Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 285 Are you still stubborn?

Hetu Manufacturing Conference Room.

After Zhao Shanhe gathered everyone together, he scanned the audience, raised a new type of water pump with a smile, and said slowly, "I believe you all already know what this is."

"Now let me introduce again solemnly. This is the latest product researched by senior engineers in our laboratory. It is a new type of water pump. I named it Whale Tun."

Having said that, the audience was silent.

Everyone sat upright and watched.

After Zhao Shanhe captured the changes in everyone's expressions, he continued to smile and said: "The Whale Tun pump will become the next flagship product manufactured by Hetu."

"If anyone of you has an opinion on this, you can say it now."

Li Xiangyang remained silent.

Gao Shaoyuan remained silent.

Yang E bowed her head and remained silent.

They were all the ones who persuaded Zhao Shanhe. Since Zhao Shanhe's attitude at that time was resolute and decisive, it meant that no matter what they said, it was useless.

That being the case, it is impossible for them to openly question again in front of the big guys.

That would mean provoking Zhao Shanhe's authority, which they would never do.

A suggestion is a suggestion, and an objection is an objection. They can clearly understand this.

And if the three of them didn't open their mouths, the rest of them wouldn't stand up to object.

After all, in the final analysis, although those people are high-level people, they cannot be compared with Li Xiangyang and the others.

"Is there any opinion? I can't see it."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly after seeing this situation.

"Kong Jie, tell me."

"I have no opinion."

After Kong Jie was named, he immediately raised his head and said, "I think any decision made by the factory manager is wise."

"Since Hetu Manufacturing is planning to produce Whale Pumps, there will definitely be a market for them in the future."



Kong Jie was flattering.

He might not have done it before.

But later, because of Xiao Mingyu's matter, he was a little timid or even afraid, and he didn't dare to confront Zhao Shanhe again.

Anyway, the factory is yours, and any decision you make, I just need to implement it unconditionally.

When Zhao Shanhe heard this, he smiled noncommittally.

"Cai Qian, what's your opinion?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Cai Qian again.


Unexpectedly, Zhao Shanhe would find him, but Cai Qian quickly made up his mind after being slightly stunned, and said calmly: "I don't have any opinions, I think the factory manager can make up his mind on this matter."

"In that case, let's make a decision."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience and made a decision on the spot when he saw that there was no objection.

"I object."

Who would have thought that just as soon as his voice fell to the ground, a deep voice suddenly sounded at the door of the conference room.

I object?

Who dared to object in front of so many people at this moment after eating the bear's heart and leopard?

Everyone looked over in unison, and when they saw clearly who was coming, they all showed expressions of astonishment.

Some of the people sitting here know this person, and some don't.

What I don't know is to wonder who this person is, and how dare he openly oppose it like this.

The people I knew subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief after being surprised. I believe that this person will be able to persuade Zhao Shanhe to live.

After all, this is also Gao Shaoyuan's mentor and the greatest contributor to the establishment of the Hetu Manufacturing Laboratory. He is Professor Zhai Shouzheng of Dongzhou University of Technology.


After seeing Zhai Shouzheng's appearance, Gao Shaoyuan hurriedly stood up and walked over to greet him.

Zhao Shanhe also walked over from the main seat, and said with a smile on his face, "Professor Zhai, why are you here?"

"Director Zhao, please forgive my recklessness just now."

"I just happened to hear you say this, and I said that out of a sudden, so don't take offense." Zhai Shouzheng said earnestly.

"Look at what you said, how can I say I'm sorry."

"As long as it is your opinion, I will seriously consider it."

"Professor Zhai, come on, sit down and talk if you have anything to say." Zhao Shanhe gave Zhai Shouzheng a seat with a smile.

"Just sit down, let's go to your office." Zhai Shouzheng said after scanning around.


Zhao Shanhe nodded understandingly.

"Then Deputy Factory Manager Li, you are here to study the production of the Whale Pump. I will accompany Professor Zhai to the office to talk for a while, and I will come out later, and we will continue the meeting."

"Okay!" Li Xiangyang nodded and replied.

"Professor Zhai, this way please." Zhao Shanhe said respectfully.

"it is good."

in the office.

After Zhao Shanhe personally brought Zhai Shouzheng a cup of tea, he sat down opposite him and asked with a smile, "Professor Zhai, why did you come here suddenly?"

"You should have said in advance before you came, so that I can send someone to pick you up."

"I also made a temporary decision to come."

After receiving the teacup, Zhai Shouzheng said, "I only heard that you were going to start the horse water pump project when I was on the phone with Shaoyuan and the others. After hearing about this, I hurried over here."

"I think it is very necessary to remind you that this project is risky. I don't want you to ruin a good river map."


Zhao Shanhe smiled secretly, and said calmly: "Professor Zhai, tell me, I'm all ears."

"Director Zhao, Hetu Manufacturing has acquired Jiuquan Hardware, and you are planning to do a big job. I support and understand this."

"After all, as far as the current scale of Hetu Manufacturing is concerned, it is still a bit petty. If you eat Jiuquan Hardware, it will be considered a small scale."

"If you want to do something and produce some products, you will have some confidence."

"But you really shouldn't be choosing a water pump as your main product."

Speaking of this, Zhai Shouzheng paused for a while, looked at Zhao Shanhe whose expression remained unchanged, and said:

"If you say that you use the water pump as an accessory product, I'm sure I won't have any objections, let alone stop you."

"Because the subsidiary products will not affect the overall situation, even if it fails, it will not hurt the bones."

"But if you really talk about the main feature, it means that you will devote all your energy to Hetu Manufacturing. If something happens to this, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"According to my judgment, there is no big market for water pumps."

"The reason why I say this is because I have done a project before, which is aimed at the water pumps in our eastern province."

"When I was working on this project, there was such a set of data among the materials I collected."

"The data shows that all enterprises or households that use water pumps in Eastern Province are already in a saturated state."

"You said how can you seek new markets in a saturated situation?"


Zhai Shouzheng looked at Zhao Shanhe, eloquently listing the reasons for his opposition.

And hearing these reasons, Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly.

Because he knew that what Zhai Shouzheng said was right, and these data were the most authentic and objective. If he hadn't said that he knew about it, he would have listened to Zhai Shouzheng's words and given up the production of water pumps.

But the problem is, the event in my memory will happen soon.

And now if I say that I don't want to hurry up and mass-produce whale pumps, I may not be able to catch up.

But this matter, this reason, he couldn't say it out.

"Now tell me, are you still stubborn?"

After Zhai Shouzheng finished speaking, he asked with a serious expression.


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