun asked looking at Huang Hu's back.

"High school classmate." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Since he is a classmate, why does he talk like that? Such a person is also worthy of being a classmate?"

"Hmph, what did you say that you want to buy our factory, factory manager, let me tell you this, don't fall for his aggressive tactics, he just said that on purpose, just to make you angry." Wu Jianjun said indignantly.

"I know! I also know that he has been playing tricks on our beverage factory all the time. But I won't engage in any disputes with him. He sells his canned food, and we sell our popsicles. Well water doesn't violate river water. "

Zhao Shanhe said casually.

"Yes, well water does not violate river water." Wu Jianjun nodded.

"Let's eat!"

Zhao Shanhe picked up his chopsticks and started to eat, but Wu Jianjun didn't know, there was still a word in his heart that he didn't say, who said that well water can't violate river water?

Sooner or later, my well water will invade the river water of your Huang family.

In the box on the second floor.

"Boss Huang, who was that person just now?" Someone asked.

"It's okay, an inconspicuous little person, after relying on his cleverness to make a fortune, he doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, so he wants to promote and make money. Is this really a vegetable market?"

Huang Hu said disapprovingly, he didn't even intend to introduce Zhao Shanhe's name.

"Hehe, everyone wants to get rich these days!"

"If you want to get rich, you have to have that fate!"

"Whoever he is, let's drink."


After lunch, Zhao Shanhe took Wu Jianjun and left the hotel. They didn't have the mind to go shopping, so they went directly to the venue of the promotion meeting: Zhongzhou Gymnasium.

Because the promotion meeting will start tomorrow, it is very lively here today.The Zhongzhou Commerce and Trade Bureau, which is in charge of the promotion meeting, also set up an office here.

No matter who it is, if you want to enter the exhibition, you must nod from the office.

But after Zhao Shanhe came here, he found that there were many people who had the same idea as him, and they were not qualified to participate, and they all came here to try their luck.

Unfortunately, this luck is out of the question.

The attitude of the office is very clear. Unless there is a quota issued uniformly in the province, no one can get away with it.

Quota is one thing, and another thing is that Zhao Shanhe finally saw what it means to have someone beyond others and someone beyond the sky.

He does have strong confidence in the popsicles he brought, but having confidence does not mean that he will look down on other specialties.

Especially the background of these special products is still so big, they are often provincial enterprises, prefecture-level enterprises, and even group companies with national prefixes.

Under such circumstances, who would care about a small factory like Shanqiu Beverage?

Not to mention you, even a county-level enterprise dare not say how competitive it is.

"how is the situation?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at Wu Jianjun who had finally squeezed out of the crowd and asked anxiously.

"No play!"

Wu Jianjun shook his head, disappointed, and said with a sigh: "I squeezed in, but when they saw our information, they threw it out to me, saying that we did not meet the standards for participating in the promotion meeting."

"Factory manager, if not, let's forget about it, and those companies that are much larger than ours will also be kicked out."

"It can't be done like this!"

Zhao Shanhe glared and said: "We came here with great difficulty, how can we let it go like this. It's okay, didn't we have a backup plan before we came here?"

"Even if you can't get in, you can still sell things outside. In this way, it shouldn't be difficult for you to find a way to make a list of people who will come to the promotion meeting, right?"

"This should work, I'll think of a way." Wu Jianjun said.

"Then hurry up!"

Zhao Shanhe stuffed Wu Jianjun with two packs of cigarettes and said in a low voice, "Don't be reluctant to spend money, you have to spend money at this time, and if you don't want children, you won't be able to trap wolves."


As soon as Wu Jianjun gritted his teeth and turned his head, he got into the crowd again.

"Fortunately, I still have a plan b!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to be downcast, but still had high morale.

Because he knew that in this era of scarce supplies, as long as he took out his popsicles, as long as the other party was a discerning businessman, he would definitely be able to impress the other party.

How can a businessman not make a profit?

With such a profitable product, who can not be tempted.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe pricked up his ears and listened to the conversations of the people around him.Every news that comes out here is first-hand and cannot be ignored.

"Brother Shanhe!"

Just as Zhao Shanhe was sifting through the news with his heart, a surprised shout suddenly came from his ear.He turned his head abruptly, and when he saw who was calling him, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

how is she?

Appearing in front of Zhao Shanhe was Du Ruoqing, a regular customer who used to buy shaved ice.

Since she basically came to buy it every day, the two of them became friends.

It's just that the person accompanying Du Ruoqing at this time is not Chen Haiquan, but a middle-aged man.

The man was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, the standard official dress.

He didn't seem to expect that Du Ruoqing would run into someone he knew here, and after being slightly surprised, he looked over with guarded eyes.

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