Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 378 This step is just right

Seeing Dong Li's expression, Ren Qianzhong knew that she was thinking too much, he couldn't help but shook his head speechlessly, stared blankly, and said helplessly: "I know what you want to say, but it's really not what you think .”


Dong Li continued to watch suspiciously.

"Others don't know, but I know very well that you liked Li Qiuya very much back then, and you wrote a love letter to Li Qiuya, right? You really didn't want to have a relationship with her when you came this time?"

Ren Qianzhong was so speechless that he almost went crazy.

"Falling in love? I said you're filled with all kinds of messy things in your head."

"Li Qiuya is already married, and Zhao Shanhe is the one who married. Do you think I will come to Li Qiuya to talk about love so recklessly? How dare you think so?"

"Isn't it? If not, why didn't you go directly to Zhao Shanhe, but Li Qiuyana first?" Dong Li asked with a puzzled face.

"Do you think I don't want to find Zhao Shanhe? This is not what I want to do. It is definitely useless to find Zhao Shanhe, so I just want to see if I can talk to Li Qiuya."

"After all, we are all classmates, and Li Qiuya is a woman, so she should be soft-hearted. It should be okay to ask her to blow the pillow breeze." Ren Qianzhong explained with a sigh.

"Really, I don't even want to find Li Qiuya if I have a little ability. Am I being cornered?"


Dong Li was really surprised by this, she knew the details of Ren Qianzhong's family.

Although the Ren family can't be regarded as a prominent family in Handong City, they are also rich and can handle ordinary things.

But now that this matter can force Ren Qianzhong into a corner, it must be very difficult and important.

It's just that such a difficult and important matter, can you solve it with Li Qiuya?

Just when Dong Li was hesitating and wanted to continue asking, Li Qiuya had already walked out of the factory.

And the moment she saw Li Qiuya, Dong Li, who was still very confident just now, felt pale in comparison.

Today Li Qiuya is wearing a professional dress.

The black and white skirt made her look very capable and neat.The already beautiful face, under the light of the evening sun, has a different kind of style.

No wonder Dong Li feels ashamed of herself.

Ren Qianzhong's eyes straightened.

Although he said that he came here to ask for something, and he had no other thoughts at all, but when he really saw Li Qiuya, his heart couldn't help beating rapidly, his mouth was dry, and there was a feeling in his heart. Kind of amazing.


She really deserves to be the woman I liked back then.

Grandma, this is Zhao Shanhe's quick attack, otherwise I might be able to get together with Li Qiuya.If so, this beauty belongs to me.

"Ren Qianzhong, Dong Li, hello!"

Li Qiuya came over with a burst of fragrance, and greeted her with a smile.

"Qiu Ya, you finally came out."

Seeing Li Qiuya approaching, Dong Li stepped forward, took her arm, and said with a smile: "If you don't come again, both of us will be hungry."

"You, it's okay to be hungry for a meal or two, just consider it a weight loss." Li Qiuya replied with a smile.

"Hello, Qiuya, we finally met. This is the first time we've met after graduation!" Ren Qianzhong extended his right hand politely, wanting to shake Li Qiuya's hand.

But Li Qiuya just ignored it. She deliberately stood next to Dong Li, raised her hand and smiled, "Yes, we met for the first time after graduation."

"We're all old classmates, so don't make such foolishness, and shake hands, how embarrassing, besides, I can't shake hands with you now, let's go, let's go to the restaurant first, don't really starve Dong Li."


Dong Li laughed.

"Go, let's eat."

"Okay, let's go in my car."

Ren Qianzhong pointed to a blue bird parked not far away.


After the three of them got into the car, Dong Li and Li Qiuya were sitting in the back seat. She rolled her eyes and said, "Qiu Ya, did you see that? Ren Qianzhong is doing well now, and he's already driving such a good car."

"I heard that this car costs at least a hundred thousand, right?"

"It's doing well." Li Qiuya smiled indifferently.

"Dong Li, don't say such things in front of Qiuya. Don't say it's a car worth a hundred thousand yuan, even if it's a million yuan car, can you think Qiuya can't afford it?"

"Don't forget what Qiu Ya is now. She is the general manager of Shanqiu Foods, in charge of such a large food processing factory." Ren Qianzhong looked at the road ahead and said with a twitch.

He naturally knew what Dong Li wanted to do.

But Dong Li, Dong Li, your vision and structure are a bit low, and there is no need to rely on this to elevate me.Not only can you not elevate me like this, but it will make Li Qiuya look down on me.

Not worth the candle!

"That's right, why did I forget this?"

Dong Li quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Qiuya, you are amazing now, the general manager of Shanqiu Foods, how many people do you have to control?"

"You are the most accomplished person in our class, and we will have to rely on you to solve everything in our class in the future."

Dong Li looked forward as she spoke.

"Qianzhong, do you think so?"

This step is just right.

It seems that this woman is still useful.

"That's right, if anyone has anything to do here, I really have to ask my old classmate for help. That Qiuya, I actually have something to tell you right now. Can you see if I can help you?"

Ren Qianzhong walked down the steps.

Li Qiuya narrowed her eyes slightly.

She is not stupid, Ren Qianzhong and Dong Li are singing together, she can see it.

What are these two people trying to do?Are you trying to set a trap for me?Thinking to herself, Li Qiuya smiled calmly.

"I said you two don't put a high hat on me here, I'm not as exaggerated as you are. But if you really have something to say, tell me, I will definitely help if I can help. "

"If you can't help, don't blame me. I can't do anything for anyone who asks me to do this."

"You can certainly help."

Hearing Li Qiuya let go, the corners of Ren Qianzhong's mouth slightly raised, and he said with a smile: "Qiuya, this matter is really a trivial matter to you, you can do it with a wave of your hand."

"What's the matter?" Li Qiuya asked.

"You Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing also have a lot of workers now, right? You workers always wear work clothes, right? Do you think you can buy work clothes from Dimei Clothing?"

Ren Qianzhong couldn't hold back the urgency in his heart, and said it all at once.

Go to Dimei Clothing to purchase tooling?

Li Qiuya was stunned when she heard this, she never thought that Ren Qian came here to look for her again for this matter.

You can say that this matter is indeed not big, but why is it Dimei clothing?

Li Qiuya glanced at Dong Li meaningfully, and suddenly spoke.


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