Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 314 Of course it's a declaration of war!

Lin Chuntang, who was angry and unbearable a second ago, was like a deflated ball a second later, limp all over, slumped on a chair, his face pale as paper.

"Old Lin, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!" Bao Xiaofang hurried forward and grabbed his arm and asked.

"I'm fine!" Lin Chuntang waved his hand, pointed to the chair in front of him, and signaled Bao Xiaofang to sit down.

He laughed at himself, and said bitterly: "Do you think I shouldn't hit Chaoyang just now? Shouldn't scold him like that? And shouldn't drive him away?"

"Yes!" Bao Xiaofang said.


"Who are you calling confused?"

Bao Xiaofang immediately raised eyebrows coldly.

Normally, as long as she does this, Lin Chuntang, a strict wife, will immediately admit that she is cowardly, but who would have thought it would be different this time.

Lin Chuntang didn't show the slightest timidity or panic, and said calmly with his eyes: "I said you are confused, I did this for the good of Chaoyang."

"For Chaoyang's good?" Bao Xiaofang was a little confused.

"Of course it's for his own good. Otherwise, do you think I'll do this? Tiger poison doesn't eat children, so how can I be willing to beat him? I just called Zhao Shanhe, and I want him to know our attitude towards this matter .”

"You also heard what your son said? He admitted that he did it. If I don't do this, what do you think will happen to Zhao Shanhe after calling the police?"


Only then did Bao Xiaofang understand what Lin Chuntang did just now.

It's just that she understands it, but she is still a little puzzled.

"Do you think Zhao Shanhe will really call the police?"

"You say that?"

Lin Chuntang said harshly: "Chaoyang is so framed and wants to destroy other people's factories. Do you think Zhao Shanhe can let it go? Let me tell you, he will definitely call the police!"

"Then what should we do?" Bao Xiaofang was anxious now.

"What can we do? You've also seen that what I did just now is to set up a step for the future. It's fine if he doesn't call the police. If he really calls the police, we can go to him and ask for mercy. "

"After all, we didn't protect Lin Chaoyang. I hope he will not pursue this matter for the sake of his relatives."


Lin Chuntang hesitated.

"But what?" Bao Xiaofang was very anxious.

"However, I think Zhao Shanhe must be playing tricks. He has no evidence. If there is evidence, it is not him who came here today, but the police!"

"So let's not mess around with this matter, just wait and see."

"I hope everything is safe and sound!" Bao Xiaofang lamented, her heart beating faster.

"I hope!" Lin Chuntang sighed.


In the Crown sedan.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's gloomy face through the rearview mirror of the car, Chen Ju said in a low voice: "Director, leave this matter to me to investigate, and I promise to find out the truth of this matter for you."

"Okay, I will leave this matter to you." Zhao Shanhe said.


In fact, Zhao Shanhe's current mood is very disappointed. He is disappointed that Lin Chaoyang will carry it to the end like this, and even ignore the relationship between relatives for the sake of a so-called false name.

As long as Lin Chaoyang tells the truth today, he can let the past go.

But Lin Chaoyang himself cut off the escape route.

Then there is his uncle, whose performance just now can be described as intriguing.

Was he really angry with Lin Chaoyang and beat Lin Chaoyang?

Perhaps there is a reason for this, but Zhao Shanhe also knows that Lin Chuntang is acting more for himself, but it is a pity that his acting skills are not good enough.

"My dear uncle, this is the son you educated!"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes flashed coldly.

When Zhao Shanhe returned to Zhenghe County, Yang E and Cai Qian, who had been notified in advance, were already waiting in the office, and of course Li Xiangyang who had rushed back from Nanjue County.

In the past, Li Xiangyang and Yang E would definitely participate in this kind of thing, but now because of Cai Qian's performance during this period, he has gradually been recognized by Zhao Shanhe as able to attend this level of meeting.

After Li Xiangyang narrated what happened in the branch factory, Zhao Shanhe took over the conversation.

"Although there is no conclusive evidence to prove that Luo Qian'an did this thing, and he wanted to deceive us Shanqiu Food, but judging from the current signs, this matter is definitely inseparable from him."

"I think the director is right."

Li Xiangyang nodded, and said solemnly: "According to the current situation, we can basically confirm the following things. First, Mayor Yang Shoucheng's investigation was facilitated by Luo Qian'an."

"Secondly, Luo Qian'an knows those so-called investors, especially Dong Xiangbing; thirdly, Dong Xiangbing's performance in the warehouse is too obvious, and it is clear that he is here for us."

"Fourth, the factory manager said that it is very likely that Lin Chaoyang did this, and Lin Chaoyang also said that he has been appointed as the deputy chief of the procurement department by Honest Foods."

"Just these four clues are enough to show that Luo Qian'an's butt is not clean, and he is most likely the mastermind behind the scenes."

"I also think that Luo Qian'an did this. After all, he had conflicts with our Shanqiu Foods before. Besides, if he didn't do it, why did all the clues point to him?" Yang E said calmly.

"So what should we do now?" Cai Qian asked.

"Does this still need to be said? Of course it is a declaration of war!"

Li Xiangyang said with cold eyes: "Our Shanqiu Foods has always adhered to the principle that people will not offend me and I will not offend others, but if people offend me, we must kill the grass."

"After all, there is no reason to guard against thieves every night. Besides, judging from the current situation, Honest Food is ready to fight with Shanqiu Food forever. If this is the case, then there is nothing to say. Get rid of him!"

"I also agree with Deputy Director Li's opinion!" Yang E said decisively without any hesitation, "Actually, my attitude was very clear last time regarding the pirated version of our Yile chewing gum by Honest Food."

"It's not just about hurting Luo Qian'an, it's best to kill honest food cleanly."

"But at that time, our Shanqiu Foods' funds were limited after all, coupled with the influence of various factors at the time, so we could not kill it with a stick."

"But it's different now!" Yang E suddenly changed the topic.

"The launch of CCTV's new advertisement has brought more orders for Yile Chewing Gum, and our liquidity has also increased. Popsicles have also received a lot of orders and production has begun, which is also an income."

"Combined with the orders for non-ferrous metal solder, the current liquidity we can control should be at least 800 million."

Yang E paused, and said in a cold voice: "So, take out the 800 million to fight against Honest Food, I think I can stab him hard, so that Luo Qian can feel at ease like a drop of blood!"

"Even if Honest Food can't be destroyed, at least it can be severely damaged, so that it will never dare to count us again!"

Take 800 million and start a war with honest food!

Yang E is really a heroine!

"Section Chief Yang, you are wrong!"

Who would have thought that at this moment Cai Qian suddenly said slowly.

"Did I say something wrong? Where did I say something wrong? Chief Cai, do you have other ideas?" Yang E asked coldly.

Zhao Shanhe and Li Xiangyang also looked over.

Being watched by three people like this, Cai Qian opened his mouth slowly.

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