Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 32 Why Are You Buying This?

"Brothers and sisters, listen to me, arguing like this won't solve the problem. I also know how you feel, because I haven't received my salary, and my family is in trouble."

"But, it's useless for us to keep arguing like this!"

"If you believe me, I'll go to Director Wang and talk about it right now, and I'll give the big guy an explanation anyway. You guys, let's all calm down here, wait a minute, okay?"

Li Xiangyang pressed his hand and said loudly.

"Okay, then we will wait, and we must give us an answer today."

"Yes, we are waiting for your reply!"

"Thank you all!"

Li Xiangyang cupped his hands, then turned around and walked into the building.

Zhao Shanhe, who was standing outside, already knew what happened when he heard this.

His mind was spinning rapidly.

Having already made his first pot of gold, his second target is the ice factory.

He never thought of taking shaved ice as his main business from the beginning to the end.

Speaking of this ice factory, the memory of his previous life told him that it went bankrupt around this time, and after the bankruptcy, Huang Lianshan bought it at a very low price.

Who is Huang Lianshan?

Huang Lianshan is what Tian Lihua said about Huang Hu's father. He is a cannery owner who is merciless and mercenary.

Huang Lianshan, I'm sorry, this ice factory has nothing to do with you, I'm going to kill you, sir.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shanhe immediately walked towards the administrative building.


In the office of the ice factory.

Wang Changyun was at a loss and was upset.Hearing the noisy voices outside made him feel dizzy. If it wasn't that there was nothing he could do, he really wanted to rush out and shout.

No way, no one told him that he has no money, and owes everyone wages in arrears.

You are unreasonable enough. If you dare to go out and shout again, you will definitely anger those workers.

Just then, someone knocked on the door and entered.

"Xiangyang, how's the situation outside?"

Seeing that it was Li Xiangyang who walked in, Wang Changyun hurriedly asked.

"Hey, what can I do? I'm still waiting, Director Wang, I didn't say it, just this matter, you have been avoiding it like this, there is no way to solve it, if you have money or not, you have to go out and meet the big guy, Say it well."

Sitting on the opposite chair, Li Xiangyang said helplessly.

"Say it?"

Wang Changyun showed a wry smile: "Didn't I tell them before? But how did they treat me? They couldn't wait to do it, what else can they say."

"Then what should we do about this matter? It has been delayed for so long, and if you don't send money, everyone will really be fried!" Li Xiangyang looked at it and said.

"No money!"

Wang Changyun spread his hands and said: "Xiangyang, if you don't believe me, go to our financial account and check, let alone no money, we still owe money to others. You said if I have money, can I not send them money?" ?"

"Then what should we do about this?" Li Xiangyang asked with a frown.

"What can we do? If any of them have the ability, they will come to be the director of the factory. I will sell the factory to them and see if it can be used for fun?" Wang Changyun said angrily.

"Sell the factory?"

Li Xiangyang sat up straight when he heard this, and asked seriously: "Director, are you joking? You don't really want to sell our ice factory, do you?"

"Xiangyang, don't get excited, listen to me tell you."

Wang Changyun shook his head and said, "You also know about my family's situation. My kid has settled down in the capital and has always said that he wants me to go there. In the past, our ice factory was doing well, so I didn't agree. "

"But now you can also see that the ice factory is not as good as it is every day, and there are foreign debts."

"If this goes on like this, I will go bankrupt sooner or later. I was thinking, or I can just sell it. If I sell it to others, I can at least pay the workers' wages and pay off foreign debts. If I don't sell it, I will have to sell it." Dragged to death by this ice factory."

Really going to sell the ice factory!

Although Li Xiangyang said that he had already seen that Wang Changyun had no intention of running the factory, but after hearing it, he still found it difficult to accept.

After all, this is the place where he has been working, and he is not reconciled to selling it like this.

But what if you are not reconciled?

Just like what Wang Changyun said, internal and external troubles, the ice factory can no longer continue to operate, and if it is not sold, it will be a dead end.

What's more, this ice factory is not a state-owned enterprise, nor is it a collective industry, but a private enterprise owned by Wang Changyun. If they want to sell it, who can stop it?No one can stop it.

"Xiangyang, why don't you buy it?" Wang Changyun said with a bright eye.


Li Xiangyang was a little surprised.

"Yes, you buy it. If you buy it, I will give you an internal price of 5 yuan! You also know that although our ice factory is small in size and not equipped with many equipment, it is still a factory. .”

"You only need to give me 5 yuan, and by the way, take over the arrears of wages and foreign debts, and I will give you the factory!"

Wang Changyun's tone was a little anxious.

Hearing what Wang Changyun said and seeing Wang Changyun's expectant expression, Li Xiangyang was slightly taken aback, and almost raised his fist to beat him.

Paralyzed Wang Changyun, are you trying to trick me?

What is going on in the ice factory, I am very clear, this is a fire pit, you don't want to help me jump out, you want me to jump in, just to help you get out.

Do you still want a face?

It seems that the saying is true, capitalists are all vampires.

You, Wang Changyun, are not a kind person either.

Sensing that Li Xiangyang's face was a bit unfriendly, Wang Changyun smiled awkwardly: "Don't be so serious, I'm just kidding you!"

"Dong dong."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then Zhao Shanhe pushed the door open and walked in.

"Shanhe, why are you here?" Li Xiangyang was a little surprised.

Wang Changyun didn't know who Zhao Shanhe was, so he looked over curiously.

"Xiangyang, I've come to see you for something." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Then I'll talk about it when I'm done. You can wait downstairs."

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry, I'm going to talk to Director Wang about something." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and then said.

"Ask me for something? What's the matter? Don't we know each other?" Wang Changyun asked with a frown.

"I didn't know each other before, but I got to know each other soon, my name is Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe took a step forward with a smile, and said straight to the point: "Director Wang, I just heard you at the door saying that you want to sell the ice factory, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"That's right, I want to buy it!"

"What? You want to buy an ice factory?" Wang Changyun immediately widened his eyes.

"Shanhe, are you alright?"

After hearing this, Li Xiangyang couldn't help shouting in surprise: "You want to buy an ice factory? Why are you buying this?"

"Yes, you heard me right, I just want to buy an ice factory. Xiangyang, I'll tell you about this later."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

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