"Really treat our Red Star Machinery as a beggar, and come to place an order with us. Are you placing an order? You are giving alms. Hmph, go to your mother's charity."

Liu Yunze walked out of the reception room humming a little tune.

"Li Xiangyang, you guys will come back obediently, I'll wait for you to bow your heads."


Outside the Red Star Machinery Factory.

"Director Li, what should we do now?" Yang E was a little anxious.

"Liu Yunze clearly made things difficult for us on purpose."

Li Xiangyang snorted coldly, and said with a sneer: "He said that Hongxing Machinery is the No. [-] machinery factory in Handong City, and that their orders are overwhelming and their tasks are heavy. Isn't that just talking nonsense?"

"Yes, I admit that Hongxing Machinery is an old brand and qualified, but where do they come from with heavy tasks?"

"We will choose Hongxing Machinery Factory to cooperate, isn't it because of their old brand reputation? But who would have thought that they would dare to show off and want to take away our core technology."

Speaking of this, Li Xiangyang stared: "Isn't this nonsense? Can we cooperate with them? Impossible!"

"Yeah, it's already like this. Red Star Machinery is still showing off, playing big names, and playing the tricks of those big brothers of state-owned enterprises."

"It's no wonder that Hongxing Machinery has been overtaken by other machinery factories in the past two years. It's not without reason."

Yang E nodded approvingly.

"Then shall we go back now?"

"Go back!" Li Xiangyang said bluntly, "Go back and tell Shan He about it."

"it is good!"

after an hour.

In Hetu Manufacturing's office, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help showing a sneer on his face after listening to the report of Li Xiangyang and the other two.

He said disapprovingly: "Unexpectedly, even Hongxing Machinery started to show off like this! They still want to swallow the production technology of water pumps? How dare they say it?"

"What I'm talking about is that this Liu Yunze looks very arrogant and domineering, and he said that unless he agrees to their conditions, there is no way to reach a cooperation." Li Xiangyang said indignantly.

"This is a common problem with state-owned enterprises."

Zhao Shanhe said slowly, if it were any private company, how could it be like this?He must have come here a long time ago just to be able to eat this piece of fat.

"Then what shall we do next?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"Then give up the cooperation with Hongxing Machinery, and start talking with the second and third companies tomorrow. If they are also like Hongxing Machinery, let's think of other ways." Zhao Shanhe said.


After saying this, Yang E got up and left to go to work.

Li Xiangyang stayed behind, he had something to say.

"Shanhe, I want to tell you about the Propaganda Department."

Li Xiangyang didn't hide it, and said it straight to the point.

"Propaganda Department?"

Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

"What happened to the Propaganda Department? Is there something wrong? Is there something wrong with Han Chunni's work?"

"Han Chunni's job is fine, but what I want to say is that this is fine."

Li Xiangyang sat on the chair, put his legs together, and said seriously: "I also admit that Han Chunni is a very conscientious and diligent person. She can do very well whatever you arrange."

"So she's a very qualified performer."

Li Xiangyang said, but suddenly changed the topic: "But she is not an excellent planner and propagandist."

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's pensive expression, Li Xiangyang continued: "I think what the Propaganda Department needs is a group of people who are full of whimsical ideas and can come up with ideas to plan publicity, not just a group of people who follow orders."

"From this point of view, what Han Chunni has done is somewhat lacking. I suggest that if you have suitable candidates, you can introduce more to the Propaganda Department."

"I understand! I will remember this matter, and you should pay attention to it. If there are suitable talents and a suitable team, you will try your best to find them!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Okay, I see, there's nothing else to do, I'll go to work first!" Li Xiangyang got up and left after finishing speaking.


After Li Xiangyang left, Zhao Shanhe showed a satisfied expression.

He knew that Li Xiangyang's suggestion just now was not to put eye drops on Han Chunni, but it was true.Han Chunni is an excellent executor, but if you say you can come up with a good publicity plan, it's almost meaningless.

Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is the best example.

From the successful research and development to the present, although Han Chunni said that she has submitted several planning cases, none of them satisfied Zhao Shanhe.

According to Han Chunni's plan to promote, Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea will not be popular for a while.

"Maybe I should think about a suitable publicity planning team and assign it to Han Chunni directly."


When it's time to get off work.

Li Qiuya suddenly received a call from the guard room, saying that her classmate had come and wanted to see her.classmate?After asking who it was, Li Qiuya showed a troubled expression on her face.

Because this classmate is Dong Li.

Zhao Shanhe told her not to see Dong Li again if there is nothing to do in the future, but who would have thought that Dong Li, who just met two days ago, would come again.Come on, come, this time directly find the factory.

"Call me and I'll talk to her!"

Dong Li snatched the phone from the guard and said loudly, "Qiuya, let me tell you, I came here with Ren Qianzhong this time, and we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"It looks like it's time for dinner, let's have a meal together, let's get together."

"Is Ren Qian heavy?"

Hearing this, Li Qiuya knew she couldn't refuse.

If it was a refusal, Dong Li's mouth might say what kind of nonsense she would say, so she smiled and said: "Okay, then wait for me to come down, and I will go out right away."

"Okay, we'll wait for you at the door."

After hanging up the phone, Li Qiuya called Zhao Shanhe.

When he heard that Ren Qianzhong and Dong Li had come and invited Li Qiuya to dinner in the name of a class reunion, Zhao Shanhe sneered and said, "It's really interesting, are you starting to form a group to come to the party now?"

"Okay, since everyone is here, we can't say that we don't care about a meal. If I come to book a restaurant, let's go to Haomei."

"Okay, then I'll take them there first, remember to come!" Li Qiuya laughed.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go."

"That's it."

at the gate.

As soon as Dong Li hung up the phone, Ren Qianzhong asked anxiously, "How is it? What did Qiu Ya say?"

"What else can I say? Of course there is no problem."

Dong Li smiled confidently, and said proudly: "Our old classmate is here, can she not show up?"

"But Qian Zhong, what's the matter with you? Why do you have to bring you to see Li Qiuya in such a hurry? What's your matter, you can only speak in front of her?"

Having said that, Dong Li suddenly raised her eyebrows.

"Qianzhong, you don't mean to..."

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