Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 394 Have you thought about how to do it?

"Why are you two here?"

Liang Shaocong yelled in astonishment, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Liang Shaocong?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't expect to meet this guy here, but seeing the surprised expression on his face and the misunderstanding in his eyes, he felt a little annoyed in his heart.

"Why can't we be here?" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"Where we are is none of your business!"

Chen Xiao looked over with disapproval.

Liang Shaocong, who was so scorned, became angry.

He was originally pursuing Chen Xiao, and he was already annoyed enough that he hadn't succeeded.

Now seeing Chen Xiao appearing here following Zhao Shanhe, standing so close to Zhao Shanhe, and talking shyly just now, Liang Shaocong became angry on the spot.

The jealousy and anger in his heart burned fiercely, the eyes he looked at Zhao Shanhe were full of viciousness, and even the eyes he looked at Chen Xiao became vicious.


Chen Xiao, you are a bitch!

You said that you don't want someone with such good conditions as me, but you have to find this kind of person who runs the rivers and lakes. What do you mean if you are not a cheap?

Do you think that by helping this man sell milk tea these two days, you can take him down?

Let me tell you, you are wrong, this man will do this, just want to play with you, all he likes is your hue.

Although I don't know how you got in, is it possible for people like you to get in in such an occasion?If you want status but no status, you want status but no status, you must have sneaked in to cheat food and drink.

I want to expose your ugly face.

I'm going to embarrass you in full view.

Chen Xiao, even if I can't get you, I can't let others get you. I want to destroy you with my own hands.

Liang Shaocong, who was dazzled by jealousy and anger, looked at Zhao Shanhe and Chen Xiao, and suddenly picked up the wine glass in his hand and smashed it to the ground.

The glass fell into pieces on the spot, and the people standing around were startled and jumped to avoid it.

"Who let you in? Do you know where this place is? This is the dinner party for Dayang Department Store's third anniversary celebration. Do you have an invitation letter and dare to come in so swaggeringly?"

"Now I suspect that you are sneaking in, the people from Dayang Department Store? Hurry up, get them under control, and see what their intentions are?"

Liang Shaocong's eyes rolled slightly, and he shouted viciously.

As he yelled loudly, people around him also looked over, looking at Zhao Shanhe and Chen Xiao with suspicion.No way, who made their clothes too different.

Casual Wear!Sportswear!

Such a dress is out of place for a dinner party.

"Director Zhao, what shall we do now?" Chen Ling asked in a low voice with some timidity.

"Not afraid."

Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently, and said calmly: "Didn't you see it? He came here just to see us make a fool of himself. But he didn't know that, the more he was like this, the more he seemed to be a clown."

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's self-confidence, Chen Xiao couldn't help calming down his flustered heart.

And at this moment, someone from Dayang Department Store, the organizer, also walked over here.

"what happened?"

The person who came over was a department manager of Dayang Department Store, named Cui Youqing. He knew Liang Shaocong well, and he couldn't help frowning when he saw Liang Shaocong shouting here.

"Liang Shaocong, what are you shouting for?"

"Manager Cui, I want to report someone who broke into your celebration with wrong intentions." Liang Shaocong shouted.

"Who?" Cui Youqing immediately became cautious.

This celebration is related to the layout of Dayang Department Store in Zhongzhou City in the future, and whether Dayang Department Store can defeat Yongxing Department Store, so it is very important and absolutely cannot tolerate any mistakes.

Hearing what Liang Shaocong said now, how could Cui Youqing not be shocked?

"It's them."

Liang Shaocong pointed at Zhao Shanhe and Chen Xiao arrogantly, and said mockingly: "Manager Cui, this woman is called Chen Xiao, and she is a college student in our school."

"This man recently set up a stall in the university town next to our school to do small business. Now I suspect that they broke in illegally, cheating food and drinking here, and plotting something wrong."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask them if they have an invitation letter?"

"You two, can I see your invitation letter?" Cui Youqing was skeptical, but just to be cautious, he couldn't help staring at Zhao Shanhe and asked.

"Invitation card?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled casually, and said casually: "I didn't, I just received a call, and no one sent me an invitation letter."

"Look, I'll just say it. How could a person like him say that he was invited in? He was clearly abducted. Manager Cui, hurry up and arrest them before talking about it, lest they disrupt the order of the celebration."

Liang Shaocong shouted vigorously.

"Come on!"

Cui Youqing raised his arms, and immediately several security guards came over.

Chen Xiao began to get nervous.

Liang Shaocong smiled triumphantly.

Zhao Shanhe, on the other hand, was calm and shrugged fearlessly.

He said plainly: "Let me say it one last time. I was invited by Mr. Zhang of Ocean Department Store. If you don't believe me, you can verify it at any time now."

"If you say you don't want to check and insist on letting us go, fine, but as long as I go out today, I will never enter the gate of your Ocean Department Store again in my life."

Zhao Shanhe's eyes suddenly turned sharp.

"Have you thought about what to do?"


Cui Youqing, who was originally upright and confident, suddenly lost confidence after hearing Zhao Shanhe's words and seeing his calm expression. Could it be that he really made a mistake?

"Manager Cui, don't be fooled by him. May I not know what he does? They must have collected money from others and are planning to make trouble at the celebration."

"Hurry up and drive them out, so that you won't regret it later if something goes wrong."

After Liang Shaocong noticed Cui Youqing's hesitation, he immediately started clamoring.

Not to mention, he is really good at handling, and he hit Cui Youqing's sore spot in one go.

That's right, everyone is happy if it's okay, but if something happens, I can't bear the responsibility.

Thinking of this, Cui Youqing directly lowered his face, and said seriously: "I'm sorry, please go out now, both of you!"

"Without an invitation letter, they must have sneaked in, so hurry up and get out."

"How can such a beautiful little girl do such a thing?"

"Know the face but not the heart."

The people around who were full and had nothing to do began to join in the fun, and they looked at Chen Xiao clearly showing a kind of greed.

I was thinking in my heart, paralyzed, how could a good cabbage be arched by a pig.

Since the cabbage has already been arched, let's spoil it, anyway, I can't eat it.

Chen Xiao's face gradually turned cold.

Zhao Shanhe saw through the ugly thoughts of these people at once.

"You will regret it." After Zhao Shanhe said to Cui Youqing, he turned his head and said lightly to Chen Xiao, "Let's go."

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe turned around and was about to leave, who would have thought that there was a rush of footsteps at this time.

Before anyone arrived, a voice came first.

And the moment he heard this voice, Cui Youqing's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Zhao Shanhe with panic in his eyes, and when he looked at Liang Shaocong, he wanted to tear him to pieces.

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