"Brother Shanhe, it's me."

After Zhao Shanhe connected the phone, an excited voice came from his ear.

"Shan Kai, what's wrong?" Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

"Brother Shanhe, I have something to tell you." Zhao Shankai said excitedly.

"what's up?"

"I won't be able to tell you clearly on the phone for a while. Are you at home? If you are, I will go there with Qiu Cheng immediately." Zhao Shankai said.

"You two together?"

Zhao Shanhe was slightly surprised and said: "Okay, then you all come here together."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe had a suspicious expression.

"It sounds like Shan Kai and Qiu Cheng are coming over?" Li Qiuya asked.

"Yes, that's what Shan Kai said. He said that he is with Qiu Cheng now and wants to come over and talk to me about something." Zhao Shanhe glanced at the dishes on the table and said with a smile, "You don't think they smelled it?" Is the smell coming?"

"Go to hell!"

Li Qiuya glared coquettishly, "Since the two of them are here, I'll cook two more dishes, and you two can have a drink together."

"it is good!"

Two 10 minutes later.

Zhao Shankai and Li Qiucheng sat across from Zhao Shanhe, seeing the dusty appearance of the two, Zhao Shanhe picked up the wine bottle on the table and was about to pour them wine.

"Brother-in-law, I'm coming."

Li Qiucheng quickly took the bottle and poured it.

Zhao Shanhe didn't refuse either, and asked directly, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's like this..."

Following Zhao Shankai's narration, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya also understood.

To put it simply, Zhao Shankai wanted to do something for the transportation of Nanjue's new factory.

Who let the new factory be in the process of building the factory, because someone made things difficult for transportation, and almost had a big accident.From then on, Zhao Shankai took this matter to heart.

Later, Li Qiucheng said that a transportation company in Linxian County had closed down and was dealing with trucks recently. Zhao Shankai hurried there to inquire about the situation, thinking to see if he could buy it at a cheap price.

"So what's the result of your investigation?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"very good!"

Zhao Shankai was very excited when he mentioned this.

"Brother, that transportation company closed down due to poor management and owed people money, and now it sells the trucks because it wants to pay off the debts. I have seen that the four Great Liberation trucks have no problems, and the trucks are in very good condition."

"That's what I think. Isn't there only two Jiefang vehicles at Nanjue New Factory? It's okay for normal cargo transportation, but if it's really busy, it's definitely not enough."

"If we can take down these four big liberation vehicles, we will be able to form a fleet by ourselves. Whether it is buying materials or delivering goods, we will have the final say on our own, and we will no longer have to look at other people's faces."

"You're right, what about the price? If it's not suitable, then it's better to just buy a new one." Zhao Shanhe said.

"The price is very good, each one is more than half the price of a new car, and if we buy all four, the price can be negotiated."

After Zhao Shankai said this, he leaned forward and said, "Brother, I have personally seen every car. The condition of the car is fine. If it is driven normally, it will not be damaged after four or five years."

"It means that the transportation company has closed down, otherwise, we don't want to pick up this cheap one."

"Shan Kai is right, the two of us saw this together." Li Qiucheng said with a smile.

"In this case……"

After pondering for a while, Zhao Shanhe said bluntly: "I'm going to the capital tomorrow to talk about our Xiang Piaopiao milk tea advertisement."

"Qiu Ya, take the money and go to Linxian County with the two of them tomorrow. If there is no problem, then we will settle the matter."

"Okay!" Li Qiuya nodded.

"That's great, so our Nanjue new factory can have a fleet. When the main factory gets busy, we can come to support it." Zhao Shankai said with a smile.

"Shan Kai, you can do it. When you grow up, you know how to take care of the factory." Zhao Shanhe praised.

Zhao Shankai, who was praised so much, touched his head embarrassingly, and said with a simple and honest smile: "Brother, isn't this what I should do? Anyway, the factory belongs to you, so I must think about you."

"well said!"

Zhao Shanhe raised his wine glass and said with a big smile, "Shan Kai, Qiu Cheng, I'm really happy that you can think and do this. You know, this factory is not only mine, but also yours."

"Come on, let me offer you a toast, thank you for thinking about the factory."

"Thank you brother-in-law."

"Thank you bro."

The three drank it all in one gulp.

"Don't patronize drinking, eat food."

Li Qiuya greeted cheerfully from the side.

Several people ate happily.

About four or ten minutes later, Zhao Shankai and Li Qiucheng left, and after sending the two of them out of the house, Zhao Shanhe returned to the house, took the teacup from Li Qiuya, and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Qiuya asked.

"I'm happy."

Zhao Shanhe said happily: "Have you seen it? What Shan Kai and Qiu Cheng did is so beautiful! They not only want to solve problems for our factory, but also want to help the factory save money."

"I'm so happy to see the two of them growing up so quickly!"

"That's true. I didn't expect the two of them to be so sensible." Li Qiuya nodded.

"Now I especially want to thank Zheng Nanrun and Xu Weidong." Zhao Shanhe shook his head with a smile and said with emotion.

"Thank them?" Li Qiuya asked in surprise.

"That's right, if it wasn't for them, would Shankai have grown up so quickly? Who made them difficult for our transportation." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

Li Qiuya stared blankly at Zhao Shanhe.

"If they know that you are so grateful to them, they probably must vomit blood."

"Ha ha!"


After laughing out loud, Zhao Shanhe asked, "How much money do we still have on the books? The expenses during this period should not be small, right?"

"It's not small. Although Whale Tun Pump and Yile Chewing Gum are both making money, almost all of the money they make is invested in the production of milk tea."

"Unless the milk tea starts to make a profit now, it can only barely maintain a balance of payments, even if the profit is not much." Li Qiuya is still very familiar with the factory's accounts.

"Don't worry, milk tea will be profitable soon. Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing will be golden chickens that lay eggs." Zhao Shanhe said confidently.

"You, hurry up and let the milk tea make money, or else it will cost money to advertise on CCTV, and it will cost money to buy four Dajiefang! There are places where money is spent everywhere, and there are holes."

Li Qiuya pouted.

"It's okay, these holes will be plugged soon." Zhao Shanhe waved his hands and said nonchalantly.

"Shanhe, it's getting late, go to bed early." Li Qiuya said shyly.

Zhao Shanhe immediately understood, and said with a cocked corner of his mouth: "Yes, I will obey my wife's order."


The next day, Zhao Shanhe took Chen Ju to the capital. He had full confidence in this trip to CCTV, but he never thought that when he came to CCTV, what he encountered was...

[The author has something to say]

Thank you for your love and support. I wish all book lovers a happy new year, happy family, and great luck in the Year of the Tiger!

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