Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 303 This Is Not Like Your Style

Zhao Shanhe, who had been unable to get a word in just now, finally found a chance to speak. He called his parents and said with a smile, "Mom, if you feel bored and have nothing to do, you can open a vegetable field in the backyard."

"Is it really okay?" Lin Chunyan was a little overjoyed.

"Of course, it's our own place, why not?" Zhao Shanhe asked back of course.

"Also, you can not only open up a vegetable field, but just take advantage of these two days, you can go outside to find some fruit trees to plant. Like winter jujubes, pomegranates, and by the way, ginkgo trees. You can find one and plant it."

Zhao Shanhe talked more and more vigorously.

"If possible, dig a fish pond in the corner, and fish can be raised in it. The best ones are carp, grass carp, etc. We can eat them at any time when they grow up, and enjoy the fun of fishing in our own fish pond."

Zhao Shanhe paused, then suddenly remembered something, and quickly said to Zhao Yonghao: "Dad, if this is the case, the decoration plan we mentioned before can no longer be used, and we have to change it."

"I just took advantage of this opportunity to change the backyard into something like a back garden. In this way, when I have children, I can have a place to play and save the bricks and tiles everywhere, which is meaningless."

"But forget about the chicken coop. If you want to eat eggs or chicken in the future, you can buy it from outside. After all, even if it is dirty, I can't bear it if it starts screaming every morning before dawn." Zhao Shanhe looked like he was having a headache.

"That's all for the time being, Mom and Dad, let's take care of it."

"Okay, we know how to fix it, then we will go to see the fruit trees tomorrow." Lin Chunyan said excitedly.

"If you want me to say, we should go back to the village and transplant a pomegranate tree from Lao Niu's house. His pomegranates are really big and red." Zhao Yonghao is also very satisfied with this renovation plan.

"Okay, no problem, it's okay to transplant the pomegranate tree back to the village." Zhao Shanhe readily agreed.

"Okay, then I'll tell Lao Niu first when I turn around." Zhao Yonghao said with a grin.

The old couple left talking and laughing like this.

When only Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya were left here, Li Qiuya asked curiously: "Why did you suddenly think of changing the backyard like this? Didn't you say you wanted to change it into a neat one?"

"Don't you like it?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Li Qiuya nodded and said, "Compared to the very neat one, I still like what you just said. Don't you think that changing it like this will give it a sense of life?"

"And you are quite right. If we have children in the future, we don't have to go out. We can have an amusement park in our own home. How wonderful!" Li Qiuya looked forward to it.

"You're right, that's what I thought."

Zhao Shanhe stroked the teacup on the table, and said gently: "Qiuya, I remember when you were studying, you said that you liked an article by Mr. Lu Xun, from Baicaoyuan to Sanwei Bookstore."

"You said that whoever can build you a herb garden like that, you will marry him. Do you remember this?"

"Fuck you, I never said that." Li Qiuya blushed a little.


Zhao Shanhe finished the tea with a smirk, then took the initiative to hug Li Qiuya from behind, and said tenderly: "It doesn't matter whether you remember or not, as long as I remember. Since you like Baicao Garden so much, I will make it for you. One."

"Our backyard, although there is no smooth stone well fence, but we can dig one out, and there are green vegetable beds, tall acacia trees, and purple mulberries."

"We can make all the things you like. Not only will we make these, but we will also have pomegranate trees that are as pleasing as lanterns, and your favorite winter jujube trees."

"I dare say that at that time, there will also be Maemis singing in the leaves in the backyard, fat wasps lying on the cauliflower, and some briskly calling the Son of Heaven to fly straight from the grass to the sky."

"When we have children, you can also squat in the corner with them, watch the fish swimming in the fish pond, listen to the low singing of the oilflies, and watch the crickets play the piano."

Zhao Shanhe whispered softly.

Li Qiuya listened fascinated.

The two embraced each other like this, and the time was so beautiful.

The night passed quietly.

In the early morning of the next day, after Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya got up, Lin Chunyan had already prepared breakfast, and they chatted while eating.After eating, Zhao Shanhe drove to Hetu Manufacturing.

As for Li Qiuya, today she wants to stay at home with her in-laws.

Besides, Li Qiucheng has already gone to pick up Li Jianguo and Tian Lihua. After all, the in-laws are here, and the old couple will definitely come to meet.With all these things to deal with, it's impossible for her to go to work.

"Well, when your parents come, let's talk to them about the renovation plan we talked about yesterday. If they have no objections, let's go to the market." Lin Chunyan said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem." Li Qiuya smiled gently.

Made by Hetu.

Although Shanqiu Foods said that it has developed Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, Zhao Shanhe still has some time before the production plan is produced.

He wanted to take a look at the production progress of the Whale Swallow pump while he was still free. After all, this was the next highlight, and he would never give up no matter what.

The production of Whale pumps has also been put on the agenda.

"According to what you said before, Hetu Manufacturing is now fully producing Whale Pumps, and all non-ferrous metal solder has been handed over to Jiuquan Manufacturing."

"As for Jiuquan Manufacturing, Mr. Chen and my dad are watching, and everything is going smoothly."

Yang E handed the work report in her hand to Zhao Shanhe.

"With Mr. Chen and Uncle Yang manufacturing in Jiuquan, the production of non-ferrous metal solder is no problem. I believe this. As for the production of Whale Swallow pumps here at Hetu Manufacturing, the efficiency is a bit low."

"According to the current progress, only fifty units can be produced every day. This is not good, you should watch this matter yourself and tell the team leaders in the production workshop that you must speed up the production progress for me."

"The speed is at least doubled, and at least one hundred units must be guaranteed every day. In this way, it will only be three thousand units in a month, which is still not enough."

Zhao Shanhe frowned, shook his head and sighed.

"Factory manager, after all, we have just started production, practice makes perfect, and the efficiency will definitely improve later on, but" Yang E hesitated to speak.

"But what? If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate, it's not like your style." Zhao Shanhe put down the document in his hand and said gently.

"Then let me just say that production is actually very well regulated, and the key is sales. The more we produce without solving the market, the more problematic this will be."

"Because every time we produce one and we can't sell it, we are equivalent to depositing money in it. It's okay to say a few units, but if we say that there are tens of thousands of units, we can't afford it even if we have some money."

Yang E said with a serious expression: "So the factory manager, what I mean is that the most urgent thing for us now is to solve the problem of sales. As for the sales, do you have anything to say?"


Zhao Shanhe, who had known Yang E would ask such a question, opened the drawer and took out a document and handed it over.

"Let's see this before we talk."

"it is good!"

The first time Yang E took it to look at it, her expression was shocked.

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