"Hey, Director Zhao, why is it you?"

Chen Duo raised his head, and when he saw that the person standing in front of him was Zhao Shanhe, a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face, and he asked incredulously, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here? It's you, why are you here?" Zhao Shanhe saw the scene just now, so he said he was a little puzzled.

"It's hard to say." Chen Duo shook his head, sighed, and said bitterly.

"It's hard to say, so talk slowly, how about it? Find a place to drink and chat for a while." Zhao Shanhe said.

"it is good!"

Anyway, no one came to buy shaved ice, so Chen Duo simply quit. After closing the stall, he followed Zhao Shanhe to a barbecue stall next to the night market.After the three ordered a bunch of skewers, they sat down and started drinking beer.

"Tell me, what's going on? You haven't been to my place for a while, I thought you were promoted or your job position was adjusted, so you don't need to go shopping."

"But it doesn't seem to be the case now. How did you end up selling shaved ice at the night market?" Zhao Shanhe asked straightforwardly after sipping a glass.

"It's hard to describe!"

After several glasses of wine, Chen Duo began to talk.He was also panicked, and had long wanted to find someone to complain about.I have never had a chance, now I have met Zhao Shanhe, how can I hold back?Started talking straight away.

It turned out that this matter is very simple.

Anyone in Yongxing Department Store knows that Chen Duo is following the eldest son Chen Jinzhang, and is Chen Jinzhang's absolute confidant.Logically speaking, as long as Chen Jinzhang is around, his position cannot be shaken.

But here lies the problem.

Chen Jinzhang was sick, and he didn't know what kind of disease he had, but it was serious anyway.Now that he has been sent abroad to go to the United States for treatment, he will not be able to return for a while.

When Chen Jinzhang was ill, the second son, Chen Jinjun, was promoted by the old man and entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

One emperor and one courtier.

Chen Jinjun didn't even think about wooing Chen Duo, so he fired him directly and helped Lin Hongwei, the deputy chief of the purchasing department, straighten him up.

In the past, relying on Chen Jinzhang's backing, Chen Duo despised Lin Hongwei, a person who only relied on flattery to get to the top, so he often punished him.

Fortunately, Lin Hongwei has seized the opportunity, how could he say no to retaliation?

"That's the way it is, isn't it bloody?" Chen Duo smiled bitterly, drinking wine in boredom.

"It's bloody, but it's normal. One emperor and one courtier. Chen Jinjun has to support his own people no matter what. Is it possible to continue to use you? Impossible." Zhao Shanhe said casually.

"Yeah, I know it's impossible, but I just feel uncomfortable."

After Chen Duo finished speaking, he jerked his head up and drank another glass of beer without thinking about wiping the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, grabbed a mutton skewer and rolled it up.

He complained while masturbating: "I have worked in Winstar Department Store for five years, and I have paid a lot for Winstar Department Store in the past five years, but in the end I ended up in such an end, it's quite embarrassing to think about it."

"You are like this, doesn't Chen Jinzhang know?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I know, but what can I do if I know? He is not in power now."

Chen Duo smiled bitterly.

"I told him about it, but do you know what he said? He said that what he wants to do most now is to cure the disease, and he doesn't want to care about anything else if he can't cure the disease."

"I was just given up by Chen Jinzhang!" Chen Duo spread his hands, shrugged, and sighed helplessly.

Give up?

Yes, Chen Jinzhang did give up on Chen Duo.After all, even if he is not in power now, he is still the eldest son of Yongxing Department Store, right?

If he said he was willing to stand up for Chen Duo, why would Chen Duo be reduced to what he is today?No matter how bad it is, you can find a suitable position in Yongxing Department Store to support your family, right?

"Then what are you going to do next? You don't really want to sell shaved ice in the night market for the rest of your life, do you?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"What's wrong with selling shaved ice? Do you look down on those who sell shaved ice?"

Chen Duo stared.

"Didn't you start out selling shaved ice yourself?"

"Yeah, I started out selling shaved ice, so why would I look down on those who sell shaved ice? It's just that the market for shaved ice has long been saturated, and even in Zhongzhou City, you can't make much money."

"Besides, you still have to support your family, right? Is this little money enough for food and drink?" Zhao Shanhe picked up a mutton skewer and ate it.

"What can we do if it's not enough? Let's do it first." Chen Duo said helplessly.

"Come here!"

Zhao Shanhe put down the bamboo stick in his hand, stared at Chen Duo, and said in a deep voice: "Chen Duo, we have dealt with many times, I know you as a person, and I also know that you are a capable person."

"People like you shouldn't waste your talents on selling shaved ice. You should have a broader stage to display your ambitions. Since Chen Jinzhang and Chen Jinjun are both blind, follow me!"

"You want to use me?"

Chen Duo froze for a moment.

He really never thought about working with Zhao Shanhe, after all, no matter what they said before, the two were in a cooperative relationship.With such a sudden change, he will become Zhao Shanhe's subordinate, and he will not be able to turn this corner in a while.

"Yes, I want to use you."

Zhao Shanhe said frankly: "Chen Duo, we all know the basics. You also know my Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing, and I also know about your work in Yongxing Department Store."

"Besides, this is not a job-hopping, is it? You have been abandoned by the Chen family, so you have to find a way to eat, right?"

"As the old saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to live in. Do you want to stay here for the rest of your life and be ridiculed and humiliated by people like Lin Hongwei?"

Chen Duo, who was still a little hesitant at first, suddenly flashed determination in his eyes when he heard these words.

Yes, I am already like this, why do I still think about so many messy things?Zhao Shanhe is willing to give me a chance, I should feel honored, and it would be hypocritical to hesitate here.

What's more, Zhao Shanhe is not a pauper. He now has two factories, Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing, and his annual economic benefits are not low.

Working here has a better future than staying in Yongxing Department Store.

Thinking of this, Chen Duo directly picked up the wine glass in front of him, and said with a little excitement: "Director Zhao, since you said that, then if I refuse again, I will be ignorant of flattery."

"Okay, I agree to what you said. From now on, I will be a soldier under my command."

"Okay, do it!"

Zhao Shanhe happily raised his wine glass, and the two drank it down in one gulp.

To be honest, Zhao Shanhe didn't expect to encounter such a thing during his trip to Zhongzhou City.

You must know that he believes in Chen Duo's ability a hundred times, and he has long wanted to poach him.There was no opportunity before, but now the opportunity is here.

Otherwise, this is planting flowers intentionally but not blooming, and planting willows and willows unintentionally to make shade.

"Director Zhao, where do you want me to go? Is it Hetu Manufacturing or Shanqiu Food? I can do both, and I will follow your arrangement." Chen Duo put down his wine glass and said.

"Shanqiu food? Made by Hetu?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands, and said with a twist of his mouth, "Neither of them!"

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