Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 361 Misunderstanding again?

"Hello, Director Zhao!"

The moment the phone was connected, the fierce expression on Chen Jinjun's face disappeared without a trace, replaced by a fake smile, and his voice became a little more gentle.

"you are?"

Sitting in the office looking through the documents, Zhao Shanhe was a little dazed.

"I'm Chen Jinjun." Chen Jinjun laughed.

"Chen Jinjun? Which Chen Jinjun?" Zhao Shanhe asked deliberately after hearing who the other party was.

"Chen Jinjun from Yongxing Department Store." A flash of anger flashed in Chen Jinjun's eyes, but he managed it well.

Zhao Shanhe put down the document in his hand, and said casually: "Oh, so it's Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen has something to do with me?"

"Director Zhao is like this. Because of the negligence of the people below, we Yongxing took your Yile chewing gum off the shelves. I have already severely criticized the people below for this matter and fired them."

"I made this call with you just to say something. We Yongxing and you Shanqiu Foods have always had a good cooperative relationship, so I don't want this misunderstanding to affect our cooperation. What do you think?"

Chen Jinjun spoke half-truth.


The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth curled up.

Chen Jinjun, oh Chen Jinjun, did you really fire him when you said he was fired?You say a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding?

You and Chen Jinzhang are really far apart, no wonder Chen Jinzhang has always held the power of Yongxing Department Store.

"Mr. Chen is right, but because your Yongxing Department Store removed our Yile from the shelves, we have already cooperated with Dayang Department Store. I am afraid that there is no way to supply you with Yile in the short term."

"But I heard that you are cooperating with Green Arrow? I believe that with Green Arrow, you don't have to worry about being out of stock."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and answered without any trace.

"Green Arrow is just a misunderstanding..."

"Another misunderstanding?"

This time, Zhao Shanhe did not give Chen Jinjun a chance to continue explaining, but said in a cold tone: "Chen Jinjun, Mr. Chen, don't always think that you are the only smart person. Except for you, everyone in the world is smart. Fool."

"You open your mouth and shut your mouth and say it's a misunderstanding, but is it really a misunderstanding?

Speaking of this, Zhao Shanhe sneered: "Okay, you said it was a misunderstanding, then you can explain to me why all the stores of your Yongxing Department Store will remove our Yile from the shelves at the same time?"

"And why is there a large-scale promotion of the Green Arrow at the same time? Don't tell me that you know nothing about this matter. If this matter is said to be without your consent, do you think it can be done?"


Chen Jinjun slowly sat up straight, hesitant to speak.

"You can't explain it, right? I'll explain it to you. What you're doing is targeting us, Yile."

Zhao Shanhe sneered and said: "You should be quite young, right? How can you have such a bad memory at such a young age? Have you forgotten how you threatened me at that time?"

"Don't you find it ridiculous that you threatened me like that at the beginning, and now you are apologizing so hypocritically?"

Chen Jinjun's face slowly darkened, and the veins on the arm holding the big brother were exposed.

"Zhao Shanhe, are you trying to tear yourself apart from me?"

"Chen Jinjun, you're wrong. You've broken up with me a long time ago. You've torn it all up. Is it interesting that you're still being so hypocritical?"

"Okay, you Yongxing Department Store don't want to sell our Yile chewing gum again, we Yile will not cooperate with your Yongxing Department Store again!"

Zhao Shanhe's tone was cold.

"By the way, if you Yongxing Department Store dare to show us a pack of Yile chewing gum, I will sue you! That's it!"

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

When there was a beeping sound in his ears, Chen Jinjun slammed his eldest brother onto the back seat, his face was terribly gloomy.

"Damn Zhao Shanhe!" Chen Jinjun clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

"Mr. Chen, did Zhao Shanhe agree?" Lin Hongwei asked in a low voice.


Chen Jinjun said angrily: "Zhao Shanhe refused to cooperate with our Yongxing Department Store. He said that as long as we dare to sell Yile, he will sue us in court!"

"This Zhao Shanhe really doesn't know how to flatter."

Lin Hongwei said dismissively, but soon drooped his face and said angrily: "But now we really have to please this Zhao Shanhe who doesn't know how to flatter."

"Because the turmoil caused by Yile chewing gum has spread to all our stores in Eastern Province. If we can't handle this matter well, I'm afraid those stores will have to close down."

close the door!

Thinking of this serious consequence, Chen Jinjun let out two deep breaths, controlled the restlessness, and said angrily, "Go to Handong City!"

"To Handong City? Mr. Chen, are you going to see Zhao Shanhe?" Lin Hongwei asked.

"That's right!"

Chen Jinjun said indifferently: "The situation is stronger than others, so we have to bow our heads. Even if Zhao Shanhe wins this round, we will talk about it later. Let's go to Handong City!"



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After hanging up Chen Jinjun's call, the corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips twitched.

He doesn't regret treating Chen Jinjun like this at all. Whoever asked Chen Jinjun to threaten him before, whoever did the crime will have to bear the consequences. It doesn't make sense for you, Chen Jinjun, to make such a big mess, but let me wipe it for you butt.

Moreover, in this special era, as long as Yongxing Department Store is labeled as a traitor, it is nothing to say, no matter how large the Yongxing Department Store is or how many connections it has, no one will patronize it anymore, and sooner or later it will go bankrupt.

So it is Chen Jinjun who is anxious now.

"Ocean Department Store, this time it's up to you.

Putting this matter behind him, Zhao Shanhe wrote down his latest plan on paper.

First, the installation and commissioning of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea production equipment.

Second, swallow the progress of the water pump.

Third, the search for a new director of Jiuquan Manufacturing.

Fourth, the revitalization of Gushun Winery.

For him, this is the goal that needs to be completed in the near future, and among the four goals, the first one is impossible. After all, it is useless to worry about it. If Song Liu does not bring the equipment over, there is no way to install and install it. debugged.

The second one is proceeding step by step.

The third one should not be rushed, because the quality of this leader will directly affect the development of Jiuquan Manufacturing.

It's the fourth one, and I don't know how Chen Duo is doing.

Thinking that he had given Chen Duo time to make a revitalization plan before, Zhao Shanhe wondered if he should call him to ask about the latest progress.Just as he was hesitating, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in."

Chen Duo walked in.

Some people just can't bear to think about him, and as soon as he thinks of him, he comes.

"The factory manager."

"Come on, sit down, what do you want to drink?"

Zhao Shanhe got up and greeted with a smile.

"Director, don't be too busy, I'm not thirsty."

Chen Duo took out a report from the bag he was carrying, handed it over and said with a smile: "Director, this is the report I compiled, please take a look."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe took it and started to look through it.

"Director, you watch, I'll tell you something."

"Okay, let's talk." Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, without taking his eyes off the report.

"The first thing I'm going to say is..."

Chen Duo paused for a while, and what he said immediately made Zhao Shanhe's movements of flipping through the pages involuntarily paused, and a flash of surprise flashed between his brows.

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