Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 317 Undisguised Fighting Intent!

Yindong breakfast stall in Handong City.

Because of the superior location of this breakfast stall, there are many people who come here to eat every morning, and there are often queues.Even after putting tables on the side of the road, there are no empty seats every day.

And next to the breakfast stand is a newsstand.

Newsstands also go out very early, there is no way, if you go out too late, who will sell the newspapers to?

It has to be said that the owner of the newsstand is very business-minded. While selling newspapers, there is a tape recorder next to it, which is playing songs, attracting passers-by.

"Falling in love with someone who doesn't come home, waiting for a door that doesn't open, fickle eyes, and tightly closed lips, why bother to force and ask..."

Lin Yilian's classic song "Fall in Love with Someone Who Doesn't Go Home", many people can't help but stop and buy a newspaper.

For example, Dong Yanyan, the chief of the sales department of Honest Food, is sitting at the breakfast stall at this moment, drinking tofu nao, eating fried dough sticks, and flipping through a newspaper casually in his hand.

Just looking at it, his face couldn't help but gloomy, and his expression became extremely serious.

"Spicy mouth, your hot mouth is what kills your heart!" "

The Honest Spirit of Honest Foods Crash! "

"Honesty Produced, Killing and Killing!" "

In the "Zhenghe Evening News" he was looking at, there were actually three articles, all of which reported honest food news, and the authors were all Dong Siyuan without exception.

And these three articles are all murderous, and the blade is directed at Honest Food.

Each one has an undisguised fighting spirit!

And the most important thing is that the three articles reported on nine families, and what they said was convincing and meaningful, rather than deliberately arranged and framed casually.

Every family was interviewed by Dong Siyuan.

Each interview was recorded in detail in the article. Some families said what they said seemed very simple, but the more simple they were, the more irresistible anger was revealed.

Dong Yanyan's hand holding the newspaper began to tremble involuntarily.

"Spicy mouth, your hot mouth is what kills your heart!" "

When Dong Yan read this article, his heart began to beat faster.

"I really didn't expect that Honest Food would be such an unscrupulous company. In fact, I should have thought of it. Because as long as we are in Handong City, we should remember what happened a while ago."

"Didn't Honest Foods at that time just produce pirated chewing gum? Since they dared to blatantly pirate, what else would they want to do?"


"But didn't you honest food go too far this time? Do you think money can solve all problems? Do you think that you have the power to keep everyone from talking?"

"Do you know that by doing this, you are obliterating the morality of this society, and you are declaring war on the fairness and justice of the whole society!"


"Spicy mouth is a kind of snack produced by Honest Food, as long as we in Handong City should have eaten it. But do you know? It is such a kind of snack around us, but it is actually a substandard product of low quality!"

"It doesn't matter if other things are unqualified. This is food. Unqualified food quality threatens our health and life safety!"

"As far as I know, there are nine families. In each family, someone gets sick from eating spicy food, and this disease is very serious. It is a kidney failure that is extremely difficult to treat in the medical field!"

"Kidney failure! A hot mouth can make people suffer from a serious illness like kidney failure and face the threat of death. Do you think such a spicy mouth can still be eaten? Do you still dare to eat it?"

"How dare he, Honest Food, risk the world's disgrace to produce this kind of poisonous food?"


"What they are after is money! In order to make money, they will do whatever they can, they will have no scruples, and they will take risks. But every penny they make is in exchange for the health and lives of our people!"


"Some people may say that I'm scaremongering, and I'm deliberately smearing Honest Food. Well, I'm here to declare to everyone that I am responsible for every word I say to the end."

"If you say that anyone doesn't believe it, feel free to investigate it. As far as the nine families I reported, you can go and check it at will."

"Of course, before you find out the results, I still hope that you can temporarily stop buying the spicy mouth of Honest Food, and don't buy the rest of the snacks of Honest Food."

"Because by doing that, you're not only saving your life, it's saving your child's life, it's saving your family's life too!"

In the article, you can also clearly see the interview transcript, and clearly see how each family used the simplest language and said the most heartbreaking things.

And the most important thing is that in the last article "Honest Food, Killing People!" "In the article, you can also see that some families are reporting that Honest Food has secretly given them money in order to settle this matter.

"My name is Wang Guihua, and I live in Qianjin Hutong, Yuhua District, Handong City. Anyone who works in that area knows me, because I have a tailor booth at the entrance of the Hutong, and I am doing sewing and mending business."

"I really didn't expect that such a disaster would happen to me. My six-year-old child, Xiaobao, suffered from kidney failure because of eating spicy food."

"I have the diagnosis certificate from our city hospital, and the medical certificate from the provincial hospital. They all said that my little treasure got this serious illness because of his hot mouth."

"My intestines are turning green now!"

"If I had known this, I would never have given my child spicy food. My little treasure is lying at home every day and cannot move. Every time I see his pale face tortured by kidney failure, I regret it so much." to die."

"Honesty Food, don't think that you can stop my mouth by giving me 1000 yuan. Let me tell you, I don't want to take your money. What I want is for my son to recover from his illness."

"You are still threatening me, saying that if I dare to report, you will destroy my family! My child is already like this, so why should I be afraid? If something happens to him, what's the point of my life?"

"Even if you don't want to kill me, I don't want to live! I want you to be honest and pay back with blood!"


All three articles are such reports.

Dong Yanyan couldn't even stand up, and there were bursts of angry and unbearable curses in his ears.

Moreover, this kind of cursing sound was much more serious than that of the pirated chewing gum before. Everyone cursed fiercely as if they wanted to vent all the anger in their hearts.

"Paralyzed honest food, it turns out to be such a black-hearted enterprise!"

"It's over, I bought a bag of spicy mouth for my grandson yesterday, I have to go back and throw it away!"

"You said, these reports can't be fake?"

"Fake it, just Wang Osmanthus, I know her. I often go to her to sew clothes and mend shoes. Her son really suffered from kidney failure some time ago. It turns out that he eats spicy food."

"This Nima's honest food is too deceitful!"


Dong Yan didn't dare to raise his head, and hurriedly took the newspaper and left after finishing the calculation, but what he didn't expect was that the cursing here earlier was considered light, and the honest food factory has already become lively at this moment.

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