"Don't mention Zhong Qianxi to me, he is the person I hate the most now."

Luo Qian'an said with a face full of anger, gnashing his teeth.

"I hate him the most? No way, if it weren't for Zhong Qianxi, you wouldn't have the current foundation. He made you."

"He is your right-hand man. This is well known to everyone. How can you say that now?"

Zhao Shanhe asked unhurriedly.

"The shit's right-hand man."

Luo Qian'an roared angrily: "Yes, I admit that it is because of Zhong Qianxi that I can have honest food, but it is also because of him that I will fail now."

"If it wasn't for him, would I have invested in so many messy industries? It was him who ruined my honest food."

"You don't know yet, do you? It's my great hero and confidant that you said, who has now betrayed me and joined the Green Arrow!"


This really surprised Zhao Shanhe.

Zhong Qianxi actually betrayed Luo Qian'an and joined the Green Arrow?

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, you can go to Dongming Hotel. Karen lives there. Go and see if Zhong Qianxi has changed the house!"

"This damn guy, if it weren't for him, would my Honest Food go bankrupt so quickly? Would I become a pauper? He ruined me!" Luo Qian'an's eyes were so fierce that he wanted to swallow people up.

He really hated Zhong Qianxi.

"Luo Qian'an, I now believe what you said. If this is the case, you will become a pauper, and it is completely understandable that you want to make money so eagerly."

"If you want money, I can give it to you. But I have a condition. You have to tell me everything I want to know. As long as you tell me the answer, I will give you money and let you leave decently." Handong City."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"What's the matter?" Luo Qian'an asked.

"First, I want to know how you and Karen work together?"

"Secondly, I want to know how you persuaded Lin Chaoyang to do things for you?"

"Third, did you do anything else in my Shanqiu food?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with sharp eyes, and said calmly: "You have to think clearly before answering my question. I remind you, or don't say anything. If you want to say something, it's best to tell the truth."

"Otherwise, you don't even want to get a penny from me."

"I say!"

Luo Qian'an lowered his head and pondered for a while, and when he raised his head, his eyes were already firm and persistent, "I just want money now, and whoever can give me the money, I am willing to do things for them, and I can answer the three questions you ask." answer you."

"Let me talk about the first one first. You asked me how Karen and I cooperated, right? He actually found me on his own initiative."

After half an hour.

Zhao Shanhe left from Qingfeng Tea House.

He had already got the answers he wanted, and after knowing these answers, his mood was somewhat complicated.Unexpectedly, I just asked a sentence out of the mouth, but I was actually asked correctly.

Luo Qian'an was really plotting against him, and he even made it happen.

This means that the fuse I ignited was too strong, and it directly destroyed Honest Food, leaving Luo Qian'an with nothing.Otherwise, if Luo Qian'an was given some time, he might do something crazy.

"Looks like it's time to carry out an ideological education campaign on the factories!"

Zhao Shanhe, who was thinking this way, had just returned to Zhenghe County, and before he had time to enter the factory, he received a call from Li Xiangyang.

He asked in a hurry: "Shanhe, where are you now? Are you still with Luo Qian'an?"

"No! He has already left, we have been separated for more than half an hour." Zhao Shanhe said.

"That's good."

Li Xiangyang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Just received the news that just 10 minutes ago, Luo Qian'an was arrested by the Handong City Public Security Bureau on the grounds of illegal production of poisonous snacks."

"He has been formally placed in prison, and this matter has also been investigated."


Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised, but soon came back to his senses.

"Okay, I know about this, I will go back soon, and I will talk about it when I go back."


After Zhao Shanhe returned to the factory, this matter had been confirmed, and Luo Qian'an was indeed arrested.

Whole Honest Foods, in addition to him, several other people were also arrested and interrogated according to law because of their involvement in the case.

This included the betrayed Zhong Qianxi, and even Dong Yanyan, the chief of the sales department, did not escape.

To put it simply, the top management of Honest Foods was wiped out.

Those who have no problem will be released after being interrogated.

Those who have problems must not try to escape.

"Have you seen it? What is it called? This is called the law of heaven. The legal system is wide and open. As long as you violate the law and commit crimes, you will not be able to escape the punishment of the law." Zhao Shanhe said with emotion.

"Yeah, who would have thought that Luo Qian'an, who was flamboyant just a few days ago, even accompanied Mayor Yang to investigate, and a few days later, he would go to jail and become a prisoner." Li Xiangyang sighed.

"Let's not talk about him, let's talk about this matter. I know one thing from Luo Qian'an's mouth, that is, the reason why he plotted against us Shanqiu Food is because someone encouraged him."

"And this person is our old friend, Karen from Green Arrow, the person in charge of Shencheng. He came here and targeted us after discussing with Luo Qian'an." Zhao Shanhe said slowly.


Li Xiangyang was startled on the spot, and then shouted angrily: "It's unreasonable, this Green Arrow is too careless. He can't beat us in the market, so he just wanted to engage in this kind of conspiracy, and even went to our territory to do it."

"It's paralyzing, it's crazy! I'm going to Dongming Hotel right now, I'm going to confront Karen face to face, and ask him if he's shameless!"

"Do you think he will still live in Dongming Hotel?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said indifferently: "Even if he still lives there, do you think he will admit it? Forget it, let's know about this matter, and there will be opportunities to get back in the future."

"As for now, the top priority is to ensure the production of Whale Pump and milk tea. As for the rest, we will talk about it later."

"Okay, then let Karen go for a while." Li Xiangyang said harshly.

"I'll contact Chen Jinhua now to see what he means."

As Zhao Shanhe spoke, he picked up the phone on the table and made a call.

Chen Jinhua quickly answered.

After hearing the voice of Zhao Shanhe, Chen Jinhua was very happy.And when he heard Zhao Shanhe said that he would invite him to dinner tonight, Chen Jinhua agreed without thinking.

"Then let's meet and talk tonight."

"Okay!" Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone after the two finished speaking.

"I hope Chen Jinhua can agree to sell the factory. In this case, it will save a lot of trouble." Li Xiangyang said excitedly.

"He will." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

The afternoon flew by.


In the box of Limin Hotel, Zhao Shanhe met Chen Jinhua who had been waiting here for a long time.

After a short exchange of pleasantries, Chen Jinhua asked with a smile: "Director Zhao, you have something to talk to me about, right? Tell me, I'll be all ears."

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