Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 2 The Age of the Crisis

Standing on the street, Zhao Shanhe felt as if he had passed away.

The scene in front of him subverted his cognition, although he also knew that this was what Zhenghe County should look like in 1990.

But he, who was still shuttling among high-rise buildings a second ago, came to a county town full of bungalows and narrow and crowded streets, and he still couldn't adapt quickly.

In the 90s, the streets of Zhenghe County were full of [-]-bar bicycles going back and forth.

Cars can be said to be few and far between.

These days, not everyone is eligible to ride a car. If anyone can own a car, it will definitely be the envy of everyone.

Looking at the occasional cars speeding past, bringing up a cloud of dust, Zhao Shanhe began to think secretly.

What should I do?

You can't say that you want to give Qiuya the happiest life, just talk about it. If you really want to do that, I'm afraid Li Qiuya will not forgive herself, and will hate and loathe her even more.

If Li Qiuya's last bit of love for her was exhausted, their marriage would be completely over.

In fact, Zhao Shanhe didn't mean that he didn't know what to do, but that he knew too much. After all, he was very clear about which industries would be the most profitable in later generations.But he also knows that no matter what he does, he must have start-up capital.

Now that he is poor and white, what's the use of having a head full of advanced knowledge?This trouser pocket is cleaner than the face, and those who want to make a career out of empty teeth are daydreaming and wishful thinking.

In any era, the economic base is the key factor that determines everything.

Zhao Shanhe thought wildly like this, and slowly came to the People's Square in Zhenghe County.

This square is not too far from his home, it takes only half an hour to walk.In his memory, no matter what kind of development the government and the county seat have had later, the People's Square has never changed, and has always maintained its current appearance.

In this era, People's Square is undoubtedly a landmark building and the busiest place in the county. Around this square, there is one of the most prosperous streets: Malu Street.

There are shops on both sides of the road, some selling clothes, some selling cloth, and some selling dried fruits... There are many people here during the day, but it is also very lively at night, with street stalls everywhere.

In addition, there is a movie theater on Malu Street, so it's hard to think whether it's lively or not.

"Hey, make way!"

"The ones in front quickly get out of the way."


Just when Zhao Shanhe was feeling emotional, there was a sudden panic shouting from behind, and before he could react, a [-] bicycle twisted and bumped towards him.


The bicycle hit Zhao Shanhe, he was fine, but the one riding the bicycle fell to the ground, moaning in pain.

This is a little girl about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a big ponytail on her head and a pair of blue pants. She is crushed by the bicycle and struggles with her hands to stand up.

"How are you, are you okay?"

Zhao Shanhe quickly knelt down to help lift the bicycle up, and the little girl also stood up.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry just now, are you not hurt?" The little girl quickly apologized.

"I'm fine, do you want to go to the clinic?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"no, I'm fine!"

The little girl subconsciously touched her slightly red and swollen calf.

"It's okay, there are too many people here, be careful." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to the movies." The little girl went to the car as she said that.

"See a movie?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help looking to the front. There was the only People's Cinema in the entire county, and there was a video hall next to it.

If you want to watch movies and videos, you can only come here.

Unique business.

At this moment, there are several small stalls in front of the cinema, some of them are pushing wheelbarrows, and some are simply setting up stalls on the ground, selling cigarettes, melon seeds, peanuts and the like.

There are several posters pasted on the wooden promotional wall of the movie theater, including "Girls Rangers", "God of Gamblers 1", and "Jiao Yulu". These posters are very colorful, and they are very eye-catching.Among these posters, the most conspicuous one is "If there is love in the sky".

There are several posters of this movie, among which Hua Tsai is riding a motorcycle and wearing a white wedding dress Jojo is the most beautiful.

"A classic indeed!"

Zhao Shanhe recalled this passage with deep emotion.

Compared with the movies of the later generations that are always 3D big productions, he now likes the movies of this era very much.

"Boss, give me two ice creams."

Just as Zhao Shanhe was feeling emotional, the ponytail girl who had fallen before parked her bicycle and came over, stopped in front of a man pushing a bicycle with an insulated box behind her and said.

"Two? Good!"

"Forget it, let's do one, two will melt soon." The girl with ponytail said as she watched the man lift the cover made of a small quilt.

"Okay, hurry up and eat, don't melt."

"Give you money."

The girl with the ponytail walked into the cinema with an ice cream.

This... Zhao Shanhe's eyes suddenly lit up.

Movie theaters don’t have air conditioners in this era, and ice cream tends to melt in summer, so how about a more convenient cold drink that doesn’t melt easily?

He looked around again, and found that the people who came back and forth were holding water bottles, and most of them were cold water. Although they were all drinking water, they didn't seem to quench their thirst at all.

"Now is the hottest time of the year. If we can sell shaved ice here, there must be a market! At that time, people who visit the night market here will eat it, children who run wild will eat it, and couples who watch movies will have a glass of it. Bar?"

"Watching a movie while eating shaved ice feels so much better than holding a popsicle that melts easily!"

Yes, it is shaved ice!

The more Zhao Shanhe thought about it, the more reliable it became.

Now he is not that expensive boss, but a poor boy with a clean pocket and face. If he wants to develop, he must calm down, work steadily, and quickly accumulate the first pot of gold.

And when it comes to shaved ice, Zhao Shanhe is particularly confident.

In his previous life, he had practiced shaved ice hard, and the shaved ice he made was unrivaled, and everyone who tasted it was full of praise.That is to say, his shaved ice is just a hobby, otherwise, if he really manages it as a job, he can do it well.

"Although it is a bit hard, it doesn't matter, as long as it can make money. And the materials needed for shaving ice are not too complicated. As long as there are ice cubes, the ingredients and grinding tools can be dried."

"It's okay to talk about the ingredients, but where did you get this ice cube?"

"Ice, let me think about it!"

"Have it!"

After Zhao Shanhe thought about it, he thought of a person, as long as he was found, he believed that there would be no problem with ice cubes.If this problem is solved, only the grinding tools are left.

"Hopefully I can find the kind of grinder I'm looking for."

After sorting out all these, Zhao Shanhe started wandering along the night market.He is a rigorous person, since he wants to make shaved ice, he must investigate the market carefully.

Furthermore, although he said he was from Zhenghe County, after all, he hadn't been back much since he left that year. After all these years, he has long forgotten what it was like here.Take advantage of the present and quickly familiarize yourself with the terrain.

These are the basic homework before starting a business.

After wandering back and forth like this for an hour and a half, Zhao Shanhe had already figured it out, and seeing that the sky was getting dark, he got up and walked home.

When he got home, Li Qiuya had already prepared the meal.

Two bowls of millet porridge, a plate of vinegared potato shreds, a plate of fried peanuts, and a plate of pickled vegetables.

This is dinner for two.

When he saw that the dishes on the table didn't have any meaty taste, Zhao Shanhe subconsciously asked, "Did you not buy any meat today?"

"What kind of meat do you buy? What kind of meat do you buy? It's good to eat some. If you like it, you don't want to eat it." Li Qiuya said angrily, picked up the chopsticks and started eating, but the more you ate the food, the more tasteless it became.

After Zhao Shanhe saw Li Qiuya's appearance, he quickly picked up the bowl and started eating.

After eating three times, five times and two times, Zhao Shanhe got up and put away the bowls and chopsticks. After the bowls and chopsticks were cleaned, he took a small bench and sat in the living room. Looking at Li Qiuya who picked up the clothes, he opened his mouth and said Say a word.

It was these words that made Li Qiuya frown.

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