CCTV Advertising Department.

Zhao Shanhe was already very familiar with this place, because he had already greeted him in advance, so he said that he met Wen Mingtang, the director of the advertising department, and the two sat and talked in the office.

Naturally, it was an ad for Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea.

Wen Mingtang flipped through the documents Zhao Shanhe handed over, and asked with some surprise: "Director Zhao, you seem to be developing new products a little too fast. I thought you would always stick to Yile Chewing Gum."

"The market for Yile chewing gum has basically matured, so we wanted to do something else. After all, we can't always rely on our laurels. People, we have to look forward." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"That's right, people have immediate worries without long-term considerations. It's really amazing that you can think of these things."

After speaking, Wen Mingtang handed the documents to Yang Jue.

"You go through the process."


In fact, the materials of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea had already been handed over to the advertising department of CCTV according to the procedure. Zhao Shanhe came here today just to go through the process.As for advertising fees, Wen Mingtang has already discussed with Zhao Shanhe.

60 million for half a year.

Although this price is a bit more expensive than Yile chewing gum, Zhao Shanhe also knows that this is the current market price, and Wen Mingtang doesn't want to talk about it.Even Wen Mingtang could raise the price if he wanted to.

People didn't do this, which is already very interesting.

"Director Zhao, are you confident in this Xiangpiaopiao milk tea?" Wen Mingtang asked curiously.


Zhao Shanhe is willing to talk about this matter with Wen Mingtang. After all, Wen Mingtang's status is a bit special. If even he can't conquer this advertisement, even if it is put on CCTV, there will be troubles.

"Director Wen, this milk tea developed by Shanqiu Foods is a unique new product in our country at present."

"Although milk tea is not rare, this cup of ready-to-brew milk tea is our innovation. Even for this innovation, our Shanqiu Foods specially organized a warm-up event in Zhongzhou City, Eastern Province."

"Facts have proved that the warm-up was very successful."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"It's also because the warm-up was successful that I dared to come to you and place an advertisement on our CCTV."

"If you say that, I know it well."

Wen Mingtang smiled reassuringly, and changed the subject: "Actually, I've wanted to chat with you a long time ago, but the chat wasn't about advertisements, but about your flood relief efforts in Suzhou."

"You don't know yet, do you? Your heroic deeds over there have been reported to CCTV. Some time ago, CCTV wanted to do an exclusive interview with you."

"Isn't that so, still an interview?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently, "Director Wen, to be honest, I went to Jiangsu Province to fight floods and rescue disasters, and donated money and materials to Suzhou Province. I didn't think much about other things."

"That's why I don't want everyone to make a fuss and look after me as a hero. I'm just a small businessman."

"You? Do small business?"

Wen Mingtang shook his head speechlessly.

"If you are doing a small business, no one will dare to say that you are doing a big business."

Then the two started chatting casually.

After chatting for about 10 minutes, there was a knock on the door of the office from the outside.

Yang Jue walked in, glanced at Zhao Shanhe, and said with a calm face, "Director, Jade from Green Arrow Company wants to see you."


Wen Mingtang was also a little surprised, then nodded and said, "Let him in."


When Yang Jue went out to call for someone, Zhao Shanhe stood up.

"Director Wen, if you have something to do, do it first. I'll go back and wait for news from you."

"Don't wait, your business has already been taken care of. The ad for Xiang Piao Piao Milk Tea will be launched in three days. You just have to wait and see." Wen Mingtang said firmly.

"Okay, then thank you Director Wen very much."

Zhao Shanhe expressed his sincere thanks.

While the two were talking, Jed also walked in.

Jed, who walked into the office, was just about to speak, when he saw Zhao Shanhe who was about to leave, and the words that were already on his lips to greet Wen Mingtang changed instantly.

"It's you, why are you here?"

"Do I know you?" Zhao Shanhe didn't back down, staring straight at Jed's hostile expression, and said calmly.

He had never met Jade before, if Yang Jue hadn't just said that the person who came was Jade from the Green Arrow, even if Zhao Shanhe met, he would have thought that he was a foreigner.

But Jed has already studied Zhao Shanhe's details thoroughly, and he has seen the photos no less than [-] times, and he hates Zhao Shanhe so much that his teeth itch.


Just as Jed wanted to continue to target Zhao Shanhe, he unexpectedly caught a glimpse of Wen Mingtang's displeasure from the corner of his eye, and he woke up from the gaffe just now, crying secretly in his heart.

I'm really confused, how can I confront Zhao Shanhe in Wen Mingtang's office?Even if there is hostility towards Zhao Shanhe, it should be said in private.

"Hi Director Wen, I'm here to talk to you about changing the advertisement." Jed said quickly.


Wen Mingtang let out a faint oh.

"Director Wen, then I will leave first." Zhao Shanhe said goodbye.

"it is good!"

Wen Mingtang nodded slightly.

Then Zhao Shanhe turned around and left the office, Yang Jue came out to see him off.

"Director Zhao, Jade is here to talk about Green Arrow's new advertisement." Yang Jue said with a smile.

"Did Green Arrow get a new advertisement?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Yang Jue said calmly: "Green Arrow has changed the advertisement twice during this time."

"But you also know that if you say that the quality of the product is not up to standard, and you just want to use advertising to make a fuss, you can't do it no matter what."

"I really didn't notice this, but Section Chief Yang is right. As long as the product quality is not up to standard, it's useless to say anything."

"Section Chief Yang, I invited Director Wen just now, and he said that he has something to do tonight, what about you? If you are fine, let's come out and have a sit down? It's been a while since we met, and I really want to get together with Section Chief Yang and work together Two cups."

Zhao Shanhe extended the invitation with a smile.

"Forget it tonight, next time. There are too many things to do in the advertising department during this period, and there are so many things to deal with. I can't spare time for the time being." Yang Jue shook his head and said.

"That's fine, then we will have a long life." Zhao Shanhe stretched out his hand as he said.

"Okay!" Yang Jue shook hands with Zhao Shanhe, then turned around and walked in.

Whether it's Wen Mingtang or Yang Jue, these are all contacts that Zhao Shanhe ran out on his own, and if you want to maintain such a connection, it's definitely not enough to just talk about it, you have to have hard goods that you can get. .

Advertising is hard goods.

And on the basis of this hard goods, meeting frequently and playing tricks on the wine table culture are the most basic interpersonal communication.For these, Zhao Shanhe will not resist.

"Director, is it done?" Chen Ju asked.


Zhao Shanhe said with a smile, "Our advertisement for Xiangpiaopiao milk tea will be aired on CCTV in three days."

"Great, then where are we going now?" Chen Ju was refreshed.


As soon as Zhao Shanhe opened his mouth, someone knocked on the glass window of the Crown car.

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