"Is what you said true?" Yang E put down the document and asked anxiously.

"I also hope it's fake, but who can be sure about this kind of thing? Yang E, just do as I say."

"During this time, Hetu Manufacturing doesn't care about other things, just give me the full production of the Whale Pump." Zhao Shanhe gave instructions with a serious face.

"Okay, I understand."

Yang E nodded, and said with a serious expression: "I will watch this matter myself."

"it is good!"

After finishing the conversation, Yang E began to convey Zhao Shanhe's order.

Before reading this document, she might have hesitated, but now that she has read it, she knows Zhao Shanhe's thoughts, and she will not say that she has any resistance to this matter.

Zhao Shanhe passed the document with his finger, his eyes were deep.

"Since some things are unavoidable, let's come!"

Around noon, Chen Ju knocked on the door and came in.

"Director, didn't you say you were going home for lunch?"

"Yes, we are going home, let's go!" Zhao Shanhe stood up immediately after speaking and walked out.

Zhao Shanhe must go back, his father and mother are at home, and Lao Taishan's mother-in-law is also here, how can he be absent?At noon today, I have to drink some wine to add to the fun.

And just as he was about to leave the office, the big brother suddenly rang.

After he answered, the voice of Liang Xuefeng, deputy magistrate of Nanjue County, came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Zhao, we just received the news that tomorrow Mayor Yang Shoucheng will come to our Nanjue County to inspect and investigate the work. There seem to be a few investors with us."

"The Municipal Office hopes that your factory will be mentally prepared for the reception work. Of course, it is not certain whether you will go or not. Do you think you can come?" Liang Xuefeng said.

Yang Shoucheng is coming down to investigate?

Zhao Shanhe was slightly stunned and then said calmly: "No problem, then I will go to Nanjue tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe didn't take it seriously.

Because in his opinion, whether Yang Shoucheng came to investigate or not, and whether he went to the Shanqiu food branch factory, it didn't matter much to him.Even if I pass tomorrow, it should just be a formality.

Since it is a cutscene, there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

But there are still some preparations.

Thinking of this, he told Li Xiangyang about it, and after hearing about it, Li Xiangyang acted very seriously, and immediately said that he would go to the branch factory in person and notify Han Chunming to make preparations.

Zhao Shanhe returned home.

The house is really lively now.

Two fathers, two mothers and one daughter-in-law.

The two fathers sat and smoked in the courtyard, chatting casually while smoking.

The two mothers set up bowls and chopsticks in the room, discussing Li Qiuya's child.This question has been talked about since the beginning of cooking, and it has not been finished until now.

Li Qiuya's ears felt callused.

After seeing Zhao Shanhe came back, Li Qiuya breathed a sigh of relief as if seeing a savior, pulled Zhao Shanhe to her side, pointed at him and said, "If you don't believe it, just ask Shanhe."

"Ask me what?" Zhao Shanhe was confused.

"The two mothers have been asking me about having a child. Are you saying that I don't want a child? We have also been asking for it all the time. Isn't this not going to happen yet?" Li Qiuya said speechlessly.

Countless black lines suddenly appeared on Zhao Shanhe's forehead.

"Don't worry about it, you guys, Qiuya and I are working on it." After Zhao Shanhe made a joke, Lin Chunyan and Tian Lihua stopped talking about it.

The family is busy preparing for dinner.

It was a good thing, but at this moment someone knocked on the door again.

After seeing who was knocking on the door, Zhao Shanhe showed a surprised expression. He never expected that the person who came at this time would be his aunt Lin Chunyu.

"Auntie, why are you here?" Zhao Shanhe said in surprise, and immediately let Lin Chunyu in.


Lin Chunyan, who heard the movement, hurried out of the house, and when she saw her younger sister Lin Chunyu standing in the courtyard, she immediately stepped forward, took her hand and asked, "Chunyu, why are you here?"

"Sister, are you here too? I didn't come to Zhenghe County to do some business. I thought that after the business was over, I came to see Shanhe and Qiuya. I didn't expect that you would be here?"

"You're here, my brother-in-law? Are you here too?" Lin Chunyu asked with surprise after putting down the fruit in her hand.

"I'm here." Zhao Yonghao also walked out.

When the couple came out, Li Jianguo and Tian Lihua also walked out of the house.

This surprised Lin Chunyu. She didn't pretend to be surprised, but she really didn't expect there to be so many people here.It's fine that Zhao Yonghao and his wife came, but Li Jianguo and the others were also there.

"Brother and sister are here too." Lin Chunyu hurriedly greeted her.

"It's Chunyu, you're here, hurry up, let's go in and eat." Tian Lihua greeted with a smile.

"Yes, let's talk while eating in the house!"

Lin Chunyan pulled Lin Chunyu into the room.

"Shanhe, what's going on?"

Li Qiuya, who was walking at the back, was quite surprised to see this scene.

"I don't know why my aunt came, but it doesn't matter, just come, you hurry up and get a pair of bowls and chopsticks, let's sit down and eat together." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"it is good!"

A group of people sat down lively and began to eat.

During the meal, no matter how Lin Chunyan asked, Lin Chunyu didn't say the purpose of coming here, she just said that she came to do business, and stopped by after finishing the business.

After dinner, Li Jianguo and his wife took Zhao Yonghao to the backyard to talk about the renovation, Li Qiuya went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and Zhao Shanhe followed to help.

It wasn't until there were only two sisters left in the room that Lin Chunyu spoke hesitantly, and what she said made Lin Chunyan lose her face on the spot with a displeased expression.

"So you didn't come here to see Shanhe and Qiuya, but to intercede for Big Brother and his family?"

"Yeah, it's not right!"

Holding the water glass, Lin Chunyu said hastily: "Elder sister, look at what you said, I have come here, of course to see Shanhe and Qiuya, as for helping elder brother and the others to speak, I just incidentally."

"You don't know, my eldest brother and sister-in-law came to my house and told me about it. When my sister-in-law told her, she even cried with snot and tears. I feel distressed when I see it."

"Yes, I also know that Chaoyang did something wrong, but no matter how wrong it is, if you don't look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, you can't say that you don't care about it, right? If you really don't care, the child Chaoyang will be useless."

"Right now, my sister-in-law is saying that Chaoyang stays away from home all day long, and hangs out with a bunch of cronies outside."

Lin Chunyu looked at Lin Chunyan with a gloomy face, coughed twice, and continued: "You also know about him. Isn't he talking about a marriage recently? It seems that the talk is about to be done, but this kind of thing happened. thing."

"If the woman knew that he was fooling around like this all day long, she would definitely not marry him. So, elder sister, I think we should give Chaoyang another chance, what do you think?"

"I say?"

After hearing this, Lin Chunyan raised her eyebrows slightly, shook her head and said, "If you want me to say it, it is..."

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