Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 335 Do Not Use Suspects, Do Not Suspect Employers

Chen Duo, since you have worked in Winstar Department Store for five years, I believe you are not too unfamiliar with the liquor industry, right? "

"I remember that Yongxing Department Store has a counter dedicated to selling alcoholic beverages. You should have purchased a batch of alcoholic beverages, right?"

"Yes, I have purchased, whether it is liquor, beer or red wine, as long as it is alcohol, I have basically purchased." Chen Duo nodded, and then asked, "But what does this have to do with you?"

"Don't tell me that Shanqiu Foods also wants to get involved in the wine industry."

He looked at Zhao Shanhe suspiciously, some monk Zhang Er was puzzled.

"Shanqiu Food will not get involved in the wine industry, but I will."

Zhao Shanhe pointed to his nose and said, "Just two days ago, I just signed a contract with Zhenghe County, which said that it cost 300 million yuan to take down the Gushun winery in our county."

"That is to say, now I am the owner of Gushun Winery, and I want you to run Gushun Winery for me and revitalize this winery that is on the verge of bankruptcy. How about it? Do you have confidence?"

Chen Duo was stunned for a moment.


Zhao Shanhe said that he spent 300 million yuan to win the Gushun winery?Did I hear it wrong?Was a company as big as Gushun Distillery actually taken over by Zhao Shanhe for only 300 million yuan?

"What's your expression? You don't want to say that it's not worth it for me to spend 300 million to win a winery that is about to go bankrupt, do you?" Zhao Shanhe looked at the stunned Chen Duo and began to explain.

"Actually, it's true that the money was spent a lot, but I can't help it. Let me tell you, there are intentions in the county behind this matter, I"

"You don't want to be a good boy here." Before Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Duo on the spot. He looked at Chen Duo in surprise, and Chen Duo continued to speak.

"Do you still think you are at a disadvantage when you take over Gushun Winery for 300 million yuan? Let me tell you, you don't suffer at all, you don't suffer at all."

"Do you know how much a winery like Gushun was worth in its heyday? Let alone 300 million, you can't even get 3000 million."

Chen Duo said with a smile: "That is to say, the Gushun Winery is down now, so you have picked up a big leak. Otherwise, you would never even think about taking it with this cabbage price."

Zhao Shanhe: ""

This Chen Duo has a good eye.

"So you also think I did the right thing?" After staring at Chen Duo for a while, Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Exactly." Chen Duo replied without thinking.

"You don't think Gushun Winery is a burden?"

"Bankruptcy is a burden, turning over is a cornucopia."

"Listen to you, are you familiar with the situation of Gushun Winery?" Zhao Shanhe asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's pretty familiar. Yongxing Department Store has cooperated with Gushun Wine Factory before. At that time, Gushun Wine was still very popular, and it was also a kind of liquor that sold better in Eastern Province." Chen Duo answered fluently.

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up.

"Chen Duo, that's why I said just now that you are going to revitalize the Gushun Winery, you are fine, right?"


Chen Duo nodded calmly.

"I don't dare to say anything about the situation of Gushun Distillery, but I have heard about it. But if you want to revitalize a factory, you need to start with personnel and business philosophy."

"Since you believe in me, I am willing to try from these two aspects."

Chen Duo paused, and hesitated to speak: "But"

"But what?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"But I also have one condition." Chen Duo looked at Zhao Shanhe and said seriously.

"You said."

"I want absolute autonomy."

Chen Duo said slowly without looking sideways: "I hope that in the process of revitalizing the Gushun Winery, I can have absolute independent management rights. I don't want anyone to come and dictate the winery's affairs."

"Of course Director Zhao is an exception. I will listen to what you say. After all, the winery is yours too. You have no reason to say you want to destroy the winery."

Hello Chen Duo.

What you said obviously means that you will listen to me, but what you actually mean is that even I had better not give orders indiscriminately and affect your decision-making.

But Chen Duo, if you think that I will point fingers casually, you are very wrong.

Since I dare to use you, I will trust you.

I don't need to be suspicious, but I understand the reason why there is no doubt in employing people.

"Chen Duo, don't worry, I will give you the autonomy you want. People from Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing will not say that anyone interferes with the normal operation of the winery." Zhao Shanhe smiled. said.

"That's good." Chen Duo breathed a sigh of relief.

If Zhao Shanhe entrusted the management of the winery to himself, but arranged for him a bunch of related households like seven aunts and eight aunts, then Chen Duo would rather not do this job.

How did he leave Yongxing Department Store?Isn't it just squeezed away by this kind of nepotism?So he is very concerned about this kind of thing, after all, one cannot stumble over the same rock twice.

"Chen Duo, let's make a deal on this matter. Don't sell any more shaved ice, clean up and go to Zhenghe County in these two days. I'll wait for you at Gushun Winery."

As soon as Chen Duo's matter was finalized, Zhao Shanhe began to urge him.

"it is good!"

"Cheers to our cooperation!"


After a barbecue, Chen Duo and the two separated and went back to their respective homes.

in the hotel.

"Can't you figure it out?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Chen Ju with a puzzled brow, and suddenly asked with a smile.


Chen Ju smiled foolishly, rubbed his head and asked, "I can't figure it out, factory manager, why do you trust Chen Duo so much? Even if he is capable, you wouldn't just give him a winery to run it, would you?" ?”

"Not to mention anything else, there are also capable people in Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing, so there must be someone among them who can do this?"

"You're right. Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing do have such people, such as Deputy Factory Manager Li and Yang E. If either of them goes to Gushun Winery, they can solve this problem."

"And they are also people who have followed me for a long time. One is my best friend and the other is my classmate. They are also more trustworthy, right?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Yes." Chen Ju nodded.

"You, your vision is still somewhat limited. If you follow me to do things in the future, you have to take a long-term perspective and expand the situation. You can't say that you will drive me a car for the rest of your life, can you? You will be released to do things sooner or later."

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were gentle.

"When doing things, you must have a big picture in mind, and you must always remember one thing: talents are rare!"

"Yes, although Chen Duo is not like Xiang Yang and Yang E, he has a relatively close relationship with me. But what is Chen Duo? He is a talent!"

"A person who can climb to the position of head of the procurement department in Yongxing Department Store within five years, do you think he will be easy? Why do you think Chen Jinjun was the first to take him down after he took power?"

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