Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 31 Take it easy, I'm afraid of pain!

Fifty thousand!

At that time when households with ten thousand yuan were scarce, this number was already astonishing.

With this money, Zhao Shanhe can already do something.

During dinner at night, Li Qiuya said worriedly: "Shanhe, you said that shaved ice is sold all over the street now, what should we do? Their prices have dropped, so let's do the same, otherwise there will be no business."

Zhao Shanhe picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in Li Qiuya's bowl, and said with a smile: "Well, I've already told Cui Huan and the others that the price is up to them, it's okay to follow the trend, and it's okay to drop it by two or three cents. "

"Anyway, I'm not going to sell shaved ice anymore, so I'll leave this business to them."

"Ah, you're not going to sell shaved ice anymore? Then what are you going to do?" Li Qiuya hurriedly asked without caring about eating.

"The mountain man has his own plan!"

Zhao Shanhe showed an inscrutable smile.

"You still keep it a secret from me?" Li Qiuya pouted involuntarily.

"It's not keeping it secret from you. It's because this matter has not been completed yet. I will tell you when it is completed." Zhao Shanhe quickly explained.

"It's up to you. You earned the money anyway, so you can spend it as you like. I also trust you, and I won't spend it recklessly this time." Li Qiuya nodded.


Zhao Shanhe immediately grabbed Li Qiuya's hand, and said emotionally: "Thank you for your trust, don't worry, I will definitely not mess around, and I will never let you down again!"

"Well, eat quickly, wash up and go to bed after eating." Li Qiuya bit her lip and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Can you do it tonight?"


Li Qiuya lowered her head shyly, murmured softly, then got up and began to pack the dishes.

"let me help you!"

Zhao Shanhe hurried to help.

After a while, the two lay on the bed, the bright moonlight shone in through the window, Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Qiuya's cheeks that were already red to the point of bleeding, breathed in that intoxicating fragrance, and slowly stretched out his hand.

"Hmm... Take it easy, I'm afraid of pain!" Li Qiuya said in a low voice.

"Oh, I see." Zhao Shanhe replied in a muffled voice.

The night outside is boundless, and the spring is bright inside.


the next day.

It was rare for Li Qiuya not to get up, if it was in the past, she would have woken up to make breakfast a long time ago.

But today she was too tired to have any energy, thinking of Zhao Shanhe's crazy energy last night, she felt a little shy.

It seems that this period of time is really difficult for Zhao Shanhe, and he is almost sick.

Now it can be said that it is a matter of course.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so pretty!"

Zhao Shanhe looked at this pretty face close at hand, helped her straighten her drooping hair, and said softly.

"It's a poor mouth early in the morning! Have you put honey on your mouth?" Li Qiuya said with a blushing face.

"Would you like to try it with honey?" Zhao Shanhe chuckled.

"Go to hell!"

Li Qiuya pushed Zhao Shanhe coquettishly, looked up at the clock on the wall, and immediately yelled.

"It's almost nine o'clock, it's over, it's over, I'm late! I don't know if Qiu Ying asked me for leave? If I didn't ask for leave, my salary will be deducted. Get up quickly, I have to get up. "

"Daughter-in-law, you should rest well!"

Zhao Shanhe put his arms around Li Qiuya and said, "I'm already late anyway, so don't worry, just do whatever you want."

"Also, as I told you before, you don't have to work so hard to go to work. You might as well quit your job and rest at home. I can make money to support my family. You just need to tidy up our house."

"Okay, when you can earn one hundred thousand, I won't go to work!"

Li Qiuya said with a smile while putting on her clothes.

"Okay, you said this? You can't go back on your word!" Zhao Shanhe responded immediately.

"It's what I said, that's all, I won't cook anymore, I'm leaving, you can go out and eat something later!"

Li Qiuya picked up her bag and went out, pushed the bicycle bought by Zhao Shanhe and disappeared into the alley.

"10 yuan? Qiu Ya, the goal you set is really small! Just wait, I will earn enough for this amount soon."

Zhao Shanhe simply washed up after getting up, and then pushed his bicycle out the door.

Originally, he wanted to buy a motorcycle, which was convenient after all, but Li Qiuya was so distressed that the money wouldn't allow him to buy it, so he didn't dare to buy it against his will.

After all, the wife has the final say, and he doesn't want to upset her.

"Don't wander around at midnight on weekends, come to Apple Paradise, welcome homeless children..."

Zhao Shanhe was riding a bicycle, facing the gusts of breeze, and what he heard was "Green Apple Paradise" by the Little Tigers.Hearing this song in this era, let alone, is really nostalgic.

"Who do you like? My favorite is Thunderbolt Tiger."

"I think Xiaoshuaihu is really handsome."

"Who said that? Guaiguaihu is also very good, I like Guaiguaihu."

When Zhao Shanhe was buying cigarettes on the side of the road, he heard the voices of a few little girls talking and laughing.

Hearing this, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, girl, this little tiger team you like will be disbanded soon.

Of course, these days, the most indispensable thing is stars, such as the four heavenly kings and the prince of love songs, they are all in their prime.

"Here, here are your cigarettes! Find your money, take it!"


Zhao Shanhe put Hongtashan in his pocket casually, and rode to the ice factory in a hurry. When he came here, he just entered the gate, and the scene in front of him made him raise his eyebrows involuntarily.

What's the fuss about?

A group of people stood in front of the office building of the ice factory.

They shouted in rage.

"We want wages! It's two months in arrears, and if we don't pay wages, we won't pay them."

"I heard that I still owe it this month."

"You can't owe it anymore, if you owe it again, you will die!"

"Why isn't the salary being paid? Where is the factory manager?"


Standing in front of this group of workers was Li Xiangyang, who was sweating profusely, trying to persuade him dryly.If this was in the past, he would still be quite prestigious, and what he said would be listened to.

But not now.

Who let this involve money?

What is it, as long as money is involved, the nature will change.

"Brother Li, you are our eldest brother, and we believe in you. But you also know our family's situation. Our family relies on the salary I earn to live. If I don't pay salary for these two months, I will spend all my money. It’s all gone, and if we don’t send money, our family really won’t be able to fire!”

"Our house has stopped firing."

"Brother Li, don't speak dark words in front of Ming people. Our factory has already become like this, and it is about to close. You say we should ask for wages now, and really wait until the day of closing. Who do we go to?"

"What I said was, let Wang Changyun come out and send us money!"

"Send money, send money!"


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