Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 328 This factory is 1 yuan

"Director Chen, since you said that, then I won't go around in circles. That's right, I really have something to discuss with you. I heard that you intend to sell the cannery recently, is that right?" Zhao Shanhe Asked straight to the point.


Chen Jinhua nodded, and said calmly: "I want to sell Lvyuan. Although I have worked hard to get Lvyuan, the current market is sluggish."

"I just thought, how about selling it while I still have some money to sell, so that I can use the money to do other things. What? Director Zhao, are you interested?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled and said, "I have the idea of ​​buying Green Garden, but I don't know if Director Chen is willing to sell it to me?"

"Of course! Since I want to sell the factory, who is it not to sell to? And if you want to sell it, you must be the first."

"Now who doesn't know that you, Director Zhao, are the richest in our Zhenghe County, of course I'm willing to sell it to you." Chen Jinhua laughed loudly.

"Okay, then let's make an agreement, and sell your green garden to me."

"As for specific matters, let them discuss with the subordinates. If you and I say that there is no problem, this matter will be considered. What do you say?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile, raising his wine glass.

"Yes, we can talk tomorrow." Chen Jinhua also raised his glass and said with a smile.

"Then tomorrow!" The two wine glasses clinked happily.

As the business was settled, Chen Jinhua raised his head, and after having sex with Zhao Shanhe, he said with emotion: "Director Zhao, do you know? There are few people I admire, and you are definitely one of them."

"It's really hard for me to imagine that one year ago you were the director of a small ice factory, and a year later, you have become the director of two large factories, which is too surprising. "

"Director Chen, in fact, this is all thanks to this era. This is an extremely wonderful era, an era of prosperity. As long as you dare to work hard, you will come out on top one day."

"It's like you, even though you said you would quit the cannery, as long as you want, you can always find a suitable industry for you to make a comeback." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Haha, then I will borrow your good words!" Chen Jinhua laughed heartily.


Sometimes doing business is like this, and it doesn't always have to be a sword, a win-win situation is the most important thing.You want to sell, I want to buy, then as long as the conditions are negotiated, the rest is easy to talk about.

As for negotiating things like this, Zhao Shanhe naturally didn't need to come forward.

With Cai Qian around, this kind of thing can be easily resolved.Sure enough, it took only one day for the matter to be settled smoothly. In the end, Shanqiu Foods successfully acquired the Lvyuan Cannery at a price of 100 million.

The price was not high at that time, but it was not low either.

That is to say, Shanqiu Foods has always been profitable. Otherwise, do you think that anyone can just spend 100 million cash to do this?This is why Chen Jinhua chose Zhao Shanhe.

Save worry and effort!

He would rather sell it for a little less money, and he wants to sell it to Zhao Shanhe, after all, it can be paid in one lump sum.

And this incident also caused quite a stir in Zhenghe County.

After all, the Lvyuan Canned Food Factory is an enterprise, but now this enterprise was taken over by Zhao Shanhe in no time.

If you count the former Jiuquan Hardware, Zhao Shanhe swallowed up two companies just by annexing the company, which seems to have become a big figure that cannot be ignored in Zhenghe County.

This incident also stimulated Lin Donghao of Donghao Cannery.

Everyone knows that there are only two canning factories left in Zhenghe County, and one is the flourishing Baifo Canning Factory, which belongs to Huang Zhizhong.One is the lingering Donghao Cannery, which belongs to Lin Donghao.

But the life of Donghao Cannery is not easy.

"Jianfei, tell me, what should I do next?" Lin Donghao asked anxiously.

Chen Jianfei, who was asked in this way, shrugged helplessly, "I said Lao Lin, if you ask me, how would I know."

"As you know, I'm just the section chief of Shanqiu's food security department. I'm in charge of security, not production."

"If you ask me about security, I promise to tell you, but how do I know about business?"


Lin Donghao hesitated to speak.

"Are you stimulated by Chen Jinhua's sale of the factory?" Chen Jianfei asked.

"Yes, it's exciting. I didn't expect Chen Jinhua to be so courageous in his work, and he sold it as soon as he said it. I'm thinking now, if I want to sell the factory here, would Director Zhao be willing to buy it?" Lin Donghao said .

"You also want to sell the factory? Isn't your canning factory still sustainable? If you can maintain it, you can maintain it. You are still a factory manager. What's the matter if you just sell it?" Chen Jianfei curled his lips speechlessly.

"Do you think Chen Jinhua really wants to sell the factory? It's not that he can't keep going, he can't make ends meet, he's losing money every day, and every time he produces a bottle of canned food, it's just a reminder of his life. That's why he wants to sell the factory. .”

"If you say you can do it, keep doing it."

Lin Donghao shook his head and smiled wryly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long. You said if I sell it again at that time, can I still sell it for 100 million?"

"Who dares to say this? Let's talk about it later." Chen Jianfei said lightly.

"That's the only way!" Lin Donghao said with a helpless sigh.

And this matter was also reported to the county government immediately, and Xie Nanfang and Du Jingming knew about it.When they heard this, the two were having a meeting to study a project to attract investment, and when they heard it suddenly, both of them were a little surprised.

"Zhao Shanhe actually bought the Lvyuan Cannery? He is really rich." Xie Nanfang said with emotion.

"Yes, Zhao Shanhe should not be short of money now. After all, Yile chewing gum is selling very well, and orders from all over the country are flying in. He can make a lot of money just relying on chewing gum."

"I even heard that besides the branch factory in Nanjue County, he intends to build a branch factory in other provinces just to produce Yile chewing gum." Du Jingming said.

"Really? If so, it's a good thing. But it's a good thing for him, not necessarily a good thing for Zhenghe County."

"You said that if he built a branch factory in those big cities, would he say that he would just move the headquarters there? If that's the case, our Zhenghe County will be completely empty." Xie Nanfang said with some concern.

"I don't think we need to worry about that."

Du Jingming shook his head and said with a smile: "Zhao Shanhe is not the kind of villain who forgets righteousness for profit. I know him well. He is a person with a pattern in his heart and nostalgia for old things."

"He told me about it. He said that as long as Zhenghe County doesn't do anything excessive, he won't let us down, and he won't think about relocating."

"This is the best way!" Xie Nanan nodded and muttered.

He suddenly frowned, thought of something and asked directly, the moment he asked, Du Jingming's expression could not help but change slightly.

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