Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 404 Everything is ready, just start work

"Zhao Shanhe, you want to lease the bus stop sign, I agree in principle."


Song Siming smiled elegantly.

"I can't take such a big advantage of you, and I can't let you suffer such a big loss. The bus stop sign is originally a public facility. It makes no sense to ask you Shanqiu Food to help build it, and finally pick up ready-made ones in the city."

"Mayor Song..."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Song Siming waving directly.

"How about this, you Shanqiu Foods are responsible for building the new stop sign, and then use it to offset the rental fee. As for the time, let's set it for one year."

"After one year, if you want to continue the lease, let's re-sign the contract, what do you think?"

"No problem at all!"

Zhao Shanhe was overjoyed and said loudly: "Mayor Song, you have helped Shanqiu Foods a lot. Thank you very much for your understanding and support."

"I don't purely want to help you Shanqiu Foods. As you said, this is a mutual benefit and win-win thing. Since it is good for everyone, why not do that?"

Song Siming waved his hand and said.

"Yes, win-win!" Zhao Shanhe nodded and smiled.

"Look at what you mean, it seems that as long as this is done, you can promote Xiangpiaopiao milk tea." Song Siming raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief.

"Yes, at least I have a little more chance of winning."

"is it?"

Song Siming picked up the teacup on the table and started to drink tea. He said with a smile, "I heard that you signed a big order at the Canton Fair in Shencheng."

"Since you are so sure, then I will wait for your good news. I hope you can make Xiangpiao Piao Milk Tea sign a big order at the exchange meeting in our province and create another glories."

"I will!"

Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.

And since Song Siming agreed to this matter, it became very neat to do it.The notice was also conveyed to the Transportation Bureau as soon as possible, and Lu Tao was surprised when he received the notice and knew that the matter had passed.

He didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to have such a strong connection.

Song Siming will speak out for Zhao Shanhe.

my darling.

You must know that Song Siming is the deputy mayor who has just been promoted, and he is in charge of transportation.

As the saying goes, when a new official takes office, there are three fires. If he can't handle this matter well, then there will definitely be one fire that will burn on his own head.

Thinking of this, Lu Tao felt a little uneasy.

He found Zhao Shanhe immediately, and said with a gentle smile: "Director Zhao, tell me, how do we need our transportation bureau to cooperate with Shanqiu Foods to do this?"

"Director Lu is serious. How dare we ask your Transportation Bureau to cooperate. We should serve you." Zhao Shanhe sat still and said calmly.

"Director Zhao is really joking. Our Transportation Bureau serves the people. How can we let you serve us. Just tell us, what are we going to do?" Lu Tao said seriously.

"Is Director Lu serious?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Lu Tao and asked.

"Very seriously." Lu Tao nodded.

"Then I have a plan here, and I hope to get Director Lu's support." Zhao Shanhe said, took out a document from his bag and handed it over.


After 15 minutes, Lu Tao left contentedly.

Zhao Shanhe also showed a comfortable smile.

He didn't care about Lu Tao's arrogance and respect. After all, no matter what he said, he couldn't say that it would affect Lu Tao's career.As long as Lu Tao is willing to help make this happen.

"Now everything is ready, just start work."

Zhao Shanhe looked sideways at Li Xiangyang.

"Xiangyang, it's up to you next."

"no problem."

Li Xiangyang patted his chest and said confidently.

"It's fortunate that you asked me to do the preparations in advance. Otherwise, even if everyone agrees, we can't say that we can install all [-] bus stop signs in two or three days."

"But of course there is no problem now. The workers we agreed with are already waiting for the letter. They can start at any time."

"Then let's start now!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang also knew that Shanqiu Food would definitely cost a lot of money to do so.But compared with the publicity effect brought by the bus stop advertisement, this little money seems insignificant.

This will be done quickly.

In just three days, the [-] bus stop signs on Silu Bajie in Zhongzhou City all took on a completely new look.

The bus stop sign used to be a well-regulated waiting place, but now it is completely different.The clean and bright glass promotional window makes people feel happy when they see it.

What's more, there is a large promotional poster inside.

The overall tone of the poster follows a warm line.

Chen Xiao, who had two wings growing out of her back, was holding a cup of steaming milk tea in her hand, with a warm and sweet smile.

"Did you see it? Our bus stop sign has changed a lot!"

"I heard that these bus stop signs were repaired with the money of Shanqiu Food."

"Does anyone know who this beauty is? The Xiang Piaopiao milk tea she holds looks delicious."


For a while, the whole city was conquered by this new stop sign, and people were talking about it in the streets and alleys.

Hu Lijuan also heard about this, but she didn't pay much attention to it.She worked overtime at the textile factory for three consecutive days, and she had never even seen what the new bus stop sign looked like.

All she knew was that she was late again after get off work today, and she just got on the No. 6 bus, and she quickly became confused by the window.

In a daze, she heard the conductor announce the name of the station, so she stood up quickly and got off the train.

As soon as she got out of the car, a gust of night wind blew head-on, making her a little chilly. She stomped her feet subconsciously, shrank her neck, and saw the promotional window just as she raised her head.

Then she froze on the spot.

Chen Ling in the window is so beautiful, and the fragrant milk tea in her hand looks so warm.

The warm tones in the lighting hit the fragile defense deep in her heart.

"I want to drink a cup of hot milk tea like this."

Hu Lijuan didn't know what to think, there was only one thought in her mind, and then she walked to the convenience store not far away without hesitation.


When Guo began to know about this, it was already four days later.

He just came back from outside the province because he had something to do temporarily, and when he saw this new bus stop sign, he was stunned.

"Xiao Wang, stop the car."


Xiao Wang, who came to pick up the station, quickly stopped Santana, and asked anxiously, "Section Chief Guo, what's wrong?"

"How is this going?"

Guo Kaiduan pointed to the bus stop sign outside and the milk tea advertisement in the glass window and asked.

"This matter, this is the new bus stop sign donated by Shanqiu Foods to our Zhongzhou City, and the advertisements inside are for them to use in exchange."

"But don't tell me, this Shanqiu Food is very quick at work. They repaired more than 80 bus stops in our city in three days. I heard that they will repair all the bus stop signs like this..."

What Xiao Wang said next, Guo Qiduan didn't listen at all.

He was completely stunned.

He knew that he had lost the bet with Zhao Shanhe, and he lost completely.

Zhao Shanhe is much stronger than him.

Thinking of this, Guo Kaiduan took two deep breaths, woke up from the shock, and then spoke to Xiao Wang.

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