Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 43 Marketing Strategy Matters

"Old Wu, let's stay here!"

After finally finding an open space, Zhao Shanhe hurriedly arranged it.

Because the promotion meeting will start tomorrow, I say that the booth should be tidied up no matter what.

"Old Wu, I'll leave it to you here, I'll go around."

"Good factory manager, don't worry!" Wu Jianjun responded quickly.

In the following time, Zhao Shanhe started wandering around the stadium.

During this kind of wandering, he found that although the special product promotion meeting was held this time, the special product did not refer to food, but also things from other industries.

It seems that the meaning of the province is also very straightforward, that is, to cast a wide net and sell whatever can be sold.

Food area!Tobacco area!Hardware District!Crafts area!Daily necessities area!

There are many such areas.

I just don't know which area will be the champion after the promotion meeting starts tomorrow.

"Old Wu, let's go back."

After returning from a circle, Zhao Shanhe greeted Wu Jianjun to leave the venue.

Today they have to recharge their batteries for tomorrow's highlight.

The next day.

The promotion of special products in Eastern Province started on time.

There are many people who come here today, and they are all businessmen from all over the country, all in order to see if there are any new products that are in the market.

If they find a suitable one, they will naturally have to hurry up and purchase it.

Everyone at each booth was excited and waiting with anticipation.

Zhao Shanhe is no exception.

But he soon discovered a very serious problem, that is, no one cares about him here.

Those wandering businessmen went to those large-scale booths, and a few came to them.It's just that as soon as I saw such a shabby booth, I turned around and left without even asking a word.

Time passed by like this.

After half a day passed, the booth of Shanqiu Beverage Factory was still empty.

Wu Jianjun couldn't help being a little anxious, and couldn't help but ask: "Director, these people don't even take a look at it, is there anything we can do here? Can that popsicle be sold?"

"Don't worry, wait a little longer."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said calmly.

Who would have thought that waiting would be a day.

When it was over, no one came.

This made Wu Jianjun very anxious.

"Director, what shall we do?"

"Go back to eat."

Zhao Shanhe packed his things calmly.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe like this, Wu Jianjun didn't ask any more questions.

What else?Isn't that obvious enough?The factory manager is out of luck.

Well, take this trip as a lesson for spending money!

the next day.

As soon as the two of them packed up their things and were ready to go to the venue, Zhao Shanhe said that he had something to do and asked Wu Jianjun to go over and watch first.

What Wu Jianjun could say was to obey orders.

It's just that he thought Zhao Shanhe would come over soon, who would have waited until ten o'clock, but even so, Zhao Shanhe still didn't show up.

This surprised Wu Jianjun.

"Director, where have you been? You won't see that there is no order and you have left?"

Entrance to the stadium.

"Boss, our factory is holding activities recently, please take a look."

"Sir, have you ever had a popsicle?"

"Special offer, big bargain, wholesale price is absolutely favorable!"


A few girls in bright dresses are enthusiastically distributing leaflets. All the people who walk into the venue, whether they are exhibitors selling things or businessmen who are talking about buying things, will subconsciously look at them as long as they pass by them. Then take advantage of the opportunity to take over the promotional page.

This is the beauty effect.

They were also one of the reasons why Zhao Shanhe was late.

My booth is out of the way, no one cares, right?That's good, I'll let you all know my booth, and let you find it on your own initiative, I still don't believe it, with these beauties here, you are not tempted at all?

It's okay not to be tempted, as long as you know my popsicles.

Because I still have plans.

After Zhao Shanhe walked past these beauties, he strode to the booth.

"Hey, factory manager, what are you moving here?"

After seeing Zhao Shanhe carrying a box, Wu Jianjun hurried forward to take it.

"Ice Popsicle?"

"Yes, it's our popsicles. I've already frozen all of them. This box of popsicles is here. If anyone comes to see them later, I'll give them a taste. Two boxes of frozen popsicles will be sent outside later. I agreed with those who distributed leaflets outside, and they will also distribute it for free."

"Come on, don't say anything else, hang up our banner quickly."

As he spoke, Zhao Shanhe took out a freshly finished red banner from his backpack.


Wu Jianjun hung it up in a daze, and then his eyes lit up when he saw what was written on it.This advertisement is very creative, just for this, it will attract many people.

"Shanqiu popsicles, the heart is cool, and the heart is flying."

"You are half me and half, you are my good playmate!"

"Director, did you think of all these?" Wu Jianjun asked in surprise.

"Yes, looks okay?" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"What's ok, it's quite ok!"

Wu Jianjun said excitedly: "You are half of me and half of me, you are my good playmate! This is simply an advertisement tailor-made for our popsicles, it sounds very pleasant to the ears!"

"Really? Then let's do it!" Zhao Shanhe said and took out a stack of leaflets.

"Let's not be idle, let's start."

"it is good!"



A middle-aged man came to the entrance of the stadium, holding a leather bag in his hand, wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and two mustaches circling around. Just by looking at his eyes, he must be a shrewd man. people.

His name is Luo Quanjing, he is a businessman who came to participate in the promotion meeting of special products, and his business is to dump products.

He doesn't hoard goods, but as long as they can be sold for money, he resells them.

Relying on this in the past two years, it can be regarded as making a fortune.I didn't know there was a promotion meeting here, so I hurried over to participate.I couldn't come yesterday because of temporary business, so I woke up today and came here for a walk.

Because he came out a little anxious, so he said he was a little dry.

And just when he was thinking about where there is water to drink, a beautiful woman walked over and handed over a popsicle with a smile on her face.

"Boss, our company is holding an event. This is our new popsicle. Would you like to try one?"

"Ice Popsicle?"

Luo Quanjing took it curiously.

"How do you cut this without scissors?"

"Boss, you don't need scissors for this one, just cut it off from the middle." The beauty smiled and broke one.

"Well, it's quite convenient."

Luo Quanjing also opened it directly, and with the mentality of trying it out, just took a bite, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and then he ate half of it, and asked anxiously: "You said this is a new product produced by your company? The product?"

"Yes, our company just produced it." The beauty smiled and handed over a flyer.

"Our booth is at the innermost part of the gymnasium. You can see it when you walk in. We are the only one selling popsicles in the entire gymnasium, so you can't find the wrong one, boss."

The beauty's small mouth is so sweet, she shouted to the boss one by one.

If this was normal, Luo Quanjing might be sloppy, but now his whole heart has been attracted by the popsicles.

This popsicle is so delicious, his intuition tells him that this thing will definitely be popular, so he has to hurry up and place an order now, lest it will be gone if it is too late.

"it is good!"

Luo Quanjing hurried in.

Like Luo Quanjing, there were also a few people who felt good after eating the popsicles, and rushed to the booth of Shanqiu Beverage Factory with great interest.

The Shanqiu Beverage Factory, which had been neglected for a long time, suddenly became popular.


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