Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 316 Retaliate with the way of others

"I'm going to take what happened this time and deal with him in the same way!"

Zhao Shanhe said with playful eyes.

"Treat him in the same way? Factory manager, you mean to say that food quality is also an issue?" Cai Qian's eyes lit up.


Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"The biggest problem with food is quality. After all, food is different from other products. If the quality cannot be guaranteed, any food will be eliminated by the market."

"That's why Luo Qian'an wanted to use the pirated Yile chewing gum to frame us. This trick seems inconspicuous, but it is actually the deadliest."

"Then what should we do?" Cai Qian asked.

"I've already done it, you guys just wait and watch the show!" Zhao Shanhe deliberately put on a trick and smiled mysteriously.

"Okay!" Cai Qian also laughed.

"there's one more thing!"

Li Xiangyang said slowly: "If we really want to defeat Honest Food this time, should we eat it? If we want to eat it, we should start preparing now."

"After all, honest food is a lot of fat, and it's still a bit difficult to eat it in your stomach."

"Don't think about it this time!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands when he heard this, and said calmly: "If it can be eaten, it is better to eat it, but this time it is too choking, and I can't eat it."

"Why do you say that? The reason is very simple. Honest Food is not Jiuquan Hardware. After all, Jiuquan Hardware is an enterprise of our Zhenghe County, and we had sufficient funds at that time, so it was completely fine."

"But the current Honest Food is an enterprise in Handong City after all, and we don't even want to eat it with the 800 million in our hands. Let alone 800 million, even if there are more 800 million, we may not be able to get it .”

"So this time our purpose is to clean up honest food and crush it! If you can get something, get it, if you can't get it, stay out of it, don't get involved!" Zhao Shanhe clarified the strategic intention of this operation.

"The manager is right."

Cai Qian nodded and echoed, "Honest Food is an enterprise in Handong City after all, and the internal situation is very complicated. Even if it goes bankrupt, it is impossible to say that it was eaten by us."

"There are still many companies in the city that are eyeing them. Besides, even the leaders of the city will not give us a chance. If we really want to eat it, it will only push us to the forefront and become the target of being targeted."

"Forget it, we also understand the principle of shooting the top bird." Li Xiangyang said.

"Let's leave it at that!"

Zhao Shanhe made the final decision.

And from the beginning to the end, none of Li Xiangyang and the others mentioned Lin Chaoyang's matter.

Although according to the rules, Lin Chaoyang will definitely be investigated and prosecuted, but after all, Lin Chaoyang is Zhao Shanhe's cousin, so Zhao Shanhe should handle this matter by himself.

After Li Xiangyang and the others left, Zhao Shanhe dialed Li Qiucheng's phone and said flatly: "Qiucheng, what I told you before can be done!"



late at night.

In the elegant room of a teahouse in Handong City.

Karen looked at Luo Qian'an who was sitting opposite with a gloomy face, and said angrily: "I said Mr. Luo, this is what you said to be foolproof? Why do I feel that you seem to be perfunctory?"

"Don't you know that we must be cautious in our actions against Zhao Shanhe. We only have one chance. If you don't grasp it this time, it will be very difficult to find another chance to deal with him."

"After all, Zhao Shanhe is a man as cunning as a fox, he won't keep giving us chances!"

"I know, but I didn't expect things to turn out like this. Besides, when I said the plan, didn't you think it was reliable?" Luo Qian'an spread his hands and argued helplessly.

"Now that it's like this, put all the responsibility on me, Mr. Karen, it seems a little unreasonable for you to do this! You're saying that I don't want Zhao Shanhe to die."

Luo Qian'an's eyes suddenly became vicious: "I want to deal with Zhao Shanhe more than anyone else!"

"I'm not saying I'm blaming you, but I'm just saying that it's a little careless and inconsiderate. Have you ever thought about what went wrong?"

"Is it possible that the Lin Chaoyang you mentioned told Zhao Shanhe about it after taking our money. After all, he and Zhao Shanhe are relatives, and he wouldn't say that he was framing Zhao Shanhe!" Karen asked in a deep voice. road.

"Impossible!" Luo Qianan stretched out his palm and said firmly.

"Lin Chaoyang hates Zhao Shanhe more than anyone else. If it wasn't for him, Lin Chaoyang is still in the Shanqiu Food Purchasing Department like a fish in water. Zhao Shanhe fired him personally."

"I investigated this matter very clearly, so Lin Chaoyang will not betray us!"

"Then why did this happen?" Karen also frowned and wondered.

"I don't know either." Luo Qian'an was also puzzled, picked up the teacup, and drank it down.

He put down his cup, and said in a bitter tone: "It is very likely that Zhao Shanhe deserved to die, and his people found the chewing gum that had been switched. If so, it can only be said that Zhao Shanhe got shit luck."

"But Mr. Karen, don't worry, I still have ways to deal with him! I promise not to let him continue to be at ease."

"Really? What else can you do? Could it be that you bribed someone else?" Karen asked in surprise.

"That's right!"

Luo Qian'an smiled mysteriously, and said slowly: "We have a saying in China that is very good. I don't know if you have heard it? This is called the revolutionary fortress, which is broken from the inside."

"Lin Chaoyang will fail this time. It can only be said that Zhao Shanhe got lucky. But not next time. The person I'm looking for next time is the senior management of Shanqiu Foods. As long as this person is taken down by me, hehe, Zhao Shanhe is doomed."

"High level? Who are you talking about?" Karen asked.

Luo Qian'an dipped his hand into the tea, and after writing a name on the table, Karen was slightly taken aback.

"Can you take him down?"


Luo Qian'an said categorically: "Actually, this framing was originally a test for me. It would be best if it can be done. If it can't be done, I still have to rely on this person."

"After all, when it comes to weight, Lin Chaoyang has no way to compare with him. And I have the handle on this person in my hand, and it will be a matter of minutes to instigate rebellion and take him down."

"That's up to you." Karen finally relaxed his brows and smiled.

"It's okay to look at mine, but Mr. Karen, this person's appetite is a bit big. He is not Lin Chaoyang, he can get it with 10 yuan, and he wants more, so you see this..."

Luo Qian'an pretended to hesitate.

"Luo Qian'an, the dog day, do you really think of me as a bank? If you want money, you want it! I'm paralyzed, I didn't expect you to be a vampire!" Karen cursed viciously in her heart.

But thinking that this person has a high position and power after all, if he is really instigated, it will definitely bring serious damage to Zhao Shanhe, so Karen suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Tomorrow I will give you 20!"

"Then Mr. Karen just wait for the good news!" Luo Qian'an laughed and stood up, ready to leave.

"hope so."

It's just that the two people who were full of excitement and anticipation in their hearts never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe would give them a generous gift at dawn the next day, a gift that Luo Qian'an would be dumbfounded on the spot when he found out.

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