"The thing I want to tell you is, can you not mass-produce a new type of water pump."

Li Xiangyang said with firm eyes without squinting.

After saying this, his whole person seemed to relax a lot.

He rarely objected to Zhao Shanhe, but this time he felt that he had to speak out to remind him.

No way, he saw the pile of water pumps in Jiuquan Manufacturing warehouse with his own eyes, and he didn't want Zhao Shanhe to make the same mistakes.

You can produce any other product, but this water pump, no!

"Do you also think I shouldn't make water pumps?"

Zhao Shanhe slowly put down his chopsticks and looked over with a smile.


Now that Li Xiangyang has expressed his position, it is impossible to back down. He said calmly: "I think your decision this time is a bit hasty."

"Although I also know that it is wrong to raise opinions like this, but I can't just watch you jump into the fire pit like this."

"Shanhe, you are clear that it is very rare for us to be in the current situation."

"Think about this time last year, you were nothing, nothing."

"Later, you started to sell shaved ice slowly and step by step to the present. It is no exaggeration to say that the current Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing are all sold by you in the past cups of shaved ice."

"Are you saying that you still want to go back to the pre-liberation overnight and set up a street stall to sell shaved ice again?"

"Xiangyang, do you really think there is no market for new water pumps?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Yes, that's what I think." Li Xiangyang said in a deep voice.

"Then what would you think if I told you that your idea is wrong, that the new type of water pump will not only have a market, but also a large market?" Zhao Shanhe said slowly with the corners of his lips curled up.

"Big market?"

A haze appeared between Li Xiangyang's brows.

"Are you sure? Why do I feel like this is a joke at all."

"You should know that I asked Yang E about this matter. Based on her knowledge of the water pump industry for many years, she said that the water pump cannot be sold at all."

"Under such circumstances, you make me believe what you say, how can I believe it?"

Li Xiangyang also got into the horns.

"Xiangyang, I know you are doing it for my own good."

"But this time, I hope you will trust me and support me like before."

"It's like we're fighting back against Honest Foods, and I need you by my side."

"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you. I assure you that this new water pump will be available in the market soon." Zhao Shanhe patted Li Xiangyang on the shoulder and said solemnly.

"How fast is soon?" Li Xiangyang frowned and asked.

"One month!"

Zhao Shanhe raised his arm and raised a finger.

"I will prove that I am right within a month. During this time, I want you to support any decision I make, and I want you to convince everyone who has an opinion."

"If anyone has to go against my decision, then let them go!"

Zhao Shanhe is powerful and Ling Ran.

What he said is not at all that I hope you can support me, but is directly an order, which Li Xiangyang must obey.

As for those who are disobedient and do not support them, they will be expelled on the spot.

"Shanhe, don't worry, I just think this matter is unreliable, and I'm worried that you're just getting hotheaded, so I just want to persuade you."

"I don't mean anything else, just this matter, if you really decide to do it, I promise I won't hold you back, and I will support you unconditionally."

"Because I also want to see how you will create a miracle this time." Li Xiangyang said in a concentrated voice.

"Okay, I feel relieved with your words." Zhao Shanhe nodded with a smile.

In the production of Shanqiu Food and Hetu, the only person who can really influence Zhao Shanhe's decision-making is Li Xiangyang.

But now that Li Xiangyang was persuaded, no one could stop Zhao Shanhe.

He will fully promote the mass production of new water pumps.

"Shanhe, what's your name for our new water pump?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"Whale swallow!"

Zhao Shanhe said decisively without thinking.

"Whale Tun? Good name, this name is bold!"

"Hai accepts all things and swallows the world. Okay, then our new water pump is called Whale Swallow!" Li Xiangyang said with a smile.

After lunch, Li Xiangyang went to work on his own affairs.

As the deputy director of Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing, he had to deal with a lot of things when he was the shopkeeper of Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe returned to the office to continue writing his proposal.

At the same time, the news that he was going to mass-produce a new type of water pump also spread like wildfire. Everyone in Hetu Manufacturing knew about it, and soon the news spread to Shanqiu Food, followed by Jiuquan Manufacturing.

"What? Production of water pumps? Isn't it? Isn't this a brain problem?"

"If you don't produce good non-ferrous metal solder and don't expand the scale, why do you have to produce water pumps?"

"What about the new water pump, isn't it still a water pump?"

"Speaking of pumps, we still have plenty in storage."

"No one wants so much inventory, and I guess they can only sell scrap iron in the end."

"There are so many scrap irons here, so Director Zhao can't see it?"

"I think Director Zhao is inflated. He feels that he is invincible and dares to touch anything."

"On this matter, someone needs to remind Director Zhao to let him know that the water pump is a pit. Don't jump into it! Whoever jumps will regret it!"


Whether it is the company's management or the grassroots workers, after knowing about the water pump, no one is optimistic and supportive at all.

For them, making such a decision is simply a joke about the future and fate of the factory.

And nine times out of ten, the joke will fail and they will be displaced again.

This matter immediately became a major event in the factory.

There are different opinions and discussions.

into the night.

Li Qiuya, who was lying on the bed, looked at Zhao Shanhe who was flipping through a book, and suddenly said, "Shanhe, have you heard the discussions in the factory?"

"What discussion?" Zhao Shanhe asked casually as he turned the pages of the book without raising his head.

"It is against the mass production of new water pumps."

Li Qiuya sat up slowly, leaning her back against the head of the bed, and said with a worried expression: "I was at Shanqiu Foods today, and I heard them talking about this."

"They all said that you shouldn't mass-produce new water pumps, that the water pump is a pit, and whoever jumps into it will be unlucky."

"Shanhe, although I can't tell whether they are right or not, I think you should treat this matter with caution."


Zhao Shanhe closed the book at once, and looked over with a gentle smile.

"Qiuya, don't worry about what they say, just tell me about yourself, what do you think?"

"Do you also think I shouldn't mass-produce the new water pump? Are you against this too?"


Li Qiuya swallowed her words, but her expression already showed her attitude.

"Shanhe, I don't want to put pressure on you, you should make up your own mind about this matter."

"Whatever your decision is, I will support you."

"Big deal, we still sell shaved ice like before."

"I think those days were very happy, I like it very much." Li Qiuya bit her lip slightly and said softly.


Zhao Shanhe hugged Li Qiuya in his arms and said softly: "Don't worry, that kind of thing won't happen."

"Let's go to sleep, tomorrow I will have a meeting to unify my thoughts on this matter."

"Okay, as long as you know what's in your mind."

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe did not expect that at the meeting the next day, something would happen that caught him off guard.

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