"Boss Luo, what's the matter?"

It was none other than Luo Qian'an who called.

"Mr. Zhao, do you have time now? I want to meet with you." Luo Qian'an said with a bitter tone.

"Meet me? Mr. Luo, is this necessary?" Zhao Shanhe said lightly.


Luo Qian'an said calmly: "I think you want to meet me too, don't you? Don't you want to see what I look like now?"

"Zhao Shanhe, come on, I really want to meet you, I promise you won't suffer from meeting me, you don't want to know, why do I have to trouble you when I'm so good?"

These words reached Zhao Shanhe's heart.

He really wanted to know that.

And what Luo Qian'an said is right, with his current appearance, Zhao Shanhe really wants to see what he has become.Is it a drowned chicken in a mess?Or a stray dog ​​with feathers all over the place?

"Time and place." Zhao Shanhe was concise.

"One hour later, Qingfeng Tea House in the eastern suburbs of Handong City." Luo Qian'an said.

"I'll go right away!" Zhao Shanhe agreed decisively.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiangyang asked, "Is it Luo Qian'an?"

"Yes, Luo Qian'an wanted to see me. He said he wanted to tell me why he would deal with our Shanqiu Foods? I think he probably has no other ideas. I'll go and have a look." Zhao Shanhe said.

"I think Luo Qian'an is a capricious person. Will he say that he is playing some tricks again? Factory manager, why don't you think about it and don't go to see him." Cai Qian persuaded.

"No, I'm going to see him. If there are no accidents, Luo Qian'an should be leaving Handong City. Before he leaves, I have to meet him anyway."

"Besides, I wasn't afraid when he owned Honest Food before, not to mention that now he has sold Honest Food! Don't worry, I will take Chen Ju there."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he picked up the document on the table and handed it over.

One serving per person.

"There are things you have to do here. During this period of time, follow the instructions in the document. When you are all done, I will basically negotiate the equipment."

"In a word, strive to launch our Xiangpiaopiao milk tea on the market before the end of June." Zhao Shanhe's eyebrows showed a kind of confidence.


The three responded in unison.

The elegant room of Qingfeng Tea House in the eastern suburbs of Handong City.

Zhao Shanhe arrived as promised.

And when he saw Luo Qian'an, his eyelids raised slightly.

The current Luo Qian'an doesn't have the high-spirited appearance before, his whole person is like a frost-beaten eggplant, very wilted, as if he has aged for ten years, not to mention, even his hair has turned white.

"It's surprising to see me now, isn't it?" Looking at Zhao Shanhe's surprised look, Luo Qian'an said mockingly.

"Sit down and talk!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe sat on the opposite chair and said frankly: "Mr. Luo, you are right. I am really surprised to see you like this. But accidents are accidents. It is impossible for you to get sympathy from me." of."

"After all, you also know that the way you are today is completely caused by yourself, and you destroyed yourself."

"Yeah, I asked for all of this."

Luo Qian'an shook his head and smiled bitterly.

If this was put in the past, he would definitely refute it vigorously, but now that he is like this, how can he refute it?What rebuttal do you have?Facts speak louder than words.

"Mr. Luo, why did you ask me here? Didn't you want to talk about why you targeted me? Actually, I'm also curious. Although there are some conflicts between you and me, it doesn't seem that there is such a deep hatred, right? "

"What's more, even if you want revenge, shouldn't you wait until Honest Food solves all the troubles and free up your hands to deal with me? Why did you do it so well?"

"Outsiders don't know, can you not know that your honest food looks brilliant, but in fact it has been riddled with holes? Why do you dare to do anything to me? Tell me, I want to know this now. "

Zhao Shanhe didn't talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point.

"I'll tell you if you don't ask."

Luo Qian'an had long thought that Zhao Shanhe would ask this question, so he didn't hesitate, and said happily: "I will do something to you because someone asked me to cooperate, and they hope that I can cooperate with them to deal with you."

"Who?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked.

"You should be able to guess that it is Karen from the Green Arrow Company!"

Luo Qian'an said it slowly.


Zhao Shanhe suddenly realized.

"That's right, if anyone really wants to deal with me, the Green Arrow Company will definitely rank first. Whoever let me snatch away a lot of their market."

"But Mr. Luo, if you say it's the Green Arrow, it's the Green Arrow? Where's the evidence? Without evidence, I wouldn't believe it."

"I would think that you are trying to bring trouble to the east. You want to sow discord when you are bankrupt, and let me fight Green Arrow. You are a good joke and reap the benefits of the fisherman. So, do you have evidence? "

Zhao Shanhe asked calmly, although he said he believed it in his heart, he didn't say it out of his mouth.


Luo Qian'an smiled mysteriously, took out an envelope and said, "I have evidence, and the evidence is here."

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the envelope, smiled lightly, and said, "Luo Qian'an, please offer your conditions. What do you want?"

"Happy, I like dealing with people like Mr. Zhao." Luo Qian'an said.

Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently.

"Hurry up and be good to everyone, otherwise, do you think there is any friendship between me and you? Do you think I came here to catch up with you? You asked me to come here, and you didn't want to make friends with me, did you?" ?”

"Luo Qian'an, everyone is a smart person, so let's talk about one thing and one thing. It's best to be clean and neat. Anyone who is muddled will find it troublesome."

"What I'm saying is that I am not qualified to negotiate with you now."

A self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of Luo Qian'an's mouth, and he said in a low tone: "Actually, I have a lot to say, but now that I hear you say that, I won't say it. It's better for us to keep it simple."

"Zhao Shanhe, I want money!" Luo Qian'an's eyes became firm.

"You want money?"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes, I want money, and the more the better, that's why I met you. I hope to make a deal with you. If you want to give me money, I will recognize money now, not people." Luo Qian'an's tone Said hastily.

After Zhao Shanhe was slightly stunned, he smiled relievedly.

"Luo Qian'an, it seems that you are really poor and crazy this time, have you lost all your money? That's not right, shouldn't you have money in the bank? Why are you so poor?"

"All the money in the bank has been frozen, and all my money has been repaid. I really have no money now. If I had money, do you think I would meet you to make a deal like this?" Luo Qian'an said indignantly.

"No, even if you don't have any money, you can ask Zhong Qianxi for it. He should have it, right?"

It was good that Zhao Shanhe didn't mention Zhong Qianxi, but when he mentioned it, Luo Qian'an became angry on the spot.

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