Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 395 is a ruthless character

"Director Zhao, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As the voice came, everyone instinctively looked up.

Appearing in front of me is a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. He is in the prime of his 40s. His facial features are as sharp as a knife, and his body is well-proportioned. At first glance, he looks like a person who has been exercising for a long time and is very self-disciplined.

He is Zhang Longdong, the owner of Ocean Department Store.

It is also the veritable protagonist of tonight's celebration.

When the people present looked at him, they all showed admiration.

You must know that when Dayang Department Store first entered Zhongzhou City, it was always suppressed by Yongxing Department Store.

It wasn't until Zhang Longdong took over the power a year ago that he passed dizzying decisions and quickly reversed the situation. Not to mention, it is now evenly divided with Yongxing Department Store.

This is not something anyone can do.

Zhang Longdong did it, he is a well-deserved hero.

Even if such a person cannot make friends, he must not offend him.

Wait a minute, what did Zhang Longdong just say?He called this man in sportswear Mr. Zhao?Not only that, but it seemed that his attitude towards this man was still so humble and respectful.

Could it be that this man is even more difficult?

It was Cui Youqing who reacted first and felt the chills in his back.

Outsiders only know that Zhang Longdong is a man of great courage, but they don't know how ruthless Zhang Longdong's methods are.

Anyone in Dayang Department Store knows that anyone who dares to spoil Zhang Longdong's good deeds will be dealt with.

And just now, I almost kicked out Mr. Zhao who was invited by Zhang Longdong.

Thinking of this, Cui Youqing became more and more frightened.

He gave Liang Shaocong a hard look.

At this moment, Liang Shaocong also keenly realized that things seemed to be a little out of control, which was obviously not right.

How did a stall vendor in my own eyes turn into what kind of director Zhao?And seeing what Zhang Longdong meant, he still respected him so much.

Could it be that he poked a hornet's nest by himself?

Liang Shaocong lowered his head a little guilty.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang."

Seeing Zhang Longdong approaching in front of him, Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Oh! I've been waiting for you all this time. Let's go over there and talk." Zhang Longdong smiled cheerfully, holding Zhao Shanhe's arm with one hand and swinging it in with the other.

"I would like to talk to you, Mr. Zhang, but the problem is, I can't. I have already been kicked out by these two in harmony."

"So Mr. Zhang, let's talk about it next time. I'm afraid if I stay here, someone will guard me like a thief and say that I'm plotting something wrong!" Zhao Shanhe stood where he was, and glanced at the past meaningfully Said.

"Get out?"

Zhang Longdong is a shrewd person, obedient to his words, he immediately looked at Cui Youqing, his cold eyes were like knives, and he said indifferently, "What's going on?"

"Mr. Zhang, the thing is like this..."

"You made Director Zhao leave?"

Zhang Longdong didn't intend to listen to his explanation at all, but interrupted Cui Youqing forcefully and asked.

"It was Liang Shaocong who said that Director Zhao didn't have an invitation letter, that he was cheating on food and drink, that's why I..."

As soon as Cui Youqing said this, he was interrupted by Zhang Longdong raising his arm.

"You listen to what Liang Shaocong says? Are you from Liang Shaocong or my Dayang Department Store?"

"Did I tell you before that there will be a person coming in tonight without an invitation letter. He is my distinguished guest, Director Zhao. I want you to pay attention to him."

"But how do you do it? Is this how you value it?"

Zhang Longdong scolded indifferently.

"Mr. Zhang, I..."

"You don't need to explain, and I don't want to hear it." Zhang Longdong ignored Cui Youqing's explanation, and turned his head to look at a man beside him indifferently, "Old Liao, go to the personnel department to go through the resignation procedures for Cui Youqing immediately."

"From this moment on, he has been deprived of all his positions and is no longer a member of our Ocean Department Store!"


Cui Youqing looked ashamed.

After dealing with Cui Youqing's matter, Zhang Longdong looked at Liang Shaocong, stared at him meaningfully, and said in a cold tone: "Old Liang, I will leave your son to you."

Old Liang!

Hearing this name suddenly, Liang Shaocong quickly raised his head and looked over. When he saw a familiar figure walking out of the crowd, his eyes lit up, and he hurried forward and shouted anxiously: "Dad!"


That's right, among the group of people who followed Zhang Longdong, the man who stood up at this moment was Liang Shaocong's father, Liang Chaohui, who was also the boss of Jinxu Electronics.

But now Liang Chaohui looked at Liang Shaocong and really wanted to slap him twice.

This is something that is more than successful than failure.

Do you know what the occasion is here?Do you know how much effort I have put in to get on the line of Zhang Longdong?What about you?How dare you trick me here!

What did you just say?It is said that Zhao Shanhe is someone who is planning to do something wrong, do you know who he is?Do you know who he is? How dare you talk nonsense like that.


Liang Chaohui's face was ashen and he didn't say a word. When he came over and raised his hand, he was slapped in the face. When Liang Shaocong was a little dazed, he said indifferently: "Get out, you shameful thing."

"Dad, I..."

Liang Shaocong covered half of his face that was slapped, completely stupefied.

"What are you still doing here in a daze? Get out!" Liang Chaohui pointed at the door and shouted.

"Okay, I'll go and I'll go."

Seeing that his father was really angry, Liang Shaocong quickly turned around and left in despair.

"Director Zhao, what happened tonight is all my fault. I have not been able to teach my son well. Please forgive me." Liang Chaohui turned around and bowed to Zhao Shanhe and said.

"It's a ruthless character."

After Zhao Shanhe saw Liang Chaohui's performance, he secretly admired him.

If it were someone else, they would never say that they would do this. To slap Liang Shaocong's face is to slap his own face. How can he slap him?

But Liang Chaohui slapped him without saying anything, and he slapped him decisively.

Able to bend and stretch, the talent of a general.

It is no wonder that Jinxu Electronics can still develop rapidly under the circumstance of sluggish electronics industry. There are reasons for this.

"Director Liang, you are being polite. The child has a normal personality, so don't worry too much about it." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.


Liang Chaohui turned to look at Zhang Longdong and said, "Mr. Zhang, then I'll take a step first and visit another day."

"it is good!"

Zhang Longdong nodded slightly.

Liang Chaohui strode away.

"Director Zhao, please come inside."

Zhang Longdong didn't take this seriously at all, and greeted him with a smile on his face, as if nothing happened just now.


Zhao Shanhe took Chen Xiao and followed Zhang Longdong to the inside of the business hall.

The rest of the people started whispering after a short period of silence, but this time no one dared to underestimate Zhao Shanhe, and the sportswear he was wearing suddenly became tall and majestic.

Yanchun Hotel parking lot.

As soon as Liang Chaohui came here, Liang Shaocong got out of the car like a doormat, lowered his head, and asked cautiously, "Dad, why did you come out?"

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