"I remember that your Yongxing Department Store has always had Yile chewing gum? Why don't you have a pack now? Only Green Arrow is left?"

"And didn't Green Arrow and Yi Le fight at your Yongxing Department Store back then? Yi Le won, and Green Arrow lost, so why is it now that Green Arrow is on display, but Yi Le is gone?"

"A department store as big as yours, Yongxing, doesn't even have Yile chewing gum?"


At first, it was just a few students who followed You Feiyang to ask questions, and then more and more people gathered around to watch the excitement.And when they knew what happened here, they were all angry.

"I heard that Shanqiu Foods offended Yongxing Department Store, so Yongxing took all Yile chewing gum off the shelves and replaced it with foreign brand Green Arrow."

"But the problem is that when there was a flood in Jiangsu Province, Shanqiu Foods donated 500 million yuan! What about the Green Arrow? It seems that they didn't donate a penny!"

"It's unreasonable! Are they earning our money and watching our compatriots suffer?"

"Isn't this eating our food and smashing our pot?"

"Yong Xing's doing this is an accomplice!"


The sentiment is exciting.

The scene quickly became hot.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, the people from Yongxing Department Store hurriedly came forward to explain.

They kept saying nice words to appease, but if you listened carefully, you could tell that they were speaking to appease, but their attitude was still very strong.

Winstar Department Store is not apologizing at all, it is clearly saying that this is an internal matter of our Winstar Department Store, and you have no right to interfere.

This time it stimulated the people present.

You Feiyang was the first to burst into anger.

He looked at the man in front of him who introduced himself as the manager of Yongxing Department Store, and mocked coldly: "I just want to ask, has your Yongxing Department Store donated money to the flood disaster in Suzhou Province? How much did you donate?"

"Of course we donated money. We understand the reason why one party has difficulties and all parties support. We have donated several million dollars in total!" Lin Qing, the manager, said proudly when questioned by You Feiyang.


Hearing this number, You Feiyang raised his eyebrows mockingly, and said mockingly amidst Lin Qing's sullen anger, "Do you really think we are all idiots?"

"We all read the news. The newspaper said that your Yongxing Department Store donated only 30 yuan. Why do you have the nerve to say that you have donated several million?"

"What you're talking about is that you only donated 30 yuan, but you say it's several million, how shameless?"

"It's really enough to put gold on your face."

"You are really the same as Green Arrow, the same breed!"

Lin Qing's face turned red when he heard these sarcasm, and his heart was filled with anger. He desperately wanted to explain, but before he could speak, he was interrupted directly and forcefully by You Feiyang.

"You say that it's fine for you Yongxing Department Store to donate such a small amount of money, and we don't care. After all, the money belongs to you. You can donate as much as you want. We have no right to interfere."

"But why do you dare to take Yile chewing gum off the shelves? You don't donate money. Shanqiu Foods donated 500 million. Now we want to support the factory director Zhao Shanhe, but we can't buy Yile chewing gum!"

"It's fine if you can't buy it. You also put the green arrow on the shelves without donating a penny. Are you trying to use the green arrow to attack Yile? You are absolutely shameless!"

"This is a decision made within our company. This is a normal business arrangement. You have no right to dictate here! You have no right to interfere!" Lin Qing said with a straight face.

"Yes, you are right, this is your power, but we also have our own power."

You Feiyang turned around and scanned the audience.

"Have you seen it? This is the explanation given by Yongxing Department Store. Their actions are really chilling."

"As we speak, they are still desperately cheering for Green Arrow Gumball over there. I really feel ashamed for them, I'm so disgusted!"

"I have no way to interfere with the normal decision of your Yongxing Department Store." You Feiyang turned and said to Lin Qing.

"But as a Chinese person, as a descendant of the dragon, I will never buy anything from a department store like yours that is patriotic and worships foreigners."

You Feiyang waved his hand.

"Let's go, let's go to Dayang Department Store across the street. There's Yile chewing gum there. Let's go buy it and support Zhao Shanhe! Support domestic products, support patriotic businessmen! Never buy from a company run by a traitor who forgets his ancestors!"

After finishing speaking, You Feiyang strode out.

His classmates followed closely.


"Whoever comes here is not patriotic!"

"What kind of broken green arrow, don't donate a penny, and still want to earn money from our country, black heart!"

Amidst such aggrieved voices, You Feiyang and his fellow college students walked out of Yongxing Department Store.

After watching them leave, Lin Qing was so angry that his chest heaved. He didn't expect this to happen, but since it happened, he had to do everything possible to solve it.

"Let's continue shopping!" Lin Qing raised his arms and shouted loudly.

"Still shopping? Shopping in the ass street!"

"What I'm talking about is that the children of them can understand the truth. Don't you mean we don't understand?"

"I will never come to Yongxing Department Store again, I feel disgusted when I see them!"

"Whoever comes again will be a traitor!"


The people watching around heard Lin Qing's words, and they were all fried on the spot.

They cursed one by one, turned their heads and left, and walked out of Yongxing Department Store without looking back.

We must know that in any age, patriotism is the eternal theme.

Whoever is not patriotic is doomed to be destroyed.

And this is just the beginning.

As this matter fermented, the rest of the shoppers in Yongxing Department Store soon knew about it.

Then they all started to leave one after another. Before leaving, they all humiliated Yongxing Department Store, and even looked at the waiters here with contempt in their eyes.

In just half an hour, the Yongxing Department Store, which was still bustling just now, suddenly became deserted.Everyone inside went out, but no one outside came in after they found out about this.

Lin Qing instantly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was completely cold.

He knew something was wrong.

If this matter is not resolved, Yongxing Department Store in Handong City will go bankrupt.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and get all the people from Green Arrow to withdraw. Immediately notify the public relations department to go to the conference room for a meeting. You all get moving, and let me attract customers."


Amidst Lin Qing's roar, everyone started to move, but no matter how much they moved, it was useless.Because this trend has already formed and spread quickly in Handong City.

With this spread, prefecture-level cities other than Handong City were also affected.

Within a day, all the stores of Winstar Department Store in Eastern Province were beaten up like rats crossing the street, and no one went shopping in Winstar Department Store.

The news quickly reached Zhao Shanhe's ears.

After hearing this, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke slowly to Li Xiangyang who was standing in front of him.

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