Not far away, two people were talking.

One is Li Qiucheng.

The other one turned out to be Feng Yuanyuan.

"Why did Feng Yuanyuan come here?" Li Qiuya frowned slightly, and was about to get out of the car as she spoke.

"never mind."

Zhao Shanhe stopped her, and said slowly: "Qiu Cheng is not a three-year-old child, he will handle this well. Besides, if you can stop this time, what about next time? Can you guarantee to be there every time? "

"Don't worry about it, let Qiucheng handle it by himself. At worst, you can call Qiucheng over to ask what's going on after we get home."

"it is good!"

The Crown sedan drove away without stopping.

"Why did you come to me again? Didn't I say it clearly enough two days ago?"

"We are useless, you are not the type I like, so please don't come to me again in the future." Li Qiucheng refused with a serious expression.

Although she was rejected, Feng Yuanyuan didn't mean to be discouraged. She looked up at Li Qiucheng and said, "Li Qiucheng, I know there was a misunderstanding between us, and I don't want to explain the previous things."

"I just want to tell you that I have changed for the better now. I am completely different from what you saw before. I really hope that you can give me another chance."

"Congratulations on getting better, but it has nothing to do with me."

Li Qiucheng shook his head indifferently, and resolutely refused.

"Please don't come to me again in the future, we are not suitable."

After speaking, Li Qiucheng got on his motorcycle and left.

Seeing Li Qiucheng disappear like this, Feng Yuanyuan stomped her feet fiercely and said proudly: "Li Qiucheng, do you think this lady cares about you? If you weren't Zhao Shanhe's brother-in-law, do you think I would do this?"

"You still dare to refuse me, do you deserve it?" Feng Yuanyuan said, her eyes became persistent, "Hmph, I remember you, the more you are like this, the more I will not let go, let's wait and see."

After half an hour.

Li Qiucheng came to Zhao Shanhe's house, and after telling what happened just now, Li Qiuya finally breathed a sigh of relief: "You did a very good job, you have to be cruel to a woman like Feng Yuanyuan."

"Don't look at her beautiful, but her character is not good."

"I know." Li Qiucheng nodded and said.

"Is she beautiful? I don't think so." Zhao Shanhe raised his head pretending to be surprised, and then said with a playful smile, "I think you are the most beautiful."

"You are the only one with a sweet mouth." Li Qiuya cast a coquettish glance.

"I said sister and brother-in-law, I'm still here, can you stop showing your affection so nakedly? I'm still young, so it's not suitable for children." Li Qiucheng said, covering his eyes deliberately.

"Screw you."

Li Qiuya rolled his eyes at him, picked up the apron and walked towards the kitchen.

"We bought some lo-mei when we came back. Today you drink some with your brother-in-law, and I'll pack it for you."


After Li Qiuya went to work, Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Qiucheng and asked, "Is there any progress in the large-scale water pump researched by your laboratory?"


Li Qiucheng cheered up and said: "Gao Gong said that in another week, a new type of water pump will be produced. Although this type of water pump is larger than the current one, it has a very strong power."

"What we want is this powerful power."

After Zhao Shanhe asked a few more questions, Li Qiuya's food and wine were served, and the three of them ate and drank talking and laughing.

"Brother-in-law, can I tell you something? You probably don't know yet."

After drinking for three rounds, Li Qiucheng said suddenly.

"what's up?"

"It's that Shan Kai who fell in love with Sai Hua." Li Qiucheng said mysteriously.

Then he saw that neither Zhao Shanhe nor Li Qiuya were surprised, so he couldn't help being stunned, and asked with a suspicious expression: "You don't seem to be surprised at all? Why, did you know about this a long time ago?"

"As far as this matter is concerned, you are still quite mysterious, and I am convinced. Your sister and I have already guessed about the two of them, and we use you to gossip here. You, the news is behind." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"You can also learn from Shan Kai, you can see how easy it is for him to find a girlfriend, what about you?"

Li Qiuya instantly switched on the nagging mode.

Li Qiucheng lowered his head dejectedly, he wished he could slap himself two big mouths.

Why is my mouth so cheap, I have to talk about this, I dig a hole for myself to jump.


In the next few days, Changzheng Machinery Factory sent the first batch of goods to Hetu Manufacturing. All these parts passed the inspection and acceptance, and then the first payment was made to the account of Longzheng Machinery.

After the news came back, the workers of the Changzheng Machinery Factory became more motivated.

What they lack is the stimulus of money. Now that someone is willing to give money, there is no reason for them to shirk their laziness.Each of them is like a small motor with enough power, desperately starting to work overtime in production.

This also spread quickly.

And when Li Xiangyang, the deputy director of Hetu Manufacturing, was looking for a second machinery factory to cooperate with, the directors of these machinery factories and hardware factories in Handong City couldn't sit still.

You said that if Hetu Manufacturing chooses to cooperate with Hongxing Machinery Factory, then they are definitely not qualified to compete.After all, Hongxing Machinery's status is there, and they also have strength.

But now that they have chosen the Changzheng Machinery Factory in Linxian County, doesn't that mean they also have a chance?

"Let me tell you that Changzheng Machinery was almost out of business, but now it has become fat all of a sudden. The wages owed to the workers have all been paid out."

"I also know about this, Zhao Shanhe settled it on the spot."

"No, I have to go to Hetu Manufacturing to talk about cooperation. We can also produce those parts."


For a while, many people volunteered to come to the door.

Seeing such a head-scratching scene, Zhao Shanhe chose to avoid it neatly and handed over the matter to Li Xiangyang to handle.As for which company to choose for cooperation in the end, it was up to Li Xiangyang.

In this fierce competition, Hongxing Machinery Factory suddenly came to the door.

Of course, the representative who came this time was neither Liu Yunze nor Ji Mingjian, but Zhou Benqu, the deputy director in charge of sales.

Zhou Benqu is a middle-aged man who looks very capable. Although his complexion is a little dark, his eyes are very shrewd, and there is always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

And he is also Ji Mingjian's right-hand man.

This time Zhao Shanhe didn't say to avoid, but formally interviewed him in the office.

After the brief exchange of pleasantries between the two parties, Zhou Benqu cut to the point with a smile.

"Director Zhao, I think you're quite busy here too, so I won't go around in circles, and just say what I have to say."

"You said."

"Actually, I came here this time to talk about cooperation with you. Didn't your factory visit our Red Star Machinery two days ago? There may be some misunderstandings in the middle, so the two of us failed to reach a cooperation in the end."

"But this time I came here with sincerity, and I promise to satisfy Director Zhao, but I don't know what you mean, Director Zhao?"

After Zhou Benqu finished speaking, he was still smiling, waiting for Zhao Shanhe's answer.

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