Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 403 What a great idea!

"Hello, Du County."

When Du Jingming suddenly received a call from Zhao Shanhe, he felt a little surprised.

"Zhao Shanhe, why did you remember to call me? Shouldn't you be preparing to participate in the exchange meeting held in the province?" Du Jingming asked with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe stood in front of the window of the corridor, and said gently: "I am in the provincial capital now, and I am going to participate in the exchange meeting, but then, something happened here, I want to see, County Magistrate Du, can you help me?" busy?"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Du Jingming asked curiously.

"It's like this..."

Zhao Shanhe briefly talked about the fact that he wanted to rent a bus stop sign to advertise. When he mentioned Lu Tao, he didn't add any details, but just described it objectively.

But upon hearing this, Du Jingming understood everything at once.

He is in an official career anyway, so how could he not be able to explain the joints in it.

"So you mean you want me to introduce you to someone to do this?"


Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Major Du, my idea now is very simple, that is, to let everyone in Zhongzhou know about Xiangpiaopiao milk tea before the exchange meeting."

"And if you want to do this, the bus stop advertisement is the fastest. So I thought, can you introduce someone to me? If nothing else, at least he must be willing to listen to me about the cooperation content. "

"In this case……"

Du Jingming pondered for a while and said: "Then you go to the Zhongzhou Municipal Government to find Song Siming now, you should still remember him?"

"Oh, Director Song, of course I remember." Zhao Shanhe immediately remembered that last year Du Jingming asked him to open the back door for him and added a quota of exhibitors.

"It's not Director Song anymore, it's Deputy Mayor Song now."

"Deputy Mayor Song?"

Zhao Shanhe was slightly surprised, wasn't he?Did Song Siming rise so fast?Before, he was just a director of the Bureau of Commerce and Trade. It has only been more than a year, and he has changed suddenly, and he is actually the deputy mayor of Zhongzhou City.

"Yes, go, I'll tell him."

"Okay, then I'll go there now."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Du Jingming called Song Siming and briefly explained the matter.

Song Siming over there raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: "Zhao Shanhe? I remember him. He is now a man of the hour in your Handong City. A disaster relief effort in Jiangsu Province made him and his River Map famous all over the country. "

"Yes, that's him. He went to your Zhongzhou Transportation Bureau to promote milk tea, but it sounds like it didn't work."

"If the situation permits, see if you can help him." Du Jingming smiled.

"it is good!"

The relationship between the two is there, as long as it does not violate party discipline and state laws, Song Siming has no reason to say no.

Almost half an hour later.

Zhao Shanhe came to the city hall, met Song Siming, and sat in front of the deputy mayor.

"Zhao Shanhe, I didn't expect that a year ago you were just a businessman who came to the province to sell popsicles, but a year later, you have already owned two factories and become a star in Handong City." Song Siming said with emotion .

"Thank you, Mayor Song, for your compliment."

Zhao Shanhe said neither humble nor overbearing: "This is because our party's policies are good, and our era is good. If there is not such a good environment, I can't do things even if I want to."

"Haha, well said, it means the times are good."

After the two spoke a few more words, Song Siming directly cut to the point.

"I heard County Magistrate Du said that you want to lease the bus stop signs in our city to advertise, right?"


After talking about the business, Zhao Shanhe sat up straight and said without looking sideways: "Mayor Song, I really want to rent our Zhongzhou bus stop sign for advertising."

"What I want to do is an advertisement for Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, because at the exchange meeting a few days later, I want to promote this product."

"Then how are you going to advertise? As far as I know, the bus stop signs in the city seem to have never done such a thing." Song Siming said unhurriedly.

"Yes, we haven't done it in our city, but this kind of thing is not uncommon at all. In places like Beijing, Shanghai, and Shencheng, bus stop signs have been used for advertising."

Zhao Shanhe said with a calm expression: "Take out the bus stop signs to promote advertisements. This is good for both the city and our company."

"Our city can rely on this to increase its income, and our companies can also promote their products. And I think that the bus stop signs used for publicity can also beautify the image of our city and improve the standard of our city."

"You said yes?"

Song Siming nodded thoughtfully.

"Then how are you going to rent it?"

"Mayor Song, it's like this. I think so. I have studied the bus stop signs in our city, and most of them are basically very monotonous. Even if you want to promote advertisements, there is no corresponding equipment."

"So I'm going to pay for the construction of new bus stop signs for the main roads of our Zhongzhou City. The effect picture is like this."

As Zhao Shanhe spoke, he took out a few designed drawings.

The paintings on each drawing were designed by Zhao Shanhe based on the bus stop signs of later generations, so what Song Siming saw were large glass window billboards that were bright and clean.

The moment Song Siming saw these bulletin boards, his eyes lit up.

What a great idea!

If it is said that all bus stop signs are built like this, there is no doubt that this will definitely enhance the image of the city.After all, the bus stop sign is closely related to the lives of ordinary people, and it is also the place with the most traffic.

"Mayor Song, our Zhongzhou City currently has four main roads, namely Zhongshan Road, Yuhua Road, Huaxia Road and Ping'an Road. Based on these four roads, there are eight main streets respectively."

"You see, this is what I think. I can build the [-] bus stops on the [-]th Road and [-]th Street first. After this project comes to an end, I will continue to build all the rest of the bus stops to be the same."

"By that time, every bus station in our Zhongzhou City will become a publicity window, and will become a beautiful landscape after power on."

"Everyone who commutes to get off work will have a warm feeling of going home when they see the bus window."


Zhao Shanhe spoke sincerely, talking about his plan endlessly.

Song Siming secretly nodded with a slight thought.

He could tell that Zhao Shanhe was not just talking casually, but was really saying this very sincerely.

And if this matter is really done, it will be good for publicizing Xiang Piaopiao, but it will also greatly increase the image of Zhongzhou City.

And this will also be his achievement.

You must know that Song Siming, who has just been promoted, has nothing in his hands that can be achieved.Who would have thought that when he was dozing off, Zhao Shanhe would send him a pillow.

This is a great thing.

"Mayor Song, that's the way it is. I sincerely hope that we can complete this cooperation with Zhongzhou City. What do you think?" Zhao Shanhe looked over with a smile.

Song Siming slowly put down the drawing, and in Zhao Shanhe's anticipation, suddenly shook his head slowly.

Zhao Shanhe's heart skipped a beat.

Does Song Siming disagree?

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