"How did you offend Zhao Shanhe?" Liang Chaohui didn't answer Liang Shaocong's question, but asked directly.

"Zhao Shanhe?"

Liang Shaocong was a little stunned.

"You said that person is called Zhao Shanhe?"


Seeing Liang Shaocong's surprised expression, Liang Chaohui was completely speechless. Now he has some doubts, is this idiot his son? How could he be so stupid?Simply stupid.

You are ready to deal with them, but you don't even know their details, forget it, you don't even know their names, what a fart you are dealing with them.

"He is Zhao Shanhe, the factory director of Shanqiu Foods, and Yile chewing gum belongs to him." Liang Chaohui said calmly, holding back the anger in his heart.

"It turned out to be him. I'll just say it. How could he sell that kind of milk tea? Ganqing is a food maker." Liang Shaocong suddenly realized.

"Dad, he is a food maker, and he has nothing to do with our electronics maker. Do we need to be afraid of him? Why did you look so afraid of him just now?"

"shut up!"

Liang Chaohui was really angry.

He didn't intend to explain, and looked directly at him indifferently.

"How did you become enemies with Zhao Shanhe? Tell me everything."

"Dad, here's the thing..."

After meeting Liang Chaohui's angry eyes, Liang Shaocong didn't dare to hesitate this time, and quickly told the matter between the two of them openly.

In fact, the matter between the two of them was also very simple, it was caused by Chen Xiao, apart from this, there was really no grievance in the past and no enmity in the present.

"So you mean that you offended Zhao Shanhe just because of a woman?" Liang Chaohui asked bitterly.

"You can say that." Liang Shaocong said awkwardly.


Liang Chaohui turned pale with anger, and pointed with trembling fingers.

"You are just a bastard, for a woman, as for? Do you know what will happen if you offend Zhao Shanhe? Haven't you seen how close Zhao Shanhe and Zhang Longdong are?"

"Listen to me, stay away from Zhao Shanhe in the future, and don't bother him again. And stay away from that woman, don't look for her again, if I know you dare to look for her..."

Liang Chaohui's eyes suddenly turned fierce like a knife.

"I will break your legs myself."

Liang Shaocong shivered in fright.

"I dare not!"

"Go home!" Liang Chaohui roared angrily.


In the private room of the business hall of Yanchun Hotel.

It was still a crowded scene just now, but now it has calmed down.

There are not many people who can sit here, Zhao Shanhe and Chen Xiao are the guests, Zhang Longdong is the host, and then there is the man named Lao Liao just now, and a well-dressed woman.

The woman looked to be in her thirties, with fair and delicate skin, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, which covered some of her features and made her look very intellectual.

And she started to look at Chen Ling after she sat down.

"Director Zhao, I'm really sorry for what happened just now. I didn't expect this to happen. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." Zhang Longdong said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, you're out of touch now, aren't you?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand indifferently.

"The incident just now was just a trivial matter, I don't care about it anymore, and the person in charge of your Dayang Department Store, he did nothing wrong, such a person should not be fired, you should continue to use it. "

"Let's talk!" Zhang Longdong said with a smile.

Then he looked around, pointed at the woman and said, "Let me introduce you, this is Fan Yuzhen, a teacher at our Eastern Province Conservatory of Music, and a well-known producer in the pop music circle."

"Didn't you ask me to help introduce people in this area? I am looking for Teacher Fan."

"Teacher Fan, this is Director Zhao Shanhe who asked me to find you." Zhang Longdong said to Fan Yuzhen, then looked at Zhao Shanhe again, "If you have anything to say, you can say it in person now."

"Hello, Teacher Fan!" Zhao Shanhe looked over and greeted him proactively.

"Hello, Director Zhao. I never thought that Director Zhao would be the director of such a big factory at such a young age. I really admire him!" Fan Yuzhen looked at Zhao Shanhe and said meaningfully.

"There's nothing to admire, but I should admire Teacher Fan."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and let Chen Xiao out.

"Mr. Fan, I asked Mr. Zhang to help introduce. I want you to show me, can you give me some advice on Chen Xiao's singing skills? Because I have a song here, which is going to be used as a promotional song for our Shanqiu Food Milk Tea. Let her sung."

"By the way, she is Chen Xiao."

"Hello, Teacher Fan, I'm Chen Xiao."

Chen Xiao quickly stood up, Zhao Shanhe could sit still, but she dared not.

What's more, she has now recognized who Fan Yuzhen is, and she is surprised at that.

She originally thought that Zhao Shanhe asked her to come here just for fun, but she didn't expect that instead of that, Zhao Shanhe asked someone to introduce him to this person.

You must know that Fan Yuzhen has produced several popular songs.

She is a well-known gold medal producer in the industry.

Chen Xiao never dreamed that one day, she would be lucky enough to be taught by the famous Fan Yuzhen.

"I know you, are you the milk tea Xi Shi?" Fan Yuzhen asked with a smile.

Milk tea Xi Shi?

The moment these words came out, both Zhao Shanhe and Zhang Longdong were stunned.

Chen Ling was not surprised, but said modestly, shaking her hands, "No, this is all just for fun. I'm not a Xi Shi, I'm not."

"Why aren't you? You are indeed beautiful. If you ask me, you are a milk tea Xi Shi." Fan Yuzhen laughed.

"What are you talking about? What milk tea Xishi?" Zhang Longdong asked curiously with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this. Chen Xiao has been helping Director Zhao to promote and sell a cup of milk tea in the University City for the past few days. Because the milk tea sells very well, she is also called Milk Tea Xi Shi."

Fan Yuzhen explained.

"So that's the case, and this thing? That's good."

When Zhang Longdong said this, as if he suddenly remembered something, he hurriedly leaned over to look at Zhao Shanhe and asked in a tight voice: "Director Zhao, what did Teacher Fan just say, that he would help you sell milk tea in cups?"

"What's going on here? Could it be that your Shanqiu Foods has developed any new products?"


Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Our Shanqiu Foods will feature a new drink, milk tea in cups."

"Cup milk tea? Tell me in detail." Zhang Longdong stared intently at Zhao Shanhe and asked enthusiastically.

"Cup milk tea is a new fast-moving beverage we have launched. It can be brewed and drunk with warm water... Milk tea has original flavor, wheat fragrance, chocolate and other flavors..."

"Different from milk tea in the traditional sense, instant, fast, convenient and healthy are our main concepts..."

Zhao Shanhe began to introduce Zhang Longdong.

"Basically that's it."

As soon as Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, Zhang Longdong couldn't wait to speak.

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