Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 286 Who is the right person to sit in this seat?

"Yeah, I'm still sticking to my guns."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Hetu Manufacturing will continue to produce Whale Pumps."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Zhai Shouzheng looked at Zhao Shanhe sullenly.

After a while, he shook his head in disappointment, sighed and said, "Director Zhao, I always thought you were a businessman with great vision."

"I didn't expect you to be so stubborn. You really disappointed me."

"Forget it, since you insist on doing this, I won't say much else, just pretend that I haven't been here before."

After Zhai Shouzheng finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave with a livid face.

"Professor Zhai, please stop, don't you want to hear my reason?"

"Your reason? Well, you tell me and I will listen."

"I'd like to see what reasons you can come up with to convince me." Zhai Shouzheng said coldly.

"Professor Zhai, sit down, I'll tell you right away."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said, "Professor Zhai, what you just said is actually correct."

"But if I say that I don't want the Eastern Province market at all, will you change your mind?"


Zhai Shouzheng was stunned.

"Actually, that's what happened..."

meeting room.

While Zhao Shanhe was talking with Zhai Shouzheng, there was a lot of discussion here, and what the big guys were talking about was all about swallowing the water pump.

And Han Chunni from the publicity department looked at Kong Jie and suddenly said, "Chief Kong, wasn't your statement a little too hasty?"

"Sloppy? Chief Han, what do you mean?" Kong Jie asked puzzled.

"Does that mean you really think that?"

"You clearly know that there is no market for Whale Swallow pumps, why don't you stand up and say what you really think, and insist on flattering Director Zhao like that?" Han Chunni said in a cold voice without politeness.

"Me? Kissing?"

When Kong Jie heard this, he sneered and raised the corners of his lips mockingly.

"Section Chief Han, it would be meaningless if you said that."

"What does it mean that I'm flattering? If I'm flattering, what does Section Chief Cai mean? Is it also flattering?"

"Also, you asked me why I made such a statement, and I just wanted to ask, if you have an opinion, why didn't you say it yourself?"

"You don't even mean to object to Director Zhao, why should I object?"

"What's more, I never thought of objecting at all. I think what Director Zhao said is correct. There must be a market for Whale Tun pumps."

"Chief Cai, do you think I'm right?"

Kong Jie directly misfortune.

Cai Qian, who was asked in this way, said calmly: "Chief Kong, your attitude is your attitude, and my attitude is mine. I hope you don't confuse them."



Seeing that the scene in the meeting room was about to get out of control, Li Xiangyang interrupted with a stern face, and said in a cold tone: "The matter of swallowing the water pump is decided by Director Zhao."

"Since he said that our Hetu Manufacturing is for production, then there is no doubt about it."

"No matter what opinion you have, leave it to me!"

"Now, let's discuss how to start production."


Two 10 minutes later.

When Zhai Shouzheng came out of the office, some worries on his face disappeared, and he said to Zhao Shanhe: "Director Zhao, please stay."

"Professor Zhai, then I won't send you off. Gao Gong, you can send off Professor Zhai." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"it is good!"

Gao Shaoyuan was a little surprised watching this scene, what exactly did the two of them say, and why the teacher's attitude suddenly changed so drastically.

Teacher, you won't be persuaded by Zhao Shanhe like this, right?

In front of the office building.

"Teacher, what did Director Zhao tell you? Have you changed your mind?" Gao Shaoyuan asked curiously.

"Shaoyuan, from today onwards, you should do your scientific research honestly."

"As for things like product promotion, don't get involved." Zhai Shouzheng said with emotion.


"I know what you want to ask, but I can't say it." Gao Shaoyuan wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Zhai Shouzheng.

"All I can say is that you have to trust your director Zhao. He is really a visionary entrepreneur. Following him will be good for your development."

"Maybe all of your younger brothers and sisters will come to join you in the future."

"That's it. I'm going to Handong City, so don't send it off."

Zhai Shouzheng left after speaking.

Watching Zhai Shouzheng's back disappear from his eyes, Gao Shaoyuan was at a loss.

"Director Zhao, what ecstasy soup are you giving the teacher?"

Zhai Shouzheng, who walked out of Hetu, looked up to the sky and heaved a sigh of relief. He turned around and looked at the signboard of Hetu, with a heartfelt smile on the corner of his mouth.

You must know that he will come here to dissuade him, it is true that Gao Shaoyuan invited him, but he himself also wants to come.

The reason is very simple, that is, Zhai Shouzheng has a good impression of Zhao Shanhe, and he doesn't want to watch Zhao Shanhe destroy the foundation he has worked so hard for.

Before he came here, he was really disappointed with Zhao Shanhe. He never thought that such a shrewd person as Zhao Shanhe would make such a stupid decision.

But now it seems that who is stupid?

"You guys are not as good as Zhao Shanhe."

Zhai Shouzheng left shaking his head.

Zhao Shanhe, who returned to the meeting room, glanced at the audience and said with a smile: "As for the whale swallowing the water pump, just do as I said just now."

"In the past two days, you should come up with a charter as soon as possible, what kind of production line you need to use, and whether the production line at Jiuquan Manufacturing can be used directly, you must confirm it as soon as possible."

"It's the beginning of May now, try to start trial production around May 15th, and NO.[-] will be fully put into production."

"Do you hear clearly?" Zhao Shanhe shouted loudly.

"Listen clearly."

Everyone answered in unison.


And with the end of this meeting, Hetu Manufacturing also unified their thinking.

No matter what they thought before, from now on, they must unconditionally carry out Zhao Shanhe's orders and carry out his will.

This is beyond doubt.

Zhao Shanhe was also very relieved to leave this matter to Yang E and the others.

Two days later, he called Li Xiangyang and set off for Nanjue County. He was going to visit the new factory.

After all, from the beginning of construction to the present, the number of times Zhao Shanhe has come can be counted on the fingers.

As the director of the factory, he couldn't say he didn't show up all the time, could he?He has to go to his territory to inspect and inspect.

"Factory Manager, the Nanjue branch of Shanqiu Foods is currently in normal condition."

"We have already set up the team, and the rest will come naturally, and every worker will do it step by step." Li Xiangyang said with a smile.

"There is just one thing that needs to be decided by you."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"That is the candidate for the director of the Nanjue branch. This position cannot always be said to be vacant."

"I am in charge of the work here now, but this is not a long-term solution after all." Li Xiangyang said.

"Is there a candidate for the branch manager?"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly, this is indeed a problem.

Who is suitable for this seat?

Just as he was thinking about it, the big brother suddenly rang.

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