Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 381 Big Can't Explain the Problem

"When I came back just now, I received a call from my family saying that Lin Chaoyang had been released." Li Qiuya looked at Zhao Shanhe with a solemn expression.

Lin Chaoyang was released?

After Zhao Shanhe was slightly stunned, he soon felt relieved.

Strictly speaking, what Lin Chaoyang committed was serious, but it wasn't that exaggerated.If it is said that he has been reformed very well and performed well in it, it is not impossible to release him early.

What's more, even if he is not released early, according to the time, he will almost be released from prison soon.

"Let's release it." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

Even if it was released, he didn't mean to provoke him.Whether you, Lin Chaoyang, reformed well or not is all your business, and has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to get entangled with you again.

You walk your Yangguan Road, I cross my single-plank bridge.

Our well water does not violate the river water.

"If uncle and concubine come to look for me again..." Li Qiuya looked at Zhao Shanhe with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it, if they come to you again, you'll just push me." Zhao Shanhe shook his head bluntly, and said calmly, "I'll handle this matter."

"it is good!"

Li Qiuya breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, I forgot to ask, what happened to the person you helped up in the restaurant?"

"Come on, let me tell you."


the next day.

When Zhao Shanhe came to Hetu Manufacturing, he told Li Xiangyang and Yang E what happened yesterday, and the two were stunned on the spot when they heard about it.

Li Xiangyang pouted his lips.

"It's really a coincidence. We were thinking about getting in touch with the Changzheng Machinery Factory, but you actually met Jiang Haichao."

"But this is a good thing. After all, the reputation of Long March Machinery is much stronger than that of Red Star."

"Yes, I thought so too."

Zhao Shanhe nodded with a smile and said: "Since Hongxing Machinery Factory is playing big games, looking down on us, and wishing to occupy our core technology, then we simply kick them out and cooperate with Jiang Haichao."

"As long as there is no problem with the sample that Jiang Haichao produced, this matter must be finalized immediately, and then we must hurry up to produce it, so as not to delay the progress of the order."

"Did Jiang Haichao say when we can get samples?" Li Xiangyang asked quickly.

"Today! I gave him four products. Jiang Haichao said that there are three ready-made in the warehouse of Changzheng Machinery Factory. As for the remaining one, it will be produced this morning."

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the clock on the wall, pointed to it and said, "So he will come to the factory at one o'clock in the afternoon at the latest to discuss this matter. Remember to receive him when the time comes."

"no problem."

Li Xiangyang smiled heartily.

"Now we can finally take orders happily."

"Yeah, let's go and pick it up. In the recent period, the whale swallowing pump will be the mainstream, and this kind of water pump should be needed all over the country, so don't be afraid that it will not be sold if it is produced."

"As long as it can be produced, there is no need to worry about sales." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

The time soon came to one o'clock in the afternoon.

As Zhao Shanhe said, Jiang Haichao came to the door with samples, and after he handed over all the samples to Gao Shaoyuan, he and Zhao Shanhe waited in the corridor outside.

Next, let's look at Gao Shaoyuan's appraisal results.

"Director Zhao, when I came in just now, I took a general look, and it seems that your Hetu manufacturing place is not too big."

"It's really hard to imagine that such a small place can develop non-ferrous metal solder and whale pumps, and they are all selling so hot."

"This really makes me feel ashamed. Compared with you, our Long March Machinery is almost ashamed to face people."

Jiang Haichao felt it.

He was telling the truth.

You must know that when it comes to area, a Changzheng Machinery Factory can manufacture six Hetu, but what if the place is big?You can't do it or you can't, you simply don't have the qualifications to compete with Hetu Manufacturing.

"You're right. Hetu Manufacturing wasn't very big in the first place. It used to be a cannery. I took it down and changed it to Hetu Manufacturing."

"Don't say it is compared with your Long March Machinery, even in our Zhenghe County, it is not very big." Zhao Shanhe said modestly.

"Big can't explain the problem." Jiang Haichao said sincerely.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"Director Zhao, I heard that you have contacted Hongxing Machinery before?" Jiang Haichao asked.


Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "The first thing I contacted was Hongxing Machinery. After all, Hongxing has a big business and is a very good partner."

"It's just that I didn't expect that people would look down on us without telling us, and want to take away the core technology of Whale. Do you think I can give it?"

Ask for core technology?

The corner of Jiang Haichao's mouth curled up in disdain, Hongxing, you really dare to think that such a thing can be done.

Do you really think you are number one in the world?

"And Factory Director Jiang is telling the truth, your Long March Machinery is our second choice."

"I have already arranged someone to contact you yesterday. Who would have thought that I would meet you by accident and ask Luo Yunpeng for money. We will know each other now. Do you think this is fate?"

"Does it mean that we, Hetu Manufacturing, should cooperate with your Long March Machinery?"

Zhao Shanhe handed over a cigarette with a smile on his face.

Jiang Haichao took it over.

The two began to puff.

"You are so right. This is fate, and we should cooperate with each other."

Jiang Haichao laughed and said, "Director Zhao, don't worry, we at Long March Machinery can't say anything else, the quality of this product is absolutely fine."

"I'm going to put my words here today. If there is a problem with one of the products we bring over in the future, I don't need money for all of them, and I will give you all for free."

"Haha, I feel relieved with your words." Zhao Shanhe raised his head and laughed.

The two began to chat.

10 minute later.

Gao Shaoyuan opened the door and came out.

Jiang Haichao was the first to stand up and looked over expectantly.

"How is it?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Factory Manager, I have to say that Changzheng Machinery is indeed an old brand factory. The four samples they brought over are all good, and the quality is all qualified. They can be used in Whale Tun pumps." Gao Shaoyuan said with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe turned sideways and said loudly: "Director Jiang, let's sign the contract now."

"it is good!"

The contracts are ready-made, and after both parties confirm that there is no problem, the contract will be signed as soon as possible.

After signing, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Director Jiang, then you should hurry back and start production. As for the funds, I will send someone to your account within today. "

"Thank you very much, Director Zhao, thank you very much." Jiang Haichao said excitedly, "Then I'll go back and produce quickly."

"I send you."

After sending Jiang Haichao away, Gao Shaoyuan looked at Zhao Shanhe and suddenly opened his mouth. What he said made Zhao Shanhe lose his smile, and said sadly, "Old Gao, you are cruel!"

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