Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 279 Society Is Realistic, People Can Change

"Yang E, here!"

At a corner of the Moulin Rouge hall, Dong Li, who saw Yang E's appearance, waved her hands vigorously, and walked forward to greet her with a smile on her face.

But when she saw that Yang E walked in side by side with Zhao Shanhe, an unnatural look flashed across her face, and a disgusted light appeared in her eyes.

Although she quickly suppressed this disgust, Zhao Shanhe was keenly aware of it.

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

Zhao Shanhe murmured to himself, and began to try to recall, wondering if he had any unpleasant experiences with her when he was in school.

"Dong Li, long time no see."

Yang E stepped forward to hold hands with Dong Li and laughed.

"Hehe, isn't this a great talent in our class?"

"Zhao Shanhe, aren't you married to Li Qiuya? Why are you with Yang E now?"

"Honestly, what's going on here?"

When Zhao Shanhe walked to the dining table, several students looked at him with playful eyes and joked with each other.

"Hey, what are you thinking? I just ran into Yang E at the door." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said casually.

"Okay, stop standing, sit down and talk."

Zhao Shanhe sat down in response.

As he took his seat, Yang E, who was originally pulled by Dong Li to sit next to her, walked over directly and sat down next to Zhao Shanhe.

The moment she sat down, the lively dining table just now fell silent.

Everyone looked over with a kind of puzzlement in their eyes. Could it be that these two people really have something to do with each other?

Dong Li's expression was even more displeased.

"What about Ren Qian? Isn't it his team tonight? Why hasn't he come yet?" Zhao Shanhe asked after scanning everyone present.

"Qianzhong is very busy, so it's normal to come a little later."

"He doesn't look like some idler who spends all day idle with nothing to do." Hearing Zhao Shanhe's question, Dong Li said with a bit of yin and yang.

Zhao Shanhe was at a loss.

Did I provoke you?

Yang E's complexion also darkened a bit, and she looked at Dong Li with a puzzled expression.

"Dong Li, don't talk about others, your old Shao?"

The people next to him sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and quickly started making jokes.

"He went to pick up the front weight, didn't he? Here they come!"

Looking in the direction of Dong Li's finger, Zhao Shanhe saw Ren Qianzhong approaching with strides, and Shao Zhigang who followed him with a smile on his face.

I haven't seen him in these years, but Shao Zhigang has become fatter.

He used to be quite thin, but now he has gained almost two laps of weight.

With a height of 1.6 meters, it is less than two hundred catties by visual inspection.

"Brothers, I'm really sorry."

"Because it was a temporary reservation, so the boxes here at the Moulin Rouge are full, so we couldn't make a reservation."

"I can only feel wronged that my brothers are eating in the hall, I'm sorry!"

As soon as Ren Qianzhong walked over, he smiled and apologized.

"Qianzhong, look at what you said, it's out of the question."

"We also know that the Moulin Rouge is the most popular hotel in our Handong City. Let alone a temporary reservation, even if you book a few days in advance, you may not be able to book a box."

"It's enough for you to book such a large dining table."

"Come on, sit down quickly, you see who is coming?"

Dong Li pointed at Yang E as she spoke.

"I remember when we were in school, you liked Yang E the most. I even handed you a love letter."

"Heck, sit next to Yang E!"

Dong Li smiled and stood up and pulled away the chair beside Yang E.

"Hey, that's all in the past."

Ren Qianzhong waved his hand casually and sat down on that chair naturally without saying anything.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help raising his eyebrows, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

After Dong Li and Shao Zhigang also sat down, Ren Qianzhong smiled at Yang E beside him and said, "Yang E, we haven't seen each other for a long time. How are you doing?"

"It's okay, that's it." Yang E said flatly.

"Mr. Ren, let's order first, and chat while eating." Shao Zhigang looked at Ren Qianzhong with a smile, and said respectfully.

"Yes, chat while eating."

Ren Qianzhong enjoyed the title Mr. Ren very much, raised his hand and said to the waiter, "Just the dishes I ordered before, let's serve them quickly."

"Also, help me open these two bottles of red wine."


As the food and wine were served, everyone began to chat enthusiastically.

After all, we haven't seen each other for several years, so we have to have a good chat when we see each other.

In such a warm atmosphere, Ren Qianzhong didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and always ignored Zhao Shanhe.

His main target was Yang E, and he kept courting her.

On the contrary, Yang E showed an indifferent attitude when facing such an enthusiastic Ren Qianzhong.

The more enthusiastic he was, the colder she became.

That's not counting, she still picks up vegetables for Zhao Shanhe from time to time, and talks to him with a smile.

Seeing this, Ren Qianzhong had a gloomy cold light in his eyes.

And what about Zhao Shanhe?

How shrewd he was, he could tell at a glance that Ren Qianzhong was interested in Yang E.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to keep flirting like a male wolf in heat.

Moreover, the rest of the students sitting on the whole table respected Ren Qianzhong very much.

He could tell from their expressions that they were very cautious when talking to Ren Qianzhong, and there was a flattering meaning in every line.

Especially Shao Zhigang and Dong Li were the most obvious.

They were so close to flattering Ren Qian directly.

As for such things, Zhao Shanhe was indifferent.

As a human being in two lifetimes, he has long been immune to such a classmate association. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't refuse, he really didn't want to come.

How many of the so-called classmate associations can keep their original intentions?

But in fact, it's normal to think about it. Everyone is mixed in society.

After being infiltrated by the big dye vat of society, it is almost impossible for them to talk and laugh without any scruples like before.

Society is realistic and people change.

"Zhao Shanhe, what are you doing now?"

Just when Zhao Shanhe was buried in cooking, suddenly a voice sounded, he looked up, it was Dong Li who was looking over, asking provocatively.

This should be the first time Dong Li took the initiative to talk to him after seeing her today.

It was just the first time he spoke, his tone was so cold.

Where did I offend you?

I thought about it for a long time just now, but I didn't think about it. Could it be that I really bullied you when I was in school, but I forgot?

"I didn't do anything, I just dumped some food and drink." Zhao Shanhe said casually.

"Eat and drink?"

Yang E chuckled when she heard this.

And Dong Li, who saw her smiling like this, looked at Zhao Shanhe again, her expression became more and more disgusted, and the words she said were even more smug, Zhao Shanhe's face couldn't help but change slightly.

Even Yang E frowned slightly.

Instead, after Ren Qianzhong heard this, a casual smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he slowly turned the wine glass in front of him with his fingers.

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