Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 379 How can it be endless?


Ren Qianzhong stepped on the brake subconsciously, then turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ren Qianzhong, did you just say Dimei Garment Factory?" Li Qiuya asked.

"Yes, it's Dimei Garment Factory. Is there a problem?" Ren Qianzhong was a little puzzled.

"No problem, keep driving."

Li Qiuya glanced at him with deep meaning and said slowly.

"it is good!"

Haomei Hotel.

Among the few restaurants in Zhenghe County, Haomei is definitely the best.The chefs here are all experienced chefs, who specialize in Hunan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine they cook is authentic.

As soon as Ren Qianzhong's car stopped, Zhao Shanhe walked over with a smile on his face.

"Mountains and rivers!"

"Front weight!"

After Zhao Shanhe and Ren Qianzhong shook hands briefly, he said to Dong Li, "Dong Li, welcome to Zhenghe County as a guest."

"Shanhe, look at what you said. It seems that I am not from Zhenghe County anymore. Let me tell you, my household registration is still in the county." Dong Li said with a giggle.

"Haha, let's go, let's talk when we go in." Zhao Shanhe laughed and waved forward.

"it is good!"

Several people walked into the hotel box and sat down respectively, Zhao Shanhe smiled and said: "Qianzhong, we are all classmates, so don't play with those silly things in the society, you must have something to do when you come to me Bar?"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"


Ren Qianzhong hesitated.

What he originally thought was to let Zhao Shanhe agree to the Dimei Garment Factory by using Li Qiuya to blow the wind around his pillow.

But now who would have thought that by accident, before Li Qiuya had a chance to blow the pillow, Zhao Shanhe asked directly.

Yes, then come directly.

"Shanhe, if you say that, then I won't be polite to you."

Ren Qian said with a heavy smile, "I'm here for a small matter, and I want to ask for your help."

Zhao Shanhe leaned forward slightly, nodded at him and said, "Say it."

"The thing is like this. You also know that our family has a cooperation with Dimei Garment Factory. The cloth materials needed by Dimei Garment are all purchased from our family."

"But now Feng Jingliao has a problem for me. After he saw us together last time, he thought we were classmates. He asked me to tell you about your Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing. Order tooling from him."

Order tooling from Dimei?

Zhao Shanhe suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the case.

Let’s just say that Ren Qianzhong would not come to me when he has nothing to do, and he came here for the matter of Dimei’s clothing.But is it really that simple?Does Feng Jingliao really just want to take the order from us?

Maybe he really thought so, after all, this is not a small order.

But I always feel that behind this matter, there are some calculations hidden.

Sister Zhao Danna came to her door to say goodbye.

Later, Ren Qianzhong came to ask for help in person.

Feng Jingliao, are you eyeing me?

"Qian Zhong, since you said this, I must help. How about this, let me check the product quality of Dimei Garment Factory first, and then talk about the cooperative order." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"That's great, come, let's have a drink."

Ren Qianzhong was overjoyed, and immediately stood up with his wine glass in both hands.

Zhao Shanhe hurriedly pressed his hand to him to sit down: "We are all classmates, there is no need to do this, come, drink!"

After a few people finished their business, they began to chat casually.What they were talking about was all about their school days. Of course, Ren Qianzhong didn't dare to tell about the love letter he wrote to Li Qiuya back then.


The bus stop sign outside the Haomei Hotel.

A middle-aged man in plain clothes ate the biscuits in his hand, then drank water for a while, wiped his lower lip casually, straightened his clothes, and strode towards the hotel entrance.

"Success or failure is here!"

After a few minutes.

Zhao Shanhe heard a lively dispute coming from the next door, they were chatting and laughing, they couldn't help but quiet down.He didn't take it seriously at first, but the more he listened to it, the more interesting he found it.

And when he heard the name Jiang Haichao, the corners of his eyebrows subconsciously raised slightly.

"Is that Jiang Haichao?"

"This hotel is really bad, the sound insulation effect is too bad. Shanhe, if we are like this tonight, you are also tired, it's time to go back and rest." Ren Qianzhong observed his words and said.

"Okay, let's go then."

Zhao Shanhe didn't want to stay any longer.

Several people got up and walked out.

As soon as he walked out of the room, the door of the next room was pushed open, and a man came out angrily, cursing as he walked: "Paralyzed Jiang Haichao, do you think you can get money by doing this? Tell you ,no way."

"My good things have been ruined by you, and you will never get any more money in your life!"

"Luo Yunpeng, stop for me!"

With a loud shout, the man who was at the bus station before also rushed out of the box, blocking Luo Yunpeng's way.

He said with fierce eyes: "I tell you, you must pay back the money today, if you don't pay back the money, I will never end with you."

"It's not over with me?"

After Luo Yunpeng stopped, he looked over with a mocking expression.

"Even if you are endless, what can you do? Can you still kill me?"

"Let me tell you, I have no money right now, not even a penny! It's useless if you force me! If you want money, no problem, when I have it, I will pay you back!"

"You bullshit!"

Jiang Haichao turned pale with anger, raised his arm and pointed at the bridge of Luo Yunpeng's nose, and said angrily, "Are you ashamed to say that? You Wuyang Trading is obviously rich, why don't you pay back the debt?"

"I don't want your money. What I want is the money from our Changzheng Machinery Factory. That's the money we deserve. Why don't you give it?"

"The money from your Long March Machinery Factory?"

Luo Yunpeng laughed loudly, and said without hesitation: "Jiang Haichao, I remember I told you about this, right? I said that as long as Hongxing Machinery Factory repays my money, I will pay you back."

"But as far as I know, it seems that your Changzheng Machinery Factory still owes money to Hongxing Machinery, right? Hongxing said that as long as you pay back the money, they will give it to me immediately."

"Why don't you think this is okay? You first pay back the money you owe to Red Star, and I have money now, and I will pay you back immediately when I have money."


Jiang Haichao's face turned red when he heard this.

"Is this the same thing?"

"That's the thing!"

Luo Yunpeng grinned, raised his hand and pushed Jiang Haichao aside, and said arrogantly: "Listen, don't come to me again. If you come to me again, the answer will still be the same."

"If you have the time to find me, you should figure out how to make money yourself. Haha!"

After speaking, Luo Yunpeng laughed and walked away.


Seeing Luo Yunpeng walking farther and farther, Jiang Haichao, who wanted to chase after him, suddenly lost his legs and fell to the ground with a thud.

When Ren Qianzhong saw this, he jumped away, for fear of being provoked.

"Shanhe, let's go! Shanhe, what are you doing?"

Ren Qianzhong was surprised.

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