Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 3 What is this grievance

"Qiu Ya, how much money does our family have?"

Zhao Shanhe's words made Li Qiuya's face turn cold instantly, and the look in her eyes revealed deep disappointment.

Let me just say, why Zhao Shanhe works so diligently and obediently, it turns out it is for money.

Zhao Shanhe, you are really hopeless.

"No more money!" Li Qiuya said without looking back.

"It's not Qiu Ya, I use this money for serious business, I..."

Before Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, Li Qiuya said angrily: "Can you find other reasons? You never said that, but you didn't just take the money to gamble. Zhao Shanhe, I don't expect Now that you have earned money for the family, please don’t waste the family’s money again.”

After saying this, she began to wait, waiting for Zhao Shanhe to lift the table.

I have long been used to all this.

Every time he didn't reject him, he would be drunk and overturn the table.

Anyway, I'm used to it, it doesn't matter anymore, just come, but if you want money, there's no way!Don't say I don't have any money now, even if I do, I won't hand it over to you to gamble and squander.

"Qiuya, don't be angry, I don't want money anymore."

Seeing Li Qiuya's anxious expression, Zhao Shanhe hurriedly persuaded him distressedly.

In his previous life, he would flip the table like a jerk, but he can't now.

A woman who is willing to sell her blood for him and this family, what reason does she have to be harsh?

Thinking of Li Qiuya's death two years later because of selling blood, his heart twitched and his face turned pale.

It's a pity that in Li Qiuya's eyes, Zhao Shanhe's expression turned pale after he didn't pay him.

"Zhao Shanhe, I met Huang Hu outside today, and he said that you owe him money. I don't know how you owe him money, but I hope you know that our family really can't stand the trouble."

"Can you live in peace and live a good life? If you can, we can still live, if not..."


Li Qiuya didn't say anything after that, Zhao Shanhe hurriedly raised his head, and said eagerly: "I can live a good life, Qiuya, don't worry, I will try to repay the money owed to Huang Hu, and I promise not to let you Difficult."

"Our life will go on, and it will get better and better. Let me tell you, I have already figured out how to make money, I..."

"You don't have to tell me this, and I don't want to hear it. I'm tired and I'm going to bed."

After speaking, Li Qiuya put away the sweater and wool, then got up and went into the room to sleep.

Zhao Shanhe, who was treated so indifferently, looked at Li Qiuya's profile, and there was nothing but distress in his eyes.He didn't feel aggrieved at all, compared to what Li Qiuya experienced, his grievances were nothing.

After Zhao Shanhe washed up briefly, he lay down on the bed, breathing in the pleasant fragrance of Li Qiuya, and slowly closed his eyes.

Qiuya, it's good to see you again.

Huang Hu, you bastard, you still dare to find Qiu Ya, just wait for me!

With her back to Zhao Shanhe, Li Qiuya fell asleep motionless.

The night passed quietly.


the next day.

When Zhao Shanhe opened his eyes and woke up, Li Qiuya was no longer around him. He was so scared that he hurriedly got up and found that the surrounding layout was still the same as yesterday, so he was a little relieved.

It seems that everything yesterday was not a dream, and I didn't say that I woke up and returned to my previous life.

Breakfast is served on the dining table in the living room.

A bowl of corn mush, a pot of fried vegetables, and two small pancakes.

It seems that Qiuya still has me in her heart.

As soon as Zhao Shanhe thought of this, he saw a crumpled five-yuan note under the chopsticks on the corner of the table, and his heart warmed immediately.

Qiu Ya, you are still the same as before, you still have a glimmer of hope in yourself, don't worry, I am not the same as before, and I will not let you down.

I'll use the five bucks to impress you.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe ate quickly. It was a simple meal, but it tasted sweet in his mouth.After eating, he walked out of the house, the first stop was the market, and picked two bags of mung beans and red beans to take home.

Two bags of beans cost him a dollar.

"Now it's time to find Li Xiangyang!"

Who is Li Xiangyang?

That was Zhao Shanhe's childhood friend, and the two grew up with bare buttocks, and they have always been very close.

It's just that after Zhao Shanhe went out of business, Li Xiangyang didn't have a good impression of him.But even so, the relationship between the two is not comparable to others.

If Zhao Shanhe wants to make shaved ice, the most indispensable raw material is ice cubes.

And Li Xiangyang happened to work in an ice factory in Zhenghe County, and was in charge of the logistics department.

Speaking of this ice factory, Zhao Shanhe still has some impressions.If I remember correctly, when this ice factory was first built, it was very popular for a while.But later, with the development of the times, coupled with the rigidity and decay of the management system, it slowly began to decline.

Today, there is only a large frame left in this ice factory, and most of the workers have already left to find another way out.Because if you stay here, you won’t be able to pay your wages, no one will work stupidly for nothing, right, everyone has to support their families.

As for Li Xiangyang, because he was the director of logistics, he said that he couldn't leave for the time being.

"Stop, who are you looking for?"

As soon as Zhao Shanhe walked to the gate of the ice factory, he was stopped by the guard.This old man in a light green suit looks like he belongs to the type who does things seriously and doesn't speak well.

"Hi, sir, I'm here to look for Li Xiangyang." Zhao Shanhe laughed quickly.

"Li Xiangyang? You mean Section Chief Li of the Logistics Department?" the guard asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it's Section Chief Li from the logistics department."

Zhao Shanhe took out a box of generals from his pocket, took out a cigarette and handed it over, and said with a smile: "I made an appointment with him in the factory, why? He won't go out at this time, will he? This guy, if you dare to let me go, see if I don't deal with him!"

"No, Chief Li is in the factory. When you enter the door, turn right and you will see a row of bungalows. He works in the first room." After hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, the doorman's guard slowly became more alert. relax.

That's what this guy is.

If you said you were looking for an ordinary worker, no one really took it seriously.But if what you are looking for has a small identity, the situation will be different.If you want to find the factory manager, do you think the guards dare to stop you?It's too late to curry favor with you.What's more, Zhao Shanhe is still very sensible, and he handed over a cigarette early.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

The doorman still has this vision.

"Yes, sir, thank you!"

Zhao Shanhe walked in with a smile, and soon came to the front of the row of bungalows. Just when he was about to go in, someone suddenly patted his shoulder from behind.

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