Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 405 Are you trying to rebel?

"Xiao Wang, you go back first."

"What about Section Chief Guo? Aren't you going back?" Xiao Wang asked in surprise.

"I still have something to do."

Guo started talking and pushed the door to get out of the car. Xiao Wang hesitated for a while, and could only step on the accelerator and leave.

After getting off the car, Guo began to find a newsstand on the side of the road, and dialed the phone number Chen Duo said.

When the connection was made there, he didn't mean to chat, but asked directly: "Chen Duo, what kind of person do you think Zhao Shanhe is?"

Chen Duo was stunned.

What do you mean?

Why did Guo Kaiduan ask such a question suddenly?

However, after noticing the seriousness in Guo Kaiduan's words, Chen Duo said in a deep voice: "Director Zhao is a person with a big structure, a big realm, and a big strategy."

"Beginning, I told you before, I hope you can seriously consider my suggestion, join our team, and come help me."

"Then I'll know."

Guo started to show a relieved expression on his face.

"Chen Duo, maybe we will become colleagues soon."

"Really? You finally figured it out? That's great, I'll be waiting for you in Zhenghe County. When you come over, we won't go home until we're drunk!" Chen Duo said excitedly with brows brows.

"Okay, wait for me!"

After hanging up the phone, Guo Kaiduan had already made up his mind.

"I'm going to resign now!"

Even if he wants to join Zhao Shanhe's team, Guo Kaiduan will join in a legitimate way, and he won't say it is so unclear, so what he has to do now is to go back and resign.


Jinxu Electronics.

Liang Shaocong was lazily sitting on the sofa in the office, flipping through a magazine carelessly, and when Liang Chaohui walked in, he quickly stood up.


"Why are you here?" Liang Chaohui asked with a glance.

"Dad, I have important information to report to you." Liang Shaocong pretended to be mysterious.

"Important information? What important information can you have?"

Liang Chaohui frowned slightly, picked up the contract on the table, and asked, "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, I'm so busy here, I don't have time to accompany you here to guess charades."

"Dad, I really have something to say. I'm talking about Guo Kaiduan." Liang Shaocong said anxiously.

"Guo Kaiduan?"

Liang Chaohui paused slightly, raised his head and asked suspiciously, "What can Guo Kaiduan do?"

"Guo is going to change jobs!" Liang Shaocong said eagerly.

"Nonsense! Why did Guo Kaiduan want to change jobs?"

When Liang Chaohui heard this, his eyebrows flashed with disapproval.

"Besides, even if he wants to change jobs, where can he jump to? I don't believe it. Who else can indulge him like me and entrust him with important responsibilities!"

Entrusted with an important task?

When Liang Shaocong heard this, he couldn't help feeling a kind of contempt in his heart.

Father, father, although you are my father, what you said is too exaggerated, and you still entrust him with a heavy responsibility?

Go out and ask, who in Jinxu Electronics doesn't know that Guo Kaiduan's publicity department is the most rubbish in all departments of the whole factory, what can a few old, weak, sick and disabled staff do?

Where are you entrusting him with a heavy responsibility, you are clearly putting him on the shelf and beware of him.

"I saw with my own eyes that he was very close to Zhao Shanhe from Shanqiu Foods, and I received solid news that Guo Kaiduan's daughter-in-law, Fan Yuzhen, has been helping Chen Xiao record songs for the past few days."

"Who is Chen Xiao? The whole school knows that she is Zhao Shanhe's woman. If you say his wife did this, how can Guo Kaiduan know nothing about it?"

Liang Shaocong said solemnly.


It was the first time Liang Chaohui heard about this, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Of course it's true. It's absolutely true. Dad, if you don't believe me, you can ask Guo Chuanduan when he comes back."

"And the Xiao Wang you sent to pick him up has already returned. Xiao Wang said that on the way back, Guo Xianduan saw the milk tea advertisement on the roadside bus stop and got off the bus. He hasn't come back yet."

"You said, what is he doing here? Shouldn't he be the first to report to you when he comes back from a business trip? Why did he get off the car so well and hasn't returned there yet?"

Liang Shaocong continued to add embellishments, but what he said was true.

Liang Chaohui's expression gradually turned cold.

"Dong dong."

Just then someone knocked on the office door.

"Come in!"

It was Guo Kaikuan who said Cao Cao Cao Cao was coming, and the person who pushed the door to come in.

Liang Chaohui slowly put down the documents in his hand, looked at Guo Kaiduan who was walking over, and smiled unhurriedly: "Beginner, where are you going? Why did Xiao Wang say you got off the car halfway?"

"No, I just thought of something to deal with temporarily, so I asked Xiao Wang to come back first. Mr. Liang, let me report to you about the work this time."

Guo began to speak calmly.

"it is good!"

Liang Shaocong did not leave, but stood by the window and listened.

Ten minutes later, Guo Qiduan finished his report, and Liang Chaohui smiled with satisfaction.

"From the very beginning, I knew it was best to leave this matter to you."

"Well, since you have been there this time, I believe you are familiar with the situation there, or you can go to the Western Provincial Office to work for a while, what do you think?"

"Western Provincial Office?"

Guo began to be stunned.

"Mr. Liang, when did the western province have an office?"

"You'll be there when you go." Liang Chaohui said.

Guo Kaiduan looked at Liang Chaohui's smile and instantly understood.

Where is this, I will have it when I go, it is clearly the distribution of me.With such a big market in Western Province, Jinxu Electronics simply doesn't have the ability to develop it. Isn't it just to let me go there and let me fend for myself?

It seems that Liang Chaohui is really going to do something to me.

Thinking of this, Guo began to look directly at him.

"Mr. Liang, I don't want to go to the Western Provincial Office." Guo Kaiduan said in a deep voice.

"Don't want to go?"

Liang Chaohui's eyes were slightly cold.

"I said, Guo Kaiduan, are you okay? It was my father's decision to send you to the Western Provincial Office. It was the company's intention. How dare you refuse? What? Are you trying to rebel? "

Liang Shaocong just seized the opportunity by the side, and he did not hesitate to set fire to it.

"To shut up!"

Guo Kaiduan, who has always been calm, heard Liang Shaocong's words and looked at him jumping up and down with a mocking sneer in his eyes.

"Liang Shaocong, you are not qualified to speak here."

"What did you say?"

Liang Shaocong was angry. He pointed to his nose and growled, "You say I'm not qualified to speak here? Do you know what bastards you're talking about? You!"

"What am I? I'm an old man who followed Mr. Liang, what about you? You are only named Liang, that's why you can stand here and point fingers at me so unscrupulously."

"Really, if it comes to skills, what do you have? Haven't you been clamoring to deal with Zhao Shanhe? You are about the same age as him, but you send him far away."

Guo began to have a mocking expression.

"You are not even qualified to carry shoes for others!"


"Mr. Liang, let me ask you one last time. Are you really going to send me to the Western Province?" After Guo Chuan vented his anger, he stared at Liang Chaohui and asked in a cold voice.

"Yes!" Liang Chaohui's face was livid.

"okay I know!"

Guo Kaiduan directly took out a letter from his pocket, put it on the table, and said with disappointment in his eyes: "Mr. Liang, I know what you want to do, and I am not the first one you dismissed in the past two years." an old man."

"So, don't bother, and I won't stand in your way by staying here. This is my letter of resignation. From now on, we will make a clean break."

After speaking, Guo began to turn around and walk out of the office.

As for what Liang Chaohui, who wants to pave the way for his son, thinks, that is his business, and it has nothing to do with Guo Kaiduan.

He went back to his office without official status, picked up the phone on the desk and made a call.

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