Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 382 Are They Too Rampant?

"Director, you can continue to find the next machinery factory."

Gao Shaoyuan said seriously.

"Find the next one? What do you mean?" Zhao Shanhe glared over.

"The meaning is very simple. If you find another machinery factory and let them produce four parts, we, Hetu Manufacturing, can completely throw off our arms and produce whale water pumps." Gao Shaoyuan said naturally.

"Old Gao, you are ruthless."

Zhao Shanhe gave Gao Shaoyuan a hard look.

"I will leave this matter to you. I will continue to study the new Whale Pump, so I won't chat with you."

After Gao Shaoyuan finished speaking, he turned and walked back to the laboratory without looking back.

Zhao Shanhe watched Gao Shaoyuan's back disappear from his eyes, and laughed out loud.

"Xiangyang, did you hear what Lao Gao said?"

"I heard it!" Li Xiangyang also said with a smile.

"Then do as he said and continue to look for suitable machinery factories to cooperate with." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.


Both Li Xiangyang and Yang E present knew that Gao Shaoyuan's words were true.

Although with the cooperation of Changzheng Machinery Factory, Hetu Manufacturing can free up its hands to take orders.But doing so, after all, is still a little nervous.

If another company can join in, Hetu Manufacturing will really relax.

Then keep looking.


The day.

The news of the cooperation between Hetu Manufacturing and Changzheng Machinery quickly spread to Hongxing Machinery Factory and to the ears of the factory director Ji Mingjian.

When he heard the news, Ji Mingjian, who was presiding over the meeting, turned gloomy.

"Deputy Factory Manager Liu, what's going on? Didn't I remember telling you that I wanted to win the order from Hetu Manufacturing? Why did they go to cooperate with Changzheng Machinery?"

Ji Mingjian asked directly in front of everyone.

Liu Yunze was also a little dazed.

He didn't expect that Hetu's manufacturing would be so quick. He just refused, and they turned around and signed a contract with Changzheng Machinery Factory. Isn't this too fast?

You know, his refusal is actually to make things difficult, and he wants to use this matter to create a blow to Hetu, so that they can come up with more favorable conditions for cooperation.

What can we do now?

"Director Ji, I'm not very clear about this." Liu Yunze could only pretend to be stupid.

"You don't know either?"

Two cold lights shot out from Ji Mingjian's eyes, and he was about to open his mouth to shout angrily, but thinking of Liu Yunze's identity and the backer behind him, he could only control his anger.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, I will personally come forward and talk to Hetu Manufacturing."

"As for?" Liu Yunze frowned slightly, curled his lips, and asked disapprovingly.

"What do you mean?" Ji Mingjian asked with a slightly annoyed expression on his face.

"I mean Hetu Manufacturing is nothing more than a small hardware factory. They dare to negotiate terms with us when they start a fire with a swallowing water pump. Are they worthy?"

"They still want us to produce parts and components for them. Let's forget about production, and they don't even plan to transfer any technology. Director Ji, do you think they are too rampant?" Liu Yunze asked angrily.

The whole place was silent.

Everyone looked at Liu Yunze as if they were looking at an idiot.

Ji Mingjian shook his head speechlessly.

Let me just say, it is impossible to say that this matter became pornographic for no reason, and the root of daring is here.

Nima's Liu Yunze actually wants other people's core technology.How dare you be here, blatantly say what others don't deserve, what an idiot you are to do such a mindless thing!

"That's the deal, I'll go back and talk to Zhao Shanhe in person, let's end the meeting!"

Ji Mingjian didn't bother to explain, so he got up and walked outside.

The rest of the people followed suit.

In the end, only the angry Liu Yunze was left sitting on the chair.

"Why are you all leaving? Did I say something wrong? Hetu Manufacturing is not worthy of it!"


With Jiang Haichao's Changzheng Machinery Factory as the foundation, Zhao Shanhe can know it well, just like taking a reassurance.As for finding a suitable machinery factory to cooperate with, he is not in a hurry anyway.

Let Li Xiangyang do this.

When he was about to get off work, he found time to come to Xiao Mingyu's laboratory.

Although it is said that Xiangpiaopiao milk tea has been developed, Xiao Mingyu does not mean that he has nothing to do. After all, what he has developed is only original milk tea.

According to Zhao Shanhe's suggestion, it is best to develop several new flavors to meet the needs of more customers.

"Mr. Xiao, how is your progress?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile as soon as he entered the door.

"It just so happens that you are here, give it a try."

As Xiao Mingyu spoke, he brought over three cups of milk tea.

"This is the taro-flavored, chocolate-flavored and vanilla-flavored milk tea we just developed. Please give me some advice."

"it is good!"

I dare not say anything else, this Zhao Shanhe is definitely good at it.

After he drank all three cups of milk tea, Xiao Mingyu couldn't wait to ask: "How does it taste?"

"Words of taste!"

Zhao Shanhe pondered for a while, pointed to the three cups one by one and said, "The vanilla flavor is a bit weak, add some saccharin."

"The chocolate taste is a bit strong, the taste should be lighter, otherwise it will be too greasy."

"The taro flavor is just right, that's all."

After hearing these suggestions, Xiao Mingyu turned around and ordered without saying a word: "Have you heard everything clearly? Hurry up and adjust according to what Director Zhao said, and try to come up with the most suitable taste in these two days."


Several people in the laboratory responded in unison.

"Mr. Xiao, just let them modify the formula. I want to tell you something." Zhao Shanhe put away his smile, looked at Xiao Mingyu seriously and said.

"Tell me." Xiao Mingyu blinked, nodded and looked at Zhao Shanhe.

"You should know, right? In June, our province will hold a summer product promotion meeting. This promotion meeting is held every year, and this year is no exception."

"Last year, I made a name for the popsicle by relying on this promotion meeting. This year, I want to promote our milk tea, so I hope you can produce a batch of samples as soon as possible within a week. "

When Zhao Shanhe said this, he paused.

"Of course, as long as the production equipment at the Green Park is well-adjusted, it can be put into production at any time. But I think we still need to make two-handed preparations, and you should give the whole point as much as possible."

"That's it?" Xiao Mingyu asked with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"Yes, that's it." Zhao Shanhe nodded seriously with a serious expression.

"No problem, as long as I change the formula, I will do my best to produce samples." Xiao Mingyu said calmly.


After talking with Xiao Mingyu for a while, Zhao Shanhe left.

When he returned to the office, he saw Li Qiuya who was about to get off work, and the two happened to go home together.

But when their Crown sedan just drove out of the factory, the sharp-eyed Li Qiuya suddenly pointed at a distance and shouted in surprise: "Shanhe, look quickly, what's going on?"

Looking at Li Qiuya's fingers, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

How is this going?

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