Honest Food.

Early in the morning, the workers in the factory began to discuss in whispers, and they were talking about those three articles.No way, whoever made the article directly focus on their honest food, it is impossible to avoid it.

"Are you saying that what the newspaper said is true? Are there really quality problems with the spicy mouth produced in our factory?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, you don't want to do it anymore?"

"Is it there or not? You don't know, my children also eat this spicy mouth."

"Really? Then tell your children not to eat it in the future!"

"I'll go, bitch!"


in the office.


When Dong Yanyan came over, what he saw was that Luo Qian'an grabbed a teacup and threw it on the ground, the fragments scattered in all directions, and Zhong Qianxi stood in front with a gloomy face.

He didn't dare to say anything.


Luo Qian'an was like an angry lion, grabbing the "Zhenghe Evening News" on the table and tearing it to pieces. He now has the intention of killing people.

"Zhao Shanhe! Are you trying to beat me to death? How dare you do this? Could it be that the chewing gum production line that was paid to you can't satisfy your appetite, you must kill me to be satisfied!"

"Mr. Luo, in all likelihood, Zhao Shanhe did this, but I believe he will definitely not admit it. After all, this matter was reported by the "Zhenghe Evening News", and he can completely shirk his responsibility."

Zhong Qianxi said solemnly.

"Shirk responsibility? Can he shirk it? He doesn't want to admit it yet, who knows that he did it!" Luo Qian'an roared angrily.

"Now is not the time to get angry. You should think about how to solve this matter. Mr. Luo, the nature of this matter is very bad, and it is far from what Yile chewing gum can compare with."

"At that time, no matter how you say the chewing gum, it is impossible to have such a big influence. But this time is different. Kidney failure is a serious illness."

"And the most important thing about this matter is that there is solid evidence. Even if we want to avoid it, it is impossible for us to avoid it." Zhong Qianxi said calmly.

"Then what do you say?" Luo Qian'an's face was livid.

"Admit defeat!"

Zhong Qianxi took a deep breath and said calmly: "We know that Zhao Shanhe did this, so the person who untied the bell has to be tied. The only person who can solve this problem is Zhao Shanhe himself."

"Although we can find a way to calm the incident here, the effect will not be very good. Because this time the matter is not something that can be solved with money, it will be very complicated to deal with."

"So the top priority is to get Zhao Shanhe to stop attacking us. I dare say that Zhao Shanhe should have other materials in his hands. If he throws out all those materials, it will be the hardest blow to us."

"At that time, even if we want to admit defeat, we probably won't have a chance. Mr. Luo, time is ticking, let's make a decision quickly!"

"Are you going to admit defeat again? Old Zhong, do you know that it is shameful enough for me to admit defeat because of chewing gum. If I say surrender now, how will I see Zhao Shanhe in the future? Do I still have the face to see him?"

Luo Qian'an said angrily at Zhong Qianxi with wide eyes.

"Mr. Luo, you won't have to worry about no firewood if you keep the green hills. If you say you don't admit defeat now, we will lose completely."

"Let me tell you this, all our funds have been invested now, and we have no money to spend."

"If you don't admit defeat, the reputation of Honest Food will be damaged, the bank will press for debts, and the capital chain will be broken, which will directly lead to bankruptcy."

Zhong Qianxi took a deep breath, and said in a solemn voice: "Being ashamed is better than a total defeat, right?"

"I'm not reconciled!" Luo Qian'an was annoyed.

"So what if we are not willing? In fact, we asked for this matter. If we don't want to trouble Zhao Shanhe, if we don't want to frame Shanqiu Food, maybe Zhao Shanhe won't do it."

"But in this world, there is no regret selling drugs. We have already done things like this, and we have to bear the consequences." Zhong Qianxi said.

"Jan Yan, do you think so too?" Luo Qian'an looked at Dong Yan Yan and asked.

"Mr. Luo, I'm here to tell you something. Now not only the outside world is condemning our honest food, but even inside our factory, there is a lot of discussion."

"Many of them don't know about the spicy mouth. Now that this matter is exposed, they are all angry! If this matter is not resolved quickly, I am afraid that we will not need others to attack, and we will be in chaos internally."

Thinking of what he saw and heard on the way here just now, Dong Yanyan couldn't help but accentuate his tone.


Luo Qianan tapped on the desktop vigorously, then walked back and forth restlessly in the office.

It's true that he's at the helm of Honest Foods, but he's really not a qualified leader.When the wind is going smoothly, it's easy to talk about anything, but he will be irritable and restless when he encounters a little bit of trouble.

What's more, this time things are very dangerous.

"This call cannot be made!"

After Luo Qian'an stopped suddenly, he said calmly: "What should I say if I hit him? I said that Lin Chaoyang's matter was arranged by me? If this is the case, wouldn't it be self-inflicted?"

"So this call must never be made, and I don't believe it. Without him, Zhao Shanhe, I wouldn't be able to settle this matter. Hmph, my honest food is not paper."


"Nothing but!"

Luo Qian'an waved his hand and said loudly: "Old Zhong, I don't raise the public relations department to let them eat dry food, let them all move for me."

"Also call our law firm and ask them to sue the "Zhenghe Evening News". Get rid of."


Zhong Qianxi and Dong Yanyan respectfully took orders.


Zhao Shanhe could have foreseen the big crisis that Honest Foods encountered. He also guessed that Luo Qian'an would call him, but what he didn't expect was that he didn't receive a call from Luo Qian'an at the end of the day.

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised: "Luo Qian'an has quite a backbone this time."

"So what if you have a backbone? You can't eat a backbone."

Li Xiangyang said mockingly: "I didn't know there was such a thing about Honest Food. If he knew, he would have revealed it."

"Kidney failure, do you think this Luo Qianan deserves to die? I want to see who can save him this time."

"Yeah, Luo Qian'an's courage is really too great. I was also surprised when I found out about it. Now we know that there are nine families and nine children. Who don't know?"

"That's why every unscrupulous profiteer like Luo Qian'an should be arrested and shot! Such people are not worthy of being human!" Zhao Shanhe said indifferently.

"Then let's wait and see his demise!" Li Xiangyang said.

"Yes, if God wants to destroy it, he must first make it crazy. Luo Qian'an is crazy enough, just wait for his destruction now."

"Don't talk about him, it's time to get off work, let's find a place to have a drink, I haven't had a drink with you for a long time, if you say that Xiang Dong is fine, call him too, and the three of us get together." Zhao Shanhe laughed said.


After the two got off work, they called Li Xiangdong directly and started drinking.

At the same time, something happened to Lin Chaoyang.

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