"President Song, why did you suddenly think of going to Dongdao to invest?" Zhao Shanhe asked unhurriedly.

"What? Is there a problem?" Song Liu looked over in surprise.

"I just think you should wait until now. It's not the best time to invest in East Island."

"If you are careful, you may be able to make money, but if you are not careful, you may lose your fortune. So I think, should you think again?" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Mr. Zhao, aren't you exaggerating what you said?"

Song Liu waved his hands indifferently, and said confidently: "Who doesn't know that the economic development of East Island ranks among the top in the world, much stronger than our country."

"Under such circumstances, if I invest in the past, I will definitely make money. Are you interested? If so, let's go there together? Think about it, is it very successful to make money from a little devil? feel?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded without thinking.

"I also like to make money from little devils. This money can be earned with peace of mind and confidence. But making money and investing are two different things. If you invest, you need an orderly and stable social environment."

"If the social environment is not safe, it is often in turmoil, and there may even be an economic crisis, do you think this investment can still make money?"

"What? Economic crisis?"

Hearing this word suddenly, Song Liu was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"I said Mr. Zhao, are you a bit alarmist? Considering the current economic situation in East Island, how could this happen? Economic crisis? Absolutely impossible!"

"Absolutely impossible? Mr. Song, how dare you be so sure?" Zhao Shanhe asked calmly.

"I know the economic crisis you mentioned. This should be related to the Black Monday incident in the United States in [-]."

"Yes, at that time, the stock market prices in places like East Island kept falling sharply. At the worst time, the decline was even beyond people's imagination."

"But did you know? The stock market in Dongdao recovered very quickly. Not only that, it even led to the recovery of the global stock market. Now when it comes to economic development, Dongdao definitely ranks first in Asia."

Song Liu held the wine glass and said slowly.

"It is precisely because of this that I thought about going to Dongdao to invest."

"After all, you also know that many of my equipment are purchased from Dongdao. If I can invest and build a factory there, it will save a lot of procedures. In that case, the cost can also be reduced, and I can earn more. A lot of money."

"Mr. Song, as I said just now, you want to make money, and earn money from Dongdao. This idea is correct. But I really want to advise you, you need to be cautious in investing." Zhao Shanhe persuaded earnestly.

"You said that East Island's stock market has always been in a leading position in Asia, but do you know that? Just last year, East Island's stock market began to plummet, and the Nikkei index fell below 20000 points."

When Zhao Shanhe said this, Song Liugang wanted to drink, the hand holding the cup to his mouth couldn't help but stop, and looked over with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"You keep talking!"

"The stock market crash is an obvious signal. With the start of this crash, the East Island's economy will definitely experience a cliff-like slide."

"I dare say that the real estate bubble in the East Island will come soon, even now. If you send people to investigate and investigate the cities in the East Island, you will find out how serious the real estate bubble is."

Zhao Shanhe leaned forward slightly, and said firmly in his eyes.

"East Island's GDP growth rate will decrease. Although it may increase in the future, I dare say that in the next ten years, East Island will not even think about turning around!"

"Now is the last feast of the East Island! The economic crisis of the East Island will come soon."

Listening to Zhao Shanhe's decisive words and seeing his unwavering expression, Song Liu's self-confidence just now was shaken.

He himself began to have doubts, isn't Zhao Shanhe trying to scare people?What he said is true?East Island's economic crisis is coming soon?If that's the case, I can't invest rashly in the past.

It's not easy to make some money by yourself, and you can't just be locked up like this and let it go in vain.

"Mr. Zhao, where did you hear what you said? Is there any basis?" Song Liu asked.

"It's all based on my analysis of the international news reports I heard, Mr. Song, if you believe me, then listen to me. If you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say it!" Zhao Shanhe said casually.


Song Liu lowered his head and began to ponder, but he didn't ponder for too long, and soon raised his head and said with a smile: "Can you continue to tell me your opinion."


Zhao Shanhe began to accompany Song Liu to continue talking about this matter.

The two chatted while eating.

After eating, the topic was almost finished. At this time, Song Liu said with emotion: "It's really better to listen to Jun's words than to read ten years of books."

"Mr. Zhao, although I still have some doubts about what you said, I will investigate according to what you said. But you should not say these things outside, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"I will!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, he knew that Song Liu was doing it for his own good.

You must know that the current mainstream thinking in society is not that the East Island will usher in a ten-year economic crisis, but that the economy of the East Island has always been in a leading position.

If people knew that he thought this way, he might cause unnecessary trouble.

"By the way, the batch of equipment you asked me to buy is for the production of beverages?" Song Liu suddenly remembered this and asked casually.


Zhao Shanhe wiped his mouth and said: "You also know that I run a food factory, so I want to sell more products, so I want to sell some drinks."

"You're right, this drink can also make money. All right, I'll urge you over there and fix the equipment for you as soon as possible. At that time, it will still be the old rule, and I will send it to Zhenghe County for you." Song Liu Said.

"Then thank you, Mr. Song." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Should be!"

The two separated after discussing the matter.

After watching Zhao Shanhe and Chen Ju leave, the corners of Song Liu's mouth slightly raised, outlining a mysterious arc.

"Zhao Shanhe, if what you said is true, do you know how shocking it will be? No, no matter whether it is true or not, I should tell Grandpa what you said."

"Hey, this way, grandpa can also see how powerful I am, and let him know that I'm not a fool who doesn't understand anything."

In the Crown sedan.

After negotiating with Song Liu about the equipment, Zhao Shanhe's mission to Zhongzhou City was successfully completed.

In fact, when he talked to Song Liu about the economic crisis in East Island, he just said it casually, without thinking too much about it.He just didn't want Song Liu to waste his money, or he would have to find someone else to cooperate with him when he introduced equipment in the future.

"Director, where are we going now?" Chen Ju asked.


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