Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 333 Get Out, I Don't Do Your Business!

"To Dongzhou University, I'm going to visit Uncle Zhou next week." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"Yes!" Chen Ju turned the car around immediately.

Zhao Shanhe will definitely maintain a relationship like Zhou Lichuan's.After all, in this day and age, the weight of a university professor is still very important, and it is worth his maintenance.

Besides, he is a junior, and he has come to Zhongzhou City all the time, so he can't justify not visiting his elders.

Unfortunately, Zhou Lichuan was not at home.

He went south for a seminar.

"In this case, then find a place to live and go back tomorrow."

Zhao Shanhe confessed to Chen Ju.

Anyway, there is nothing important, so don't hurry.Besides, I have come to Zhongzhou City, so I have to take a good look around.

The two found a hotel to stay.

When dusk was approaching, Zhao Shanhe asked Chen Ju to go out for dinner and take a look at the night view of Zhongzhou City.The street next to the hotel is the busiest night market.

Here you can buy all kinds of gadgets.

"Don't miss it when you pass by, look at me, these are the best flared pants."

"Sister, buy a toy car for the child."

"Boss, how did you sell your shoes?"

Walking on this night market street, you will instantly feel the breath of fireworks coming to your face.Listening to these chirping cries, no matter how irritable I feel, I will gradually calm down.

"Director Zhao, look over there, someone is selling shaved ice!"

Chen Ju suddenly pointed to the front and said.

Selling shaved ice?

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe took advantage of the situation and looked forward.You must know that he started his business by relying on shaved ice, and he feels very kind when he meets a shaved ice seller, and he has to cheer for a bowl no matter what.

"Chen Ji Shaved Ice!"

After Zhao Shanhe glanced at the sign, he walked forward with a smile.

"Come on, I'll treat you to shaved ice."

"Okay!" Chen Ju followed and walked forward.

Perhaps it was because the weather was not that hot yet, so not many people came to eat shaved ice, only a few here and there were waiting.

At this moment, two people came from not far away. They should be the reason why they just got off work. They were all in suits and ties, talking and laughing.

"Xiaodong, where is the place you mentioned? Is there really the tape I want?"

The man in the blue striped suit, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, scanned the stalls all around, frowning slightly, showing an expression of disgust unabashedly.

"Manager Lin, look at what you said. Even if I lie to anyone, I dare not lie to you. Don't worry, there is an overpass not far ahead, and that guy often sells tapes at a stall there."

"As long as it's from Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, he has it there. Didn't you want Tianwang Li's, no problem, they have all the albums."

The man named Xiaodong was a man in a black suit, and he hurriedly said with a smile when he heard Manager Lin's question.

"It's better to have!"

Manager Lin nodded slightly.

"This tape is hard to find. I haven't found it in many video stores in our city. You'd better find it. If you find it, I will remember your benefits."

"Oh, Manager Lin, I'll hang out with you from now on." Xiaodong chuckled.


At this moment, Manager Lin suddenly stopped in his tracks, and after a slightly stunned expression, a playful expression appeared on his face. When he looked at Xiaodong again, he patted him on the shoulder very satisfied.

"Xiaodong, you are interesting!"

"What?" Xiaodong was a little dazed.

"Let's go and meet our old leader."

While speaking, Manager Lin turned a corner and came to Chen Ji's shaved ice stand, glanced at it contemptuously and said proudly, "Give me two red bean shaved ice."


The man who was making shaved ice didn't raise his head when he heard this, and started preparing the ingredients quickly.And when he was busy, Manager Lin said lightly: "Manager Chen, don't come here without any problems!"

Manager Chen?

Xiaodong was startled, and when he looked at the man making shaved ice in front of him, a look of uneasiness flashed across his face.

What is Chen Duo?

He never dreamed that the man making shaved ice here was Chen Duo.

I said, why did Lin Hongwei pat me on the shoulder just now and say that I was a little bit interesting, so it turned out that he saw Chen Duo.

Lin Hongwei must have misunderstood, he thought I brought him here on purpose, but I really didn't know Chen Duo was here.If I knew, I wouldn't do anything like that. Isn't it just because I feel uncomfortable?

Who in the Purchasing Department of Yongxing Department Store does not know that Lin Hongwei and Chen Duo are in a hostile relationship?

It was Lin Hongwei who replaced Chen Duo as the head of the procurement department!

"I'm really unlucky enough."

Xiaodong wants to cry but has no tears.

Yes, Chen Duo was fired, but do you dare to say that Chen Duo who was fired was something you can provoke?Do you dare to say that Chen Duo will never make a comeback?So try not to sin if you can.

But this time, don't even think about escaping.

And Chen Duo, who was making shaved ice, was wearing a sky blue apron. He was preparing the ingredients. When he heard this sentence suddenly, a speechless expression appeared on his face. Lift your head up slowly.

"Lin Hongwei, it's really you! What are you doing here?" Chen Duo asked bluntly with a straight face.

"Chen Duo, don't get me wrong. I didn't come here specially to see you. I just came to this night market to stroll casually, but I didn't expect to meet you."

"Tsk tsk, if I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. The manager of the purchasing department of the dignified Yongxing Department Store would have fallen down like this and started selling shaved ice at the night market. It is a joke to spread the word."

Lin Hongwei pouted, making sarcastic remarks.

"Lin Hongwei, you have something to say, if you have nothing to do, get out, I'm busy!" Chen Duo said impatiently with a flash of coldness in his eyes.

"Don't mind me, I finally met you, so I have to take care of your business anyway. Aren't you selling shaved ice? I want shaved ice now, two servings. I have a red bean, what do you want, Xiaodong?" ?”

Lin Hongwei looked sideways at Xiaodong and smiled.

"Xiaodong, you will come here more often in the future. Although Chen Duo has been fired by our Yongxing Department Store, he was our manager before. We should take care of him, don't you think?"


Xiaodong was embarrassed.

"Lin Hongwei, you came here on purpose to find trouble, right? Get out of here, I don't do your business!" Chen Duo said coldly.

"Hey, don't do my business? Chen Duo, who do you think you are? Do you think you're still the manager of the procurement department?"

"You are a street vendor now, and you still dare to yell at me, can you afford to yell? If you don't sell it to me, do you think I want to eat your shaved ice? I'm afraid it's not clean, and I'll get sick if I eat it!"

Lin Hongwei said dismissively.

"Are you going to get out? If you don't, believe it or not, a white knife goes in and a red knife comes out!"

Chen Duo grabbed the fruit knife violently and slammed it into the chopping board in front of him.

Seeing the still shaking fruit knife and thinking of Chen Duo's fierceness before, Lin Hongwei couldn't help shrinking his neck.

But he didn't admit defeat, and said sternly, "Hmph, I'm too lazy to be as knowledgeable as you, so just set up a street stall here for the rest of your life! Let's go!"

Lin Hongwei turned his head and took Xiaodong away.

"Manager Chen, please stay safe!"

Almost at the same time as Lin Hongwei left, another identical voice suddenly sounded. The corners of Chen Duo's mouth twitched twice, and he suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth to curse.

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