Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 360 It's Just a Pawn

"See? Yongxing Department Store has suffered." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Yeah, Yongxing Department Store is now riding a tiger. They probably never dreamed that the people have such a strong belief in fighting against floods and disaster relief."

"Even if there is no matter of us being removed from the shelves, it would be difficult for Yongxing Department Store to solve this matter." Li Xiangyang nodded slowly, with a feeling of admiration in his heart.

He was convinced by Zhao Shanhe's foresight.

"People don't have money, but if they don't have money, they will donate enthusiastically, for the idea that one side is in trouble and all sides support it."

"Where is Yongxing Department Store? How much money does it make from various prefecture-level cities every year, and it is simply embarrassing to be slick in this kind of thing."

Zhao Shanhe sneered again and again.

"Then what should we do? I think Chen Jinjun might contact us, thinking that we can supply the goods quickly. After all, the chewing gum that was taken off the shelves before has been returned." Li Xiangyang said.


Zhao Shanhe smiled dismissively.

"Who does Chen Jinjun think he is? If he wants to take us off the shelves, he will take us off the shelves. If he wants us to supply, we have to supply him? Isn't this playing us like monkeys?"

"Impossible! Let's ignore this matter and continue to deepen the cooperation with Dayang Department Store. We must take advantage of this opportunity to push Dayang Department Store up and give Yongxing Department Store a hard lesson."

"Understood!" Li Xiangyang smiled slightly.

Although this business is said to focus on making money with harmony, if it is said that this kind of harmony has no bottom line and no temper, it will never be possible to make money.

So taking advantage of this opportunity to teach Yongxing Department Store a lesson, Li Xiangyang also felt right.

Is it true that without your Yongxing Department Store, our Yile Chewing Gum will not be able to trade?

Chen Jinjun, you are responsible for your stupidity this time.


Zhongzhou City, the capital of Eastern Province.

Chen family.

Standing in the antique study room, Chen Jinjun looked at his father Chen Yongxing who was sitting in front of him. He lowered his head in embarrassment, his lips were trembling and he wanted to speak, but he swallowed the words when they reached his mouth.

"Look at the good things you have done. The entire Yongxing Department Store has completely stood on the cusp of the storm because of you. Now its reputation is discredited, like a mouse crossing the street, and everyone shouts and beats it."

Chen Yongxing reprimanded with a cold face.

Looking at Chen Jinjun, who was silent with his head down, Chen Yongxing sighed, and his tone became slower: "Tell me, do you know where I went wrong?"

"I don't have enough donations." Chen Jinjun said quickly.


Chen Yongxing's eyes widened, and he scolded with hatred: "What does this matter have to do with your lack of donations?"

"Don't say you donated 30. Even if you only donated [-], no one can hold on to this matter and use it to pour dirty water on our Yongxing Department Store."

"You, why don't you know where you went wrong until now? You let me down so much!"

Chen Yongxing closed his eyes, kept shaking his head and sighed.

"Dad, I know, I shouldn't be arrogant and take Yile chewing gum off the shelves. But Zhao Shanhe forced me to do this. Chen Duo, who I fired, dared to use it again. It's not that he didn't show me face. ?"

"I have to stand up for our Yongxing Department Store no matter what, and let Zhao Shanhe know that without our Yongxing Department Store, how would he be where he is now?"

Chen Jinjun said indignantly.

"Nonsense! Heresy!"

Chen Yongxing pointed at Chen Jinjun, coughed for a while, and said disappointedly.

"What happened back then, even without our Yongxing Department Store, Zhao Shanhe could still cooperate with other department stores and earn the first pot of gold. How could this be your reason to suppress Zhao Shanhe?"

"Also, don't think that I'm stupid and don't know anything. Why do you hit Chen Duo like this? Do you think you can hide it from me?"

"Me!" Chen Jinjun's face changed slightly.

"People in the whole department store thought that you did this to clean up the manpower left by your brother. Yes, there must be such a reason for you to do this, but is this the main reason? No!"

Chen Yongxing stared fiercely.

"Jingjun, Jinjun, I didn't expect that you are such a small-minded person, with such a character that you must take revenge. In order to avenge the revenge of the past, you will be so disregarding the overall situation!"

"Do you really think that what Chen Duo wanted to do back then? Let me tell you, he is actually just a pawn!"

"You can't just keep worrying about that incident and insist on putting him to death. If you weren't so narrow-minded and wanted revenge, would there be such a troublesome thing like this? It's all caused by you! "

Chen Yongxing said it sharply.

Chen Jinjun's expression changed drastically.

"Dad, do you know what happened back then?"

"Nonsense, can I not know? Do you think I don't know because few people know? You are confused!" Chen Yongxing scolded harshly.

Seeing that Chen Jinjun lowered his head and remained silent, Chen Yongxing said in a cold tone: "Listen, you go to see Zhao Shanhe immediately, no matter what method you use, you must resume the sales of Yile chewing gum."

"Dad, it's not that serious, is it? Can one Yile defeat our Yongxing?"

Chen Jinjun was still talking like this until now.


"Yes, yes, I'll go right now."

Chen Jinjun hurriedly agreed, turned around before Chen Yongxing got angry, and left quickly. He knew very well in his heart that if he refused to leave, he would definitely be scolded by Chen Yongxing.

"Hey, if Jinzhang was here, why would I support you! Chen Jinjun, you are an idiot!"

Looking at the back of Chen Jinjun leaving, Chen Yongxing secretly sighed helplessly, then he narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became fierce.

"Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, I didn't expect you to be able to shake our Yongxing Department Store in just one year. You are really not a thing in the pool! It seems that I have to be careful and guard against you in the future."


Outside the Chen family.

Seeing Chen Jinjun coming out, Lin Hongwei hurried forward and opened the car door respectfully.

"Mr. Chen."

Chen Jinjun sat in the back seat with a gloomy face.

"How is the situation now?" Chen Jinjun asked.

"The situation is very bad."

Lin Hongwei lowered his head to pay attention to Chen Jinjun's expression, and said in a low voice: "The branches in all the prefecture-level cities in the Eastern Province have suffered from the impact of public opinion. Now there are no people in each store. That's not counting..."

"What else is there?" Chen Jinjun frowned and asked with a livid face.

"Also, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Handong City started to make surprise inspections at our branch. Lin Qing said that there are still several departments waiting for this kind of inspection."

"Mr. Chen, if the inspection continues like this, it will not be good for the image of our department store. If any department puts a seal of closure for rectification, our company will be in great trouble."

Lin Hongwei said cautiously: "You have to find a way to solve this matter quickly."


Chen Jinjun broke a pencil beside him on the spot, and picked up the big brother with a fierce expression.

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