Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 336 What is the most important thing in the second century

"Just because he belongs to Chen Jinzhang? No!"

"Chen Jinjun is afraid!"

A playful light flashed in Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

"He was afraid of Chen Duo. He felt that a capable person like Chen Duo could not be controlled, so he kicked him away. In this way, he would be out of sight and out of mind, and he would no longer have to be on guard against Chen Duo. .”

"But I'm different. I dare to use Chen Duo. I won't be afraid of a talented person like Chen Duo. What I want is this kind of talent. What I want is for Chen Duo to revitalize the Gushun Winery for me."

"You think the Gushun Winery is very important, but I think it's more important to have someone who can revitalize the Gushun Winery. As the saying goes, it's easy to get a thousand soldiers, but hard to find a general."

When Chen Ju heard this, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"Chen Ju, do you know what is the most important thing in the [-]th century?" Zhao Shanhe asked suddenly.

"What is it?" Chen Ju looked at Zhao Shanhe.


Zhao Shanhe said with high spirits: "Talent is not only in the 21th century, but also in the [-]st century, and it will be the most important no matter how many centuries thereafter."

"Whoever says they can get talent will succeed. So mark what I said, got it?"


Chen Ju nodded heavily, then scratched the back of his head, grinned and said, "But I still like to drive for you, the factory manager, even if it's for the rest of my life."

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed out loud.

This is Chen Ju.

It's also the Chen Ju I want. If you don't want to drive me for the rest of your life, I might not want you in the first place.

Zhongzhou Zijin Garden.

Chen Duo rushed here after packing up the shaved ice stand. This is not his home, but his mother-in-law's home.His wife Lin Hui lived here for the past two days, and he wanted to take her home.

He walked to the door, and just when he was about to knock on the door, he stopped suddenly.After hearing the conversation inside, his excited expression slowly began to fade, and a sullen expression appeared on his face.

"Xiaohui, is Chen Duo still selling shaved ice at the night market?"

In the room, a woman sitting on the sofa and knitting a sweater asked.

She is Lin Hui's mother, Chen Duo's mother-in-law Wang Yufang.


Lin Hui flipped through a magazine casually in his hand, and answered casually without raising his head.

"What is it? Tell me about you. How did I tell you at the beginning? I said that I wanted you to have a date with Huang Hai, but you didn't listen. You insisted on marrying Chen Duo."

"It's fine if you say that he is still the manager of Yongxing Department Store, and I will admit it. Anyway, he can make money. But now? He has been fired by Yongxing, right? He has been reduced to selling at the night market. Shaved ice."

When Wang Yufang said this, she couldn't get angry. She put down her sweater abruptly, and said angrily, "What kind of money can a shaved ice seller make? Isn't this just nonsense?"

"Also, our family is a scholarly family, right? If you spread the word that your husband sells shaved ice at a street stall, where do you want me and your father to put our old faces?"

"Let me tell you, we have to lose face. We have never been ashamed in our life. If you are so embarrassing when you are old, you should stop running to us in the future."

"We can't afford to lose this man!"

Lin Hui, who was originally sitting and reading a magazine, immediately straightened up when she heard her mother say this, and said with an expression of displeasure: "Mom, how can you say that about Chen Duona? You didn't say that about him before."

"What I said about him before is what I said before." Wang Yufang's tone was very strong.

"You are not."

Lin Hui said anxiously: "Our Chen Duo used to be the manager of Yongxing Department Store, but you praised him whenever you met. Isn't it just that you don't work in Yongxing Department Store now? Are you talking about him like that?"

"After all, he is your daughter's husband."

"My daughter's husband? You still know his identity. Then you should let him find a job and do what a man should do, instead of setting up a street stall in the night market and being ashamed." Wang Yufang said sarcastically.


Lin Hui was so angry that the circles of his eyes began to moisten.

"Dad, look at my mother."

"Your mother is right. A man should do what a man should do. What's the point of setting up a street stall in the night market? He did it like this, and your mother and I didn't dare to go for a walk in that night market."

Lin Jianhua, who was flipping through a newspaper next to the desk, pressed down the glasses on his nose, looked over the glasses, said seriously, then raised the glasses and continued to read the newspaper.


Unexpectedly, Dad was like this too, and Lin Hui burst into tears.

"Dong dong."

At this moment, the door knocked, and Chen Duo's voice sounded.

"Lin Hui, here I come!"

Lin Hui grabbed the bag on the table and went out.

"Lin Hui!"

Looking at Lin Hui who opened the door and came out with tears all over his face, Chen Duo just wanted to speak, but she interrupted him directly, grabbed his hand and walked outside, saying as he walked, "Let's go home."

"Mom and Dad, let's go then."

Chen Duo greeted quickly.

Lin Hui dragged her down the stairs before she finished greeting her.


"Lin Hui, you are crying." Chen Duo held Lin Hui, cupped her face with both hands, gently wiped away the tears from her face, and said distressedly.

"I didn't cry, I was smoked when I was cooking just now." Lin Hui shook his head and turned his face away.


Chen Duo looked up at the upstairs, and said gently: "Actually, I heard it at the door, Lin Hui, you are wronged for me."

"You heard everything?"

Lin Hui suddenly became nervous, took Chen Duo's hand and said, "Chen Duo, don't think too much, in fact, my parents just said it casually, they didn't think about it."

"I know."

Chen Duo smiled slightly.

"I know that since I was fired from Yongxing Department Store, our family's life has been difficult, and your life has also begun to be difficult."

"You were ridiculed by my two sisters-in-law in a weird way and scolded by your parents at your natal home. I know that. Lin Hui, really, I really want to say sorry to you for making you suffer. "

"Chen Duo, you!" Lin Huigang wanted to open his mouth to explain, but Chen Duo directly blocked it with his fingers.

He smiled and said: "Actually, this is normal. Didn't you always tell me what you said before? If you are poor in the downtown area, no one asks you, and if you are rich, you have distant relatives in the mountains. This is not a good thing to say, but it is what it is, and it makes sense. Not rough."

"But don't worry, I won't go to the night market to set up a street stall again."

"What? You don't set up a street stall anymore? Why? You earn money with your own hands by setting up a street stall. You don't steal or grab it. What are you afraid of? Don't care what your parents say, I don't despise you."

"If you feel ashamed of setting up a street stall, I will go with you." Lin Hui said anxiously, she didn't want Chen Duo to set up a street stall, she just didn't want Chen Duo to be depressed.

What happened to the street stall?

Although it was hard work, at least Chen Duo could have a job to do.

As long as there is work to do, the spirit will not break down.

"I don't even set up a street stall anymore. Why do you accompany me to show off? Let me tell you, I'm not saying that I won't set up a street stall because of this, but that I have found a new job." Chen Duo said with a smile.

"New job? What is it for?" Lin Hui asked with some doubts.

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