"If you want me to say it, don't care!" Lin Chunyan said coldly.

"in spite of?"

Lin Chunyu was a little dazed.

"Yes, I just don't care, Chunyu, I just don't know what you're coming to. If I knew, I definitely wouldn't let you come to Shanhe."

"Although I don't know what my eldest brother and sister-in-law told you, what I want to say is that because of Lin Chaoyang, Shanhe's branch factory was almost destroyed. You said, if Shanhe's branch factory is destroyed, there will be consequences. How serious is it?"

Lin Chunyan was firm.

"What? Destroy the branch factory? No way? Such an exaggeration? What my brother and sister-in-law told me was that Lin Chaoyang just made a small mistake and took some kickbacks. It's not as exaggerated as you said, right?"

Lin Chunyu asked in surprise.

"It's just a kickback?"

A mocking sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Chunyan's mouth.

"Is that what he called eating? For the same material, his purchase price is half higher than others, which means that he has taken at least one-third of the purchase amount as a kickback. Isn't that little?"

"Let me tell you, I really can't control this matter, and you don't have to ask me, I won't do it for you."


"Auntie, eat some fruit!"

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe came in with a plate of fruit and put it on the table.

He smiled and said, "Auntie, if you come to see me and Qiuya, we welcome you warmly. If you say that you are here to plead for Lin Chaoyang's affairs, please don't hold your breath."

"On this matter, my attitude is very clear, it is impossible!"

"All right!"

Lin Chunyu saw that Zhao Shanhe had said so much, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips, and began to chat with Lin Chunyan without saying a word.

You must know that the reason why she was able to transfer back to Nanjue County to teach in the county seat was Zhao Shanhe's help. I have no reason to offend Zhao Shanhe for Lin Chaoyang, who is ineffective.

They are all nephews and should be treated equally.

After sitting with Lin Chunyu for half an hour, Zhao Shanhe went to work.

On the way, he received a call from Du Jingming, asking him to go to the county government now, and he immediately turned the corner.

When he saw Du Jingming, the two of them sat down on the sofa in the reception area.

After Gu Changbei served a cup of hot tea, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile, "County Du, if you have anything to say, just say it, I'll listen."

"You're still listening."

Du Jingming smiled and said gently: "I called you here today for two reasons. First, you have received the notice from Mayor Yang to go to Nanjue County for investigation, right?"

"Yes, I received it. It was the county magistrate Liang who told me that he asked me to go to the branch factory tomorrow to make preparations. He said that Mayor Yang might not be there, but it is safe to make preparations." Zhao Shanhe said.

"You should go there. If there is no accident, Mayor Yang is going to investigate this branch of your Shanqiu Foods." Du Jingming said.

"Why?" Zhao Shanhe asked puzzled.

"Because Mayor Yang came down this time not only to investigate, but also to take a few investors to see the investment environment in Nanjue County."

"And when it comes to the investment environment, your branch factory is undoubtedly the best. You said that there is the best one, so why don't you go to your place?" Du Jingming said with a smile.

"Where is it, County Magistrate Du, you are flattering me. I have already asked Li Xiangyang to go there to prepare." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Just be ready."

Du Jingming nodded and didn't continue to talk about this matter. After all, Nanjue County should worry about this matter anyway. Yang Shoucheng didn't come to their Zhenghe County, so there was no need for him to meddle in this matter.

"The second thing I want to tell you is Gushun Winery!"

Gushun Winery?

Du Jingming didn't say anything, Zhao Shanhe was about to forget about it, it's been such a long time, Gushun winery is still supporting it?Isn't it already on the verge of bankruptcy?

And now what does Du Jingming's cliché mean?

"Tell me." Zhao Shanhe asked calmly.

"That's it. I won't hide it from you. After all, you are also very clear about the Gushun winery. This has become a burden for our county."

"If it can't be solved as soon as possible, it will hinder the economic development of our county. So after the county held a meeting and studied it, it was decided to hand over the Gushun winery to you. What do you think?"

This time, Du Jingming did not hesitate as before, but directly said that he would hand over the winery to Zhao Shanhe, without mentioning any shares or not.


Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this.

"Major Du, what does Gushun Winery think about this? Especially Director Wu Hengdu, what's his opinion? Is he willing to hand over Gushun Winery like this?"

"Wu Hengdu?"

Du Jingming snorted coldly, and said dismissively: "Wu Hengdu was dismissed a week ago!"

"What? Dismissed?"

Hearing this news, Zhao Shanhe was quite surprised.

"Major Du, what happened?"

"Something happened, it's like this..."

Following Du Jingming's narration, Zhao Shanhe quickly understood the ins and outs of the whole incident, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He didn't expect Wu Hengdu to end up with such a result in the end.

It turns out that Wu Hengdu started to restructure the Gushun Winery half a year ago. During this period, he contacted several investors, but the final results were not satisfactory.

It’s fine if you say it’s not ideal. If you have difficulties, tell the county government. If it can help you solve it, it will definitely help you solve it.

But what about Wu Hengdu?

He actually mortgaged the entire Gushun winery, and took the loan to bring the dead back to life.

But in the end, not only did he fail to come back from the dead, but he even implicated Gushun Winery in being taken back by the Agricultural Bank of China.

This stimulated those workers, and the workers started to make trouble. In desperation, the county government had no choice but to dismiss Wu Hengdu.

"If you put it that way, Director Wu is also in a hurry. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so desperate." Zhao Shanhe shook his head and sighed.

"But having said that, the Agricultural Bank is really interesting. Under such circumstances, they dared to give Gushun Winery a loan. It's very courageous."

"Who said it wasn't that?"

Du Jingming sighed in disappointment and said, "Anyway, this matter is now too difficult to deal with. If it is not handled properly, the workers in the winery alone will have no way to deal with it."

"County Du, I have a question." Zhao Shanhe asked.

"You said."

"From your point of view, the Gushun winery has been mortgaged to the Agricultural Bank, which means that the Agricultural Bank now has the absolute right to dispose of the winery."

"Then here comes the problem. Since the Agricultural Bank of China has the final say on this matter, you just said that I should contract it, how can I contract it? This matter is not under the control of your county government at all now!" Zhao Shanhe asked puzzled .

"This is not as complicated as you think!"

Du Jingming waved his hand indifferently, and slowly explained the reason after taking a sip of tea.

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