Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 315 What To Use As The Fuse?

"I do have other ideas. I think that even if we want to declare war on Honest Food, we don't need to be so nervous, and even use all our working capital to fight them."

"This is a tactic that kills one thousand enemies and injures both sides by 800. It is not advisable."

Cai Qian smiled slightly, shook his head and said.

"Then what good moves do you have?" Yang E asked in surprise.

"Our factory manager has already thought of all the tricks I can think of, so I don't need to show off here. I only want to say one thing, that is, Honest Food is not the kind of behemoth you think."

"As far as I know, the current honest food is like a balloon. As long as you poke it lightly with a needle, it will explode with a bang. At that time, we can do whatever we want to deal with Luo Qian'an!" Cai Qian smiled.

"What does this mean?" Li Xiangyang also asked curiously.

"Director, let me tell you?" Cai Qian looked over and asked with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe waved his hand lightly.

"I'm saying this because I've been tasked with investigating Honest Foods for some time now."

Under orders?

The moment the word was uttered, Li Xiangyang and Yang E couldn't help but look at each other.

Under orders?On whose order?It can only be Zhao Shanhe's.In other words, Zhao Shanhe also felt that dealing with Luo Qian'an like the last time was not enough, so he was always looking for opportunities to take the initiative to attack, so as to avoid future troubles?

Yes, it must be so, if not, how could Cai Qian be ordered to investigate?

The two looked at Zhao Shanhe at the same time, and Zhao Shanhe stroked the teacup expressionlessly.

Cai Qian continued to speak.

"Honest Foods was able to start at the beginning, thanks to Luo Qian'an's ruthlessness. He relied on various means to annex and embezzle many small factories, and now Honest Foods is established."

"So if you say that he has a business vision, it is completely wrong. He is not a qualified businessman at all, and it is not even his credit that Honest Food can go to today."

"It's because of Zhong Qianxi! Without Zhong Qianxi, there would be no honest food. But Zhong Qianxi is very ambitious. For example, he was responsible for the pirated version of our chewing gum last time."

Cai Qian paused, cleared his throat, and continued.

"Why does he want to pirate? It's because he wants to make money quickly. Why is he so eager to make money? It's because his stall is too big."

"The stall is too big? What kind of Dafa?" Li Xiangyang asked curiously.

"Deputy Factory Manager Li, I'm afraid you don't know that Honest Foods is not just in the food industry anymore, they have also set foot in many industries, as far as I know, there are four."

"The first is the construction industry. They have two projects under construction; the second is the transportation industry. Luo Qian'an has a transportation team of 50 people under his command; the third is the feed industry; the fourth is the steel industry!"

"These four industries were proposed by Zhong Qianxi and approved by Luo Qian'an." Cai Qian said one by one, wrinkling his fingers.

Hearing this, Li Xiangyang couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Honest Foods is involved in so many industries? Do they have so much money?"

"That's the problem!" Cai Qian smiled lightly and said calmly, "No!"

"Where does Honest Food have so much liquidity, they are relying on loans from various banks to do these things. Of course, if these things can be done well, each of them will be a cornucopia and can make them money."

"Unfortunately, there are not so many good things in this world, and Zhong Qianxi has happened to him. He is too busy to take care of himself now. Because all the investments in the industry have failed, all their money has been trapped."

Cai Qian took a sip of tea, smiled slightly, and continued: "The current honest food looks magnificent on the surface, but in fact it has long been a castle in the air."

"The investment is stuck and cannot be given up. If they give up, no one will take over the offer, and they will lose more."

"Forget it, the bank has also begun to press for debts. Every day, the staff of the bank will come to the door to force the repayment, or the bank will take away their business."

Speaking of this, Cai Qian's gentle smile exuded an icy aura.

"That's why Zhong Qianxi will do everything possible to make money, tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall."

"If you put it that way, as long as something explosive happens, Honest Food will explode like a powder keg. At that time, they will be overwhelmed by themselves, and they will be besieged without our help."

"After all, Honest Food has offended many people over the years, and Luo Qian'an has been targeted by many people for a long time." Yang E's eyes lit up.


Cai Qian nodded with a smile.

"Section Chief Yang is right. The honest food at the moment is a powder keg that explodes at the slightest touch. That's why I said that there is no need to take 800 million to fight with them, and in the end both sides will suffer. .”

"Didn't he, Luo Qian'an, want to target us? Then let him taste what it's like to be targeted by others."

"Didn't he, Zhong Qianxi, say that he is ambitious and wants to make Honest Food the No. [-] enterprise in Handong City? Let him see what it's like to be beaten and besieged!"

"High! Section Chief Cai, your trick is really clever. I didn't expect that you would collect so much valuable information quietly, and the information came too timely." Li Xiangyang said with emotion.

"Deputy Director Li, don't praise me, this is not what I thought of."

Cai Qian waved his hands again and again, then turned to Zhao Shanhe, and said respectfully, "Mine, although I'm a little clever, can't compare with the great wisdom of the factory manager."

"He asked me to do these things, and I'm just an executor at best."

After saying this, Yang E and Li Xiangyang immediately looked over with fiery eyes.

"Factory Manager, is what Section Chief Cai said true? You ordered him to do these?" Yang E asked anxiously.

"That's right!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Yang E, didn't you always feel that I was a little soft-hearted to Luo Qian'an last time? Didn't you always want to completely defeat Luo Qian'an?"

"You think so, I can't say I'll disappoint you, can I?"

"Me!" Yang E smiled awkwardly.

"You should know that Shanqiu Foods never takes the initiative to cause trouble, but if it happens to us, then we can never just turn the story over." Zhao Shanhe glanced at the three of them and said solemnly.

"He, Luo Qian'an, felt that he was severely injured and suffered a lot of grievances when he was brutally slaughtered by me last time. But in my opinion, that's not enough, that's where it is, it's far away!"

"I originally thought about slowly collecting information about Honest Food, in case of emergencies. But who would have thought that he would dare to scheme against us! Dare to frame us! Dare to throw dirty water! Dare to play such bottomless tricks .”

"Since that's the case, let's come and see who is afraid of whom? Only this time, it's impossible for him to get out completely!"

"The factory manager is right, we must never let him go!" Yang E said decisively.

"Factory Manager, what are you going to do? What are you going to use as a trigger?" Li Xiangyang asked curiously.

Zhao Shanhe smiled mysteriously.

"I'm going to take..."

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