Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 416 This chapter is fooling ghosts!

"Mr. Zhao, please wait."

Zhao Shanhe looked up after hearing the knock on the car window.

Isn't this Karen?

That's right, it was Karen from the Green Arrow who knocked on the window.

After seeing Zhao Shanhe roll down the car window, he said nonchalantly: "Mr. Zhao, our President Jed wants to chat with you, can we go over?"

"Your president wants to talk to me?"

Zhao Shanhe sat motionless, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Where are the others?"

"The president is over there, follow me there."

"Follow you?"

Zhao Shanhe sneered and said with a smile: "Karen, have you made a mistake? It is your president who wants to talk to me, not me."

"Go back and tell him that if you want to find me, you can come and say it yourself. What does it mean to send you here?"

"Mr. Zhao, what do you mean by that?" Karen's expression turned ugly.

"You are not qualified!"

Zhao Shanhe's casual words choked Karen.

"Why, I don't want to. It seems that you Green Arrow have no sincerity to talk about. If that's the case, let's forget it."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe slowly raised the car window.



Then Karen was dumbfounded, watching Zhao Shanhe leave like this without looking back, standing in the local wind messy.

"What's the matter? Who is it?"

At this moment, Jed came over from behind and asked with a bit of displeasure.

"Mr. Jed... that Zhao Shanhe is gone." Karen stammered back.

"Go? What do you mean?"

Jed raised his eyebrows slightly: "Didn't you tell him?"

"Yes, but he said that if you want to talk to him, you can talk to him yourself, saying that I am not qualified at all!"

Karen didn't dare to add oil and vinegar, but answered honestly.

"not qualified?"

A cold light flashed in Jed's eyes.

"This Zhao Shanhe is quite arrogant and domineering. Does he now think that our Green Arrow has been suppressed by Yile chewing gum, so he doesn't care about me at all?"

"This..." Karen smiled awkwardly.

"That's what he must have thought, this Zhao Shanhe deserves to die!"

Jed cursed fiercely, but after he finished cursing, he shook his head helplessly, sighed and said, "I went to CCTV to talk to Wen Mingtang just now, and he said that our Green Arrow's new advertisement cannot be replaced. Because according to the contract, we have enough replacements in the past six months. If you want to replace, unless you tear up the contract."

"Tearing up the contract? Isn't that a breach of contract? Then we have to pay liquidated damages. This is definitely not acceptable." Karen said quickly.

"Who said no."

There was a kind of sadness in Jed's tone.

"Our Green Arrow has reached the most dangerous time, so you and I must treat it with caution. Since CCTV can't get through here, then go talk to Zhao Shanhe, let's go, this time I will go to him personally."

"Yes, I see!" Karen bowed in response.


Zhao Shanhe, who was sitting in the car, had a faint sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He is dismissive of Jed's behavior, do you really think that the current Green Arrow is the Green Arrow many years from now?

At that time, the Green Arrow was indeed a gold-lettered signboard in China's industry, but now the Green Arrow has just been introduced to China not long ago, and even your market is only those six large cities.

But if you want to leave those six cities, you Green Arrows really can't see enough!

I need to save face?

You are so good, you dare to put on a show in front of me, let Karen come over and boss me around, do you really think that you are superior to others because you are a foreigner?

"Perhaps it's time to take on Green Arrow."

Zhao Shanhe thought to himself.

Just as he was pondering this, the big brother suddenly rang, and after connecting, it was Jed's voice that came from his ear.After explaining what happened just now, Jed sent out an invitation. Zhao Shanhe didn't say no again. He also wanted to hear what Jed wanted to say, so the two made an appointment to meet in a cafe.

10 minute later.

The two sat in a window seat of this cafe.

"Director Zhao, I have admired your name for a long time. In your Chinese old saying, we should have been friends for a long time, right?" Jed said, stirring the coffee cup in front of him, with the corner of his mouth tilted.

"It's true that we have been friends for a long time." Zhao Shanhe replied unmoved.

"In that case, then I have nothing to say." Jed spread his hands.

"Tell me." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Director Zhao, you and I should be very clear that there should be a big market for chewing gum in China in the future, otherwise you would not say that it has been developed. But the market in China is so big that it is impossible for you and me Talk about monopoly. Since this is the case, what I want to tell you is, let’s stop vicious competition.”

Jade stared at Zhao Shanhe, and said slowly: "It's very simple, I want to share the Huaxia market with you."

"Equally divide the Huaxia market?" Zhao Shanhe looked at it with some amusement.

"Yes, it's an equal share."

Jed said excitedly: "No matter how you say it, our Green Arrow is a foreign company, and Huaxia needs foreign companies like us to exist. And so far, our Green Arrow's development is good, at least in a benign state. operating status."

"For such a benign foreign company, Huaxia will definitely support and encourage it."

"So even if we are at a disadvantage in the competition with your Shanqiu Food, I dare say that the future will be able to survive, and it is impossible for us to say that we will be completely defeated by you."

Speaking of this, Jed became more and more excited, and he supported the table with both hands.

"Therefore, it is the wisest choice for us to cooperate and share the chewing gum market equally. I dare say that as long as the two of us join hands, no matter who else wants to get involved, there will be no chance!"

"what do you say?"

Is Green Arrow showing weakness?

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and a playful arc was drawn on the corners of his lips.

This is showing weakness.

If it wasn't for showing weakness, with Jed's status, how could he talk to himself to negotiate, compromise with himself, and take the initiative to share the world equally?

He must be very arrogant.

But Jed, do you think I will agree to you if you say such a thing?I'll trust your promise?Do you think you are an entrepreneur with a conscience?

Don't be ridiculous, I'm not ignorant of your Green Arrow's ambitions.You are doing this clearly as a tactic to delay the attack. As long as you are given a chance, I dare say that you will be the first one who wants to suppress us and annex us.

You are fooling the devil with your words!

"Will Zhao Shanhe agree or refuse?"

Jed was also very uneasy, you know, with the previous him, he would definitely not sit down and negotiate with Zhao Shanhe like this.

What is his identity?

What is Zhao Shanhe's identity?

He is the president of the mighty Green Arrow stationed in China, while Zhao Shanhe is just the director of a small county food factory.

This kind of broken factory manager will never have the opportunity to sit on an equal footing with himself.

But the situation is stronger than people!

Who told Yile Chewing Gum to firmly suppress Green Arrow now!

"Director Zhao, what do you think of my suggestion?"

Jed leaned forward, his expression slightly bewitched and expectant.

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